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11 of the 24 stars earned


Roleplaying < Virtual Popstar
Dreamcatchers with Rockiired
Youtube star

We know the plot, you'll find out.

Experiment one:

Subject 1:
Name: Rocky McMasters
ID:  1
Gender: Female
Age: 20

Subject 2:
Name: Rowan Sanders
ID: 2
Gender: Male
Age: 22

National star

Subject 3:
Name: Tezza Moon
ID: 3
Gender: Female
Age: 21

Subject 4:
Name: Evan Groudon
ID: 4
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Youtube star

I just can't believe it! Mom just sold me out to a group of experimenters? Does she even know what they do? Probably not. Yeah okay, we are broke, we need the money and the experimenters told us the reward would be worth it, but would it though? I sighed as I didn't know how to fight this. I could only go with it now. I gritted my teeth as I stepped into the passengers' seat of the car. The ride there was long and silent, and don't get me wrong, it's better that way. I don't think I could have said anything useful. When we finally arrived the building looked huge. There must be other corporations in the building, other experiments even. All I knew was to go to zone A, level 3. 
The building was a complete maze, after a few hallways I already couldn't remember which ones I just took. It would not be easy to get out of here. After what felt like an hour I found zone A and reached level 3. That's when I found a line of people not much older than me waiting in front of a desk.

I stepped out of the car with my sister next to me. I almost can't remember when I signed up for this experiment. The building looked big enough to house a whole army. I looked at my sister and she shrugged her shoulders. With a sigh we walked inside and the place looked like a maze. It took ages to find where we had to be. Somehow we ended up to be there first. There was a white desk.
"Name." the woman behind the desk asked without looking up at me. I raised an eyebrow and said my name. "Food and allergy questionnaire." she said now with a plane voice and I handed her my filled in questionnaire. She didn't look at it but just put a stamp on it and laid it next to her. She handed me a card attached to a cord. "Put it around your neck, it's your identification card." she said and I did as she asked. I went aside to let my sister follow behind me. As I looked on the identification card I noticed the ID number being 2, but I was here first! I opted not to ask any questions about it. Not that much later a row started to form. 

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