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Lyncait (world famous) Is now friends with Crimson (streetmusician).
JlNX (popstar) Is now friends with Mixmixmix (youtube star).
DobbyTheDestroyer (streetmusician) Is now friends with Lokahh (streetmusician).
Spice (youtube star) Is now friends with Sheepypie (streetmusician).
Crimson (streetmusician) Is now friends with Pitbull (popstar).
Damjal (world famous) Is now friends with Heartbroken (minister of pop).
Lokahh (streetmusician) Is now friends with Ortanique (streetmusician).
Helia (queen of pop) Is now friends with Sheepypie (streetmusician).
Bee (world famous) Is now friends with Sheepypie (streetmusician).
Godis (minister of pop) Is now friends with ICantWhistle (international star).
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Lovelin: I love Virtual Popstar! It's such a fun community where everyone is so friendly, and we are like one big virtual family!
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