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Gendered clothes001-10-2016 14:55
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One week: Am I a mom yet?029-07-2016 12:36

 ReportGendered clothes
So I was having this discussion on facebook, about how its stupid that there is such a concept as "boys clothes" and "girls clothes", and that my friend in general wished for more gender neutral clothes, as she was sick and tired that just because she was looking for sports clothes for women, most things had to be pink.
Although I agree with that statement, and bumped into the same problem while looking for baby stuff, I think its a pointless argument.

There will always be gendered clothes, and there is nothing that will ever change that. However, its always up to you as a costumer, to decide if you actually want to follow that idea or not. Don't blame the stores for selling pink and glitter for girls, and 'raw' masculine themed things for men. It's supply and demand.

We are social animals, its in our nature to want to belong to one or more groups that we can relate to. The most basic group for most people to want to belong to, is their gender. The majority of all people is comfortable with their gender, and a lot of those like to underline their gender by dressing feminine or masculine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. This, of course, creates an idea that there is such a thing as feminine or masculine ways of dressing. That, however, is often an invention of the population (rarely the store actually, they only sell whatever people buy).
If you look through the history of fashion, the idea of what is 'feminine' and what is 'masculine' ways to dress have changed a lot over the years. Pink used to be boys colors, and blue for girls. In the 1700 something men also wore makeup and high heels. What we define as either masculine or feminine clothes is entirely our own invention.  And its a definition that constantly changes, just like pants only used to be for men.

The stores however, only sell what people buy. And because the majority of all people like to dress in clothes that confirms their gender, in clothes we currently consider to be feminine or masculine, thats what the stores choose to sell, and its marketed at their biggest audience, because guess what - thats how you earn money. You don''t earn a lot by aiming for a very little minority that prefer gender neutral things, so they don't.
It doesn't mean they don't acknowledge the fact that some people don't care for the current ideas of what is feminine and what is masculine and that women has to be feminine and men masculine, because fact is, no one is giving you a ticket or throwing you in jail for buying clothes marketed for a gender other than your own.

For the stores its a matter of reaching the broader audience. Thats how you make money. You don't make money from pleasing the minority and being political correct tumblr style.
It is however completely up to you as a costumer what you choose to define as feminine or masculine, and what of those you like to dress as.

The moral of the story is, you yourself support the idea of clothes being gendered by the mere fact of complaining that there even is such a concept.
Just buy whatever the fuck you like to wear and ignore the current definition of feminine/masculine clothing, because odds are that definition has changed in 30 years time anyway. There will always be gendered clothes, but the definition of what that means, will most likely always change.
But don't blame the stores for trying to define it either. They just want to make money and get some bread on the table. Like everyone else in this world.

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