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 ReportLittle Stories - PLOT
DISCLAIMER: English is not my first language so I am sorry for any mistakes I may make. 

· Remember to read everything ·


Here is the very first segment of LITTLE STORIES, 
This segment and these exercises are all about the plot in a story - How do you build it? What's the conflict? And much much more.

In this exercise you will choose between some prompts and then make a story depending on which you choose.
NOTICE: Do not spend more than the time stated in the above picture
You will all have until the poll ends, which is January 10th.
If you have any questions, feel free to message me or write it down in the comment section.


1:     Write a brief story: Father and his young son are in the supermarket. Son is out of his father's sight. What happens?

   2:    Write a brief story: A woman is on a train. The trainslows down at a station when another train passes. In that train is a man. The woman and the man look at each other for one long second. What happens next?

 3:      Write a brief story about a situation that youremember from your own life. (A birthday party gone wrong, for example.)

4:      Write a plot summary based on one of the followingheadlines or write your own: Women and Guns, Son Kills Father in Jealous Rage, Single Mom Wins 22 Million Dollars, Prince of Wales Kidnapped, Why was Our Tiny Baby Not Allowed Her Chance of Life? Took the Money and Ran.

5:     Write a plot summary for a movie whose title is: Last Chance. The movie poster shows a picture of a gigantic ark with twenty people and about 200 animals in it. The people are all politicians.

6:      Write a plot summary about a hero who is struggling tosave people during a natural disaster. (What kind of disaster is it? How big is it? Whose fault is it? Where is it? Is it going to end well or not?)


I chose exercise number 2, for myself and here is my interpretation of it. 

She was sitting next to the window. The weather was delightful and itwarmed her heart. She was excited. When she noticed, the train slowing down, she looked outside at another train. This one, blue and red as the one she was in, but the colors were switched. She continued on looking at the other train, only then noticing a man in it. He was sitting opposite of her and looking at her. She blushed and looked away, but felt intrigued by the man so she looked up and made eye contact. She noticed his curly brown hair with a fedora perched on top. But the thing she noticed the most, was his sparkling blue eyes. He smiled in such a charming and sweet way and she doubted how it was even possible to look so devilishly handsome and yet, so sweet. In this moment, she felt the time pause and she could only look at this handsome man she didn’t even know the name of. She doubted she would ever meet him again. They kept eye contact, even when the train started moving again. She felt her stomach drop, suddenly it felt cold because this handsome man without a name, was gone and she wasn’t going to see him again. She looked down at her hands and didn’t look up, even though there were a lot of other people going into the train. A person chose to sit in front of her, but her eyes never moved from her hands. Not until, she felt careful fingers under her chin, beginning to push upwards. She lifted her eyes and yet again she looked directly into the piercing blue eyes.



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Aquilera wrote on 31-12 01:06:
Aquilera wrote:
I LOVE the entries so far
and don't worry about typos or errors, no one is the gramma police, and no one will be rude about such errors. I promise u all that.
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KotaCipher wrote on 31-12 01:02:
KotaCipher wrote:
Exercise 2:

The train was quiet as it sped down the tracks, filled with only the sounds of metal against metal and a few people whispering among each other. A woman sat near the back, eyes focused on the window, the pane of glass that she used as a temporary gateway to the passing world. The train entered into a tunnel, and the visions of the city passing disappeared as the stone wall, littered in graffiti and cracks, engulfed her sight. She let out a sigh, almost in time with the screeching of the train brakes. It was slowing down, arriving at one of the many subway-style stations.
As the station came into view, the woman almost turned her head away from the window. This was not her stop. Yet she kept her dark eyes on the glass screen, staring almost blankly out at the station. She only wished that she could be off the train, returning to her dead-end job. The sooner she got there, the better. She didn't have time for delayed stops along the way.
Another train slid on the tracks on the other side of the station. It would be heading North. She would be heading South. It was opposite in that way, but it was painted the same dull color, had the same amount of seats and doors, and held no other contrasting differences. It was simply North and South. 
In an uneventful moment, the women felt the burn of eyes on her, and her own brown eyes turned slightly to see a man, sitting in one of the old chairs, in the old train that was headed towards the North. He held the gaze, and despite the distance she could sense a sparkle in his bright eyes, one of adventure. 
Suddenly, the two trains were given another contrast. The man, with bright green eyes and pale hair, going towards the North. The woman, with tired brown eyes and black hair, going towards the South. They were the contrast.
The woman felt like she was burning up, yet still, the two held the gaze for that long moment. The man smiled at her, and she no longer wished to be in the train towards the South. This man held the desire of adventure and hope in his train, and she held a worn-out ache and aging unhappiness. 
The woman realized the trains were no longer moving, and ripped her gaze away from the man. If she was correct, she only had a few moments to act. A few moments to leave the ache and join the adventure.
Standing up briskly, she grabbed her bag and stumbled her way off the train, through the people, and to the other side of the station. She was aware of the time ticking away, and the man's gaze still burned on her, now prickling at the side of her head. She stepped up the stairs, the door closing almost immediately behind her. 
She was no longer heading South.
Making her way down the train aisle as it started up again, the woman found the man once again, but now with more than her eyes. His eyes were still sparkling, and he felt inviting. The woman sat down in the empty seat next to him, feeling a burden leaving her shoulders.
"And might I ask why a fine lady such as yourself ran across a station to sit next to me?" The man asked, his voice clear in the air, a slight accent and a smile on his tongue.
"I saw the adventure in your eyes," she responded slowly. "I wanted an adventure."
She was no longer heading South, alone.
The woman was heading North, with the contrast of a man right next to her.
"Well then, you've come to the right place."

(whoa this took exactly 30 minutes and I feel like I'm about to hate myself for not checking for errors)
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Gothgirl wrote on 31-12 00:44:
Gothgirl wrote:
They pass each other, the rumble of the train echoing briefly against her eardrums. She think she might recognize him, but there were something wrong. She takes a sip from the newly opened wine and smiles to the other girls over the rim. They chatter around the noisy carriage and carries a wind of youth balancing on paper thin wings over the stale air, that the open windows never seem to be able to get fully rid of. She takes another sip and sits uneasy on her seat. She doesn’t dare to lean her head back, a rigid spine is good enough for her. The wine is a cheap white wine with a french sounding name. She silently tries to pronounce it, but fails on the accent’s and gives up with a sip. The other girls takes the wine from her hands, and now she’s alone. They yell at her, pull at her hair, there’s something wrong with her.She wishes she was in the carriage with the man she saw. He had calm eyes. She lays quietly on the floor, the other patrons have all returned to their afternoon newspaper, it’s a normal friday day, a day, it’s a friday. An annoyed mother tries to step over with her screaming child, she doesn’t move. A boot in the side makes her groan and she heaves her up to a sitting position. The wine bottle is almost empty, she must have dropped it. She cries at the sight of drops clinging to the tip, and carefully she licks the jagged ends clean. They taste salty and wet. The train has stopped and she leaves the carriage, stumbling into people, leaving a trail after her. The broken bottle, a pencil half eaten, a book with no page numbers, and when the road finally comes at sight, she flags down a cab and climbs into the sweatstained seats with a mumble about a street she once heard about on the news. She holds a long piece of blonde hair between her fingers, she was careful not about losing it. She tucks into her bra, and steps out onto the street. The cabdriver yells at her, but she’s forgotten the moment she leaves. There’s a pressing matter to attend, on the other side of town. The man is waiting for her, but she got off too soon. She takes the hair out of her bra and chews on the end. It takes bittersweet and rotten. Maybe she forgot to brush her teeth this morning. She has forgotten so many things these days. The train keeps her moving, it keeps her floating, all the tiny houses and people just flying by. She can go far and near, no one is looking for her, except for the man with the calm eyes. He had jagged teeth and rough fingers. She closes her eyes and walks home.

this is my entry for the second exercise.
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KotaCipher wrote on 31-12 00:32:
KotaCipher wrote:
Ooh, I think I'm going to do this!~
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Aquilera wrote on 28-12 00:57:
Aquilera wrote:
VioIet wrote:
That is slightly shorter than I originally thought, but I like it!
My story? ahah ya I know, I feel the same
But you gotta make do with the time you have, and I didn't have a lot of time s: 
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VioIet wrote on 28-12 00:56:
VioIet wrote:
That is slightly shorter than I originally thought, but I like it!
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Aquilera wrote on 27-12 17:33:
Aquilera wrote:
I can't wait to read your stories c: 
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Aquilera wrote on 27-12 16:55:
Aquilera wrote:
Dirt wrote:
it wasnt my intention to seem rude i just wanted to help, sorry if i came off rude
Nono, it's okay and I'm sorry if my comment sounded rude ahh 
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Aquilera wrote on 27-12 16:46:
Aquilera wrote:
Dirt wrote:
Other than those things this is cute story I like it 💋 A for effort 
Ahah thank you c: 
Also that is what I made this for, a chance for everyone to improve their writing and that includes their spelling mistakes and gramma and etc. 
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Aquilera wrote on 27-12 16:46:
Aquilera wrote:
Dirt wrote:
And the first line you put iterated instead of it warmed 
Ahah yea, this was written in a hurry so I haven't proof read it or anything but thanks? 
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Aquilera wrote on 27-12 16:41:
Aquilera wrote:
Dirt wrote:
Oh um in your story first you said he had blue eyes and then you said he had piercing green eyes 
ahah oops
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Aquilera wrote on 27-12 16:21:
Aquilera wrote:
Dirt wrote:
So do we write in the comments 
Yes, or if you're more comfortable with sending it in private to me you can do that too 
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Aquilera wrote on 27-12 16:11:
Aquilera wrote:
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Private wrote on 27-12 16:10:
Myrcella wrote:
interesting !!