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BOOKS • 2023 reads130-01-2023 13:56
DESIGNS • Uploading a design013-11-2022 11:13
DR • Using the same reference is not stealing201-05-2022 16:19
DESIGNS • Designing with references024-01-2022 12:17
DR • Using references doesn't mean you're lazy or uncreative009-12-2021 18:32
DR • Copyright and Crediting009-12-2021 18:32
DR • Talent VS Skill009-12-2021 18:30
DR • Design Requests1009-12-2021 18:24
VP • What is appropriate and what isn't?2711-03-2021 18:23
VP • Why I quit DT1811-12-2020 16:57
DESIGNS • changing a skin 422-07-2020 18:10
VP • Why being male is so unsexy2101-06-2020 14:04
VP • Why being a teamer on VP kinda sucks427-05-2020 11:50
VP • Is DM ever worth it?026-05-2020 17:56
VP • The secret of a VP designer1222-02-2020 22:17
DESIGNS • General hints and tutorials516-11-2018 21:48
DESIGNS • remakes1802-10-2018 09:42
DESIGNS • Step by Step1204-07-2018 12:25

 ReportVP • Why being male is so unsexy
Quick disclaimer:

This is written from my perspective and my experience. This is in no way meant to shame people on their beliefs and perspectives and certainly isn't meant as a badmouthing of a certain attitude. We don't all act the same. We don't think the same. We have different ideas of how things are done and should be done here on VP. This matter is no different from the others and there is no right or wrong to it.

Now before anyone goes straight to the comments and gets the pitchforks sharpened: this is a purely fashion related commentary on VP and has nothing to do with gender or sexuality or whetever else you might have thought about after reading the title. This is about the issue with the male fashion items available on VP and it's more of an explanatory blog than really a rant or other.

Feel free to discuss this in the comments (civilly) and share your view or your experience on male fashion here on VP.

The males of VP - a history

O r i g i n s   o f   t h e   m a l e   b a s e

From the very start on, VP had a male base. When the game started, there was an equal amount of sets in the game for both male and female players and the shops were regularly stocked with new items for both genders - mainly because a majority of the stuff came from DollMania and they cater to both.

Then, slowly, there was a need for users to help designing. VP needed people who started creating fashion items for everyone to wear and the users were happy to provide. And this is where the problem started.

W h y   d e s i g n s   w e r e   m o s t l y   f e m a l e

Because most people were designing for the base they used, it was evident that most designs that came out of this were for the female base. I don't know anything about the actual gender statistics about the users of VP, but I guess a great majority of us in the beginning identified as female - plus we certainly were used to all-female communities like gSm, where most of the players from the start came from. But this is all just speculation.

Fact is, that in the beginning, most designers did design for the female base. And it wasn't even that much of an issue.

A   p r o b l e m ,   t h a t   f u e l s   i t s e l f

As there were so few male accounts on VP, the need for so many new sets wasn't there. This is a problem that kind of still lives on on the German server. We do have about 5 active male accounts, but even with male sets as competition rewards or LE codes, we don't get more male accounts and certainly don't get the sets distributed to the people. So most teams stopped bothering with finding a male set for the one person that participates in events every three months. It's a problem, that fuels itself.

The whole matter started to evolve on the other servers. There were more and more users making male accounts and suddenly the need for new and more male sets was born.

Being male today

And this leads us to how the situation is at the moment. Even though teams try to provide the males with limited edition sets every now and then, there is a significant lack of male sets compared to the amount of female sets that get created every week.

So naturally, those sets have to come from somewhere. And here it gets tricky.

W h y   i s   t h e r e   a   l a c k   o f   s e t s ?

Even though it shouldn't be like this, the teams of VP and the site itself kind of slipped into a little war. There certainly are enough female sets to have everything covered, but male sets are rare and both sides want to have them. And I honestly get why it seems like the teams get their chance to pick first.

W h y   d e s i g n e r s   m i g h t   c h o o s e   t e a m s   o v e r   V P

Though, let's be real, it's the designers that pick in this case and decide themselves whether they want to use the set as a code for the teams or give it to VP. And in a way it definitely is more rewarding giving the set to a team than just VP, because you have a bit more leverage when it comes to what your set will be used for and you don't get taken for granted as easily.

When it comes to sets that come from VP, people expect them to get in game. People are like: Yes, this is the bare minimum, having at least one set in the shop every week. When it comes to codes ... they're definitely nothing people feel as entitled to. And yes, the irony of talking about a shop update once a week while ranting about the issues with male designs is clear to me.

T h e   n e w   s t a t u s   q u o   s u c k s

So all in all, males do have less opportunities to get new fancy sets and it has created a new status quo for them. And I kind of feel bad about it, when I read male accounts say, that they are so happy about a single item, because it's been ages since they've had one. Or that they feel like they should celebrate getting a - from a female perspective quite mediocre - set, just because they usually get nothing.

I do get, that having certain expectations as a male user definitely means you're going to get disappointed every single week. But seriously, the bar has been so low over the last couple of months, I feel like this really warrants a new way of handling things - and a new way of thinking.

What changes can be done?

Now the biggest question is: What can we change to make this better? And I hate to break it to you, but at the time being, I don't really see how things can get better. Let me explain.

V P ' s   s i d e   o f   t h e   d e a l

From a VP-perspective, there is basically everything done, that could help with the issues. People get special rewards for designing for males - which if you think about it, is basically the biggest reason most of us design, what is the point in making something if you don't get anything in return? - and it is strongly encouraged to work together.

With the expectations of the male community being so extraordinarily low, it is even easier to get designs done that they will like. Because remember, most of them get near-ecstatic when they get a single item in an LE code when the females get a whole set - it's all kinds of wrong, but it's how it all evolved over time.

Also, with the new rules that the badged designers have to comply to, you have to make male sets every now and then (the rules differ a bit from server to server) to help provide the system with new sets.

A b o u t   t h e   d e s i g n e r s

But overall, the biggest issue is the designers themselves - badged and non badged alike. I do get that not getting your own creation as a reward for doing a job is kind of frustrating. But it also means, that a whole section of people won't get anything either.

I also understand, that most of us are used to designing on the female base, as it's the base most of us are the most familiar with, but isn't learning something new and tackling new challenges something we should all apsire to do when designing? Just to broaden our horizons?

I also get how the male base seems wonky and weird in all the ways that are different from the female base - and there is a bunch of people who would like to get a new male base (sorry to disappoint, but that won't happen and the reasons for this are soooooo many) - but isn't that a difficulty and challenge we had to face with the female base too?

Let's just go ahead and try to defy the the laws we thought were in place and try to find new ways to make items look astounding. Some designers have already done it and they are true pioneers.

How can I help?

So, if you like designing and want to help change this, go grab your mouse/pen/whatever and just start. Maybe lay low when it comes to female sets for a while or at least make male versions that can go with the female ones.

If designing isn't your cup of tea, help those out, that struggle to find what would work best for the community. I know many of you do this already and your dedication is truly appreciated. But it will help if more people would come out and tell the designers what they really want to have in the game and what they feel like they have enough at the time being.

At the moment, it feels like we really just need to restart a proper stock of things and not get all fancy with the most extraordinary stuff. Don't get me wrong, extraordinary is more than welcome. But some feel like there is a massive lack of basics that maybe should get covered too - and people so often forget about the basics.

If you've made it this far and read all of it, thank you. I really would love to hear your opinion on all of this and maybe even see if there is a point I completely neglected that you feel should be mentioned in this too?

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Comment on this blog VP • Why being male is so unsexy of MasileinDE .
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MasileinDE wrote on 13-07 21:04:
MasileinDE wrote:
Melk wrote:
yesyes! I think it can get betther tho.
i’m trying to get into designing so there can me some more male sets! I think males also have to try provide ourselves with sets and not expect everyone else to do it. 

kinda yes. I feel like it sure is also the job of the designers, but granted, most of us don't know what to design, so we at least need help when it comes to the inspiration we get from users regarding what needs to be designed for the males. I wouldn't go so far to say that if you want something, better design it yourself (although it is a piece of advice that kind of works for the females too), but there certainly is a need for more people with a definite dedication to the male designs. And the motivation of course is bigger for people who actually have a male account.
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Private wrote on 13-07 16:00:
Rottomilko wrote:
yesyes! I think it can get betther tho.
i’m trying to get into designing so there can me some more male sets! I think males also have to try provide ourselves with sets and not expect everyone else to do it. 
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MasileinDE wrote on 13-07 01:07:
MasileinDE wrote:
Azriel wrote:
Shop updates every week? Damn

would be nice though, right?
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Private wrote on 13-07 00:59:
Azriel wrote:
Shop updates every week? Damn
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MasileinDE wrote on 12-07 23:50:
MasileinDE wrote:
Askr wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
Askr wrote:
i guess there is a sense of duty to it, i started to design a little this year not because i thought it was particularly fun but i know there is a need. and i also prefer designing for the base i use- if it was the females in need i don't think i would be motivated enough to actually try do something about it. don't be so hard on yourself, we appreciate your effort so much, but you're doing this unpaid in your spare time i'm assuming so like? it's ok

I totally get you. Yeah, there truly is a sense of duty to it. And truth be told, it they ever were to turn it into a job where you get paid, I'd probably decline. I could use the money, it's not that. It's just ... I don't see myself working a creative job. We do have kinda strict rules when it comes to the regularity of designing, but I feel if I were to be paid for it, the work I do probably wouldn't cut it and at the moment it's all I have the energy for - mostly emotionally, I never realised how much of a toll this whole world situation would take on me when it all started to get downhill. And I'm not even truly affected.
well i don't see that happening anytime soon😂 but whatever happens on this site, you need to take care of yourself first. you should never force yourself to do anything you don't have the energy for no matter how high the demand is.

yeah, me neither, luckily :d true, but so far for most of the times it's not really bad or so life altering. Like outside of VP I work decently enough to not worry about my state of mind too much, which is why I cut back a bit on VP (which isn't so noticeable maybe, but I definitely do less, quit even all of my teams on the German server except for DT, so we'll see where that goes)
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Aske wrote on 12-07 23:39:
Aske wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
Askr wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:

sure, you do raise a good point. but still, I feel like I could be a "better" designer/person . Because in my head I truly have an ideal and I'm not really able to live up to that. And I also don't want to abolish it, because I do know things will shatter as soon as I do. I'll probably go back to designing just for females and only for males if I truly have to (which is kinda the situation at the moment too - but that's more because we need so much more sets than we have designers, so it kinda aligns the I want to with the I have to)
i guess there is a sense of duty to it, i started to design a little this year not because i thought it was particularly fun but i know there is a need. and i also prefer designing for the base i use- if it was the females in need i don't think i would be motivated enough to actually try do something about it. don't be so hard on yourself, we appreciate your effort so much, but you're doing this unpaid in your spare time i'm assuming so like? it's ok

I totally get you. Yeah, there truly is a sense of duty to it. And truth be told, it they ever were to turn it into a job where you get paid, I'd probably decline. I could use the money, it's not that. It's just ... I don't see myself working a creative job. We do have kinda strict rules when it comes to the regularity of designing, but I feel if I were to be paid for it, the work I do probably wouldn't cut it and at the moment it's all I have the energy for - mostly emotionally, I never realised how much of a toll this whole world situation would take on me when it all started to get downhill. And I'm not even truly affected.
well i don't see that happening anytime soon😂 but whatever happens on this site, you need to take care of yourself first. you should never force yourself to do anything you don't have the energy for no matter how high the demand is.
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MasileinDE wrote on 12-07 23:11:
MasileinDE wrote:
Askr wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
Askr wrote:
well that's true, just because it's better doesn't mean it's good yet. you're not 'a part of the problem' just because you design mainly for females, you have provided the males with so many beautiful sets already. don't be bitter at yourself, i'm guessing you design because you enjoy it and in order to enjoy it we have to follow our inspirations right?

sure, you do raise a good point. but still, I feel like I could be a "better" designer/person . Because in my head I truly have an ideal and I'm not really able to live up to that. And I also don't want to abolish it, because I do know things will shatter as soon as I do. I'll probably go back to designing just for females and only for males if I truly have to (which is kinda the situation at the moment too - but that's more because we need so much more sets than we have designers, so it kinda aligns the I want to with the I have to)
i guess there is a sense of duty to it, i started to design a little this year not because i thought it was particularly fun but i know there is a need. and i also prefer designing for the base i use- if it was the females in need i don't think i would be motivated enough to actually try do something about it. don't be so hard on yourself, we appreciate your effort so much, but you're doing this unpaid in your spare time i'm assuming so like? it's ok

I totally get you. :d Yeah, there truly is a sense of duty to it. And truth be told, it they ever were to turn it into a job where you get paid, I'd probably decline. I could use the money, it's not that. It's just ... I don't see myself working a creative job. We do have kinda strict rules when it comes to the regularity of designing, but I feel if I were to be paid for it, the work I do probably wouldn't cut it and at the moment it's all I have the energy for - mostly emotionally, I never realised how much of a toll this whole world situation would take on me when it all started to get downhill. And I'm not even truly affected.
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Aske wrote on 12-07 23:01:
Aske wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
Askr wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:

I'm probably just salty because I know that it could be even better and that I am part of the issue as well (I mean, my last 4 designs were all for females and I didn't design much these past few weeks), so it's mostly self-reflection of me being a bad spokesperson for the cause I believe in when it comes to the stand of male accounts in the community fashion-wise. Like sure, it's better than it used to be. But does that mean it is good yet? You know?
well that's true, just because it's better doesn't mean it's good yet. you're not 'a part of the problem' just because you design mainly for females, you have provided the males with so many beautiful sets already. don't be bitter at yourself, i'm guessing you design because you enjoy it and in order to enjoy it we have to follow our inspirations right?

sure, you do raise a good point. but still, I feel like I could be a "better" designer/person . Because in my head I truly have an ideal and I'm not really able to live up to that. And I also don't want to abolish it, because I do know things will shatter as soon as I do. I'll probably go back to designing just for females and only for males if I truly have to (which is kinda the situation at the moment too - but that's more because we need so much more sets than we have designers, so it kinda aligns the I want to with the I have to)
i guess there is a sense of duty to it, i started to design a little this year not because i thought it was particularly fun but i know there is a need. and i also prefer designing for the base i use- if it was the females in need i don't think i would be motivated enough to actually try do something about it. don't be so hard on yourself, we appreciate your effort so much, but you're doing this unpaid in your spare time i'm assuming so like? it's ok
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MasileinDE wrote on 12-07 22:45:
MasileinDE wrote:
Askr wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
Askr wrote:
never been given one of those, but if that's what i'm eating rn i would say they are pretty decent. i don't quite get your negativity but as a designer you probably see the whole picture much better than me. i do agree tho- we should continue to encourage people to design for males and i appreciate you taking the time to write it all out. 

I'm probably just salty because I know that it could be even better and that I am part of the issue as well (I mean, my last 4 designs were all for females and I didn't design much these past few weeks), so it's mostly self-reflection of me being a bad spokesperson for the cause I believe in when it comes to the stand of male accounts in the community fashion-wise. Like sure, it's better than it used to be. But does that mean it is good yet? You know?
well that's true, just because it's better doesn't mean it's good yet. you're not 'a part of the problem' just because you design mainly for females, you have provided the males with so many beautiful sets already. don't be bitter at yourself, i'm guessing you design because you enjoy it and in order to enjoy it we have to follow our inspirations right?

sure, you do raise a good point. but still, I feel like I could be a "better" designer/person . Because in my head I truly have an ideal and I'm not really able to live up to that. And I also don't want to abolish it, because I do know things will shatter as soon as I do. I'll probably go back to designing just for females and only for males if I truly have to (which is kinda the situation at the moment too - but that's more because we need so much more sets than we have designers, so it kinda aligns the I want to with the I have to)
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Aske wrote on 12-07 22:42:
Aske wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
Askr wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:

the improvement really is stunning and as much as I hate to say it, but we have to take what we are given and in this case we've been given those candied apples you can buy at a fair. They are brightly red, look tasty af and more often than not the apple inside is kinda bad and sometimes even close to moldy. But for the overall look, it's fine, so we should be happy with it.
never been given one of those, but if that's what i'm eating rn i would say they are pretty decent. i don't quite get your negativity but as a designer you probably see the whole picture much better than me. i do agree tho- we should continue to encourage people to design for males and i appreciate you taking the time to write it all out. 

I'm probably just salty because I know that it could be even better and that I am part of the issue as well (I mean, my last 4 designs were all for females and I didn't design much these past few weeks), so it's mostly self-reflection of me being a bad spokesperson for the cause I believe in when it comes to the stand of male accounts in the community fashion-wise. Like sure, it's better than it used to be. But does that mean it is good yet? You know?
well that's true, just because it's better doesn't mean it's good yet. you're not 'a part of the problem' just because you design mainly for females, you have provided the males with so many beautiful sets already. don't be bitter at yourself, i'm guessing you design because you enjoy it and in order to enjoy it we have to follow our inspirations right?
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MasileinDE wrote on 12-07 22:29:
MasileinDE wrote:
Askr wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
Askr wrote:
oh yeah i definetly see your point. but i don't think it can't get better- i've been a male account here since mid 2015 and the situation has drastically improved. especially this last year. maybe it's not optimal, but there are so many more people designing for males, and also many more males to design for. on the english server that is, the german server is a different story😂

the improvement really is stunning and as much as I hate to say it, but we have to take what we are given and in this case we've been given those candied apples you can buy at a fair. They are brightly red, look tasty af and more often than not the apple inside is kinda bad and sometimes even close to moldy. But for the overall look, it's fine, so we should be happy with it.
never been given one of those, but if that's what i'm eating rn i would say they are pretty decent. i don't quite get your negativity but as a designer you probably see the whole picture much better than me. i do agree tho- we should continue to encourage people to design for males and i appreciate you taking the time to write it all out. 

I'm probably just salty because I know that it could be even better and that I am part of the issue as well (I mean, my last 4 designs were all for females and I didn't design much these past few weeks), so it's mostly self-reflection of me being a bad spokesperson for the cause I believe in when it comes to the stand of male accounts in the community fashion-wise. Like sure, it's better than it used to be. But does that mean it is good yet? You know?
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Aske wrote on 12-07 22:20:
Aske wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
Askr wrote:
oh yeah i definetly see your point. but i don't think it can't get better- i've been a male account here since mid 2015 and the situation has drastically improved. especially this last year. maybe it's not optimal, but there are so many more people designing for males, and also many more males to design for. on the english server that is, the german server is a different story😂

the improvement really is stunning and as much as I hate to say it, but we have to take what we are given and in this case we've been given those candied apples you can buy at a fair. They are brightly red, look tasty af and more often than not the apple inside is kinda bad and sometimes even close to moldy. But for the overall look, it's fine, so we should be happy with it.
never been given one of those, but if that's what i'm eating rn i would say they are pretty decent. i don't quite get your negativity but as a designer you probably see the whole picture much better than me. i do agree tho- we should continue to encourage people to design for males and i appreciate you taking the time to write it all out. 
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MasileinDE wrote on 12-07 22:06:
MasileinDE wrote:
Askr wrote:
oh yeah i definetly see your point. but i don't think it can't get better- i've been a male account here since mid 2015 and the situation has drastically improved. especially this last year. maybe it's not optimal, but there are so many more people designing for males, and also many more males to design for. on the english server that is, the german server is a different story😂

the improvement really is stunning and as much as I hate to say it, but we have to take what we are given and in this case we've been given those candied apples you can buy at a fair. They are brightly red, look tasty af and more often than not the apple inside is kinda bad and sometimes even close to moldy. But for the overall look, it's fine, so we should be happy with it.
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Aske wrote on 12-07 22:01:
Aske wrote:
oh yeah i definetly see your point. but i don't think it can't get better- i've been a male account here since mid 2015 and the situation has drastically improved. especially this last year. maybe it's not optimal, but there are so many more people designing for males, and also many more males to design for. on the english server that is, the german server is a different story😂
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MasileinDE wrote on 30-06 17:29:
MasileinDE wrote:
January wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
January wrote:
This was very interesting to read. I would love to design more male sets, but with myself it's just all to what I want to make. By that I mean I find more inspiration and looks I like and want to design for females and the female base, and things that I personally want to wear ig, and it's harder to find male things that I get so excited for that I just have to design it. I don't know why. I don't hate male fashion, but I find irl that women's fashion just get the more fun exciting things. And I always see males saying "please less skirts, less dresses converted from females." cause I'm sure they have enough converted female items. They're using the male base for a reason. I don't know why others dont, everyone has theyre own reason, but I'm still trying to improve and build a style. I know that when I do, I want to equally make as many male sets as I do female (and get them ig haha)
I kinda feel myself in that situation too. Like, I don't mind men's clothes, but look at me irl. I barely even know what's trendy and on style for girls. How does anyone expect from me to know what boys want? It's why I always get so excited when male users nearly spam the threads with outfits and items they want. It eliminates the search process for me. And I certainly understand that they kind of get annoyed with dresses and skitrs. Like you say, some people chose the male base for a reason and the, let's use wonky words and call it traditional male appearance, is what they want to have on this site. Like, I'm not trying to shit on people who don't design for the male base. There are a multitude of reasons why someone wouldn't want to and it's something we kind of have to respect. But We kind of have to face that there is no real balance between the two sexes on here when it comes to clothes.
(also, did you type the answer somewhere else or copy-paste it from somewhere, maybe retyped it? that's what messes my formation up every time on VP)
yeah, I agree with you. Theres no balance and as a person who has no clue what actual style is, its hard enough for me to be like "oh damn okay I want that lemme make it" and then feel the same for a male design. also, I typed it here maybe I did something w/o realising

exactly :d
oh well, VP buggy af, what's new
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Annie wrote on 30-06 17:25:
Annie wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
January wrote:
This was very interesting to read. I would love to design more male sets, but with myself it's just all to what I want to make. By that I mean I find more inspiration and looks I like and want to design for females and the female base, and things that I personally want to wear ig, and it's harder to find male things that I get so excited for that I just have to design it. I don't know why. I don't hate male fashion, but I find irl that women's fashion just get the more fun exciting things. And I always see males saying "please less skirts, less dresses converted from females." cause I'm sure they have enough converted female items. They're using the male base for a reason. I don't know why others dont, everyone has theyre own reason, but I'm still trying to improve and build a style. I know that when I do, I want to equally make as many male sets as I do female (and get them ig haha)
I kinda feel myself in that situation too. Like, I don't mind men's clothes, but look at me irl. I barely even know what's trendy and on style for girls. How does anyone expect from me to know what boys want? It's why I always get so excited when male users nearly spam the threads with outfits and items they want. It eliminates the search process for me. And I certainly understand that they kind of get annoyed with dresses and skitrs. Like you say, some people chose the male base for a reason and the, let's use wonky words and call it traditional male appearance, is what they want to have on this site. Like, I'm not trying to shit on people who don't design for the male base. There are a multitude of reasons why someone wouldn't want to and it's something we kind of have to respect. But We kind of have to face that there is no real balance between the two sexes on here when it comes to clothes.
(also, did you type the answer somewhere else or copy-paste it from somewhere, maybe retyped it? that's what messes my formation up every time on VP)
yeah, I agree with you. Theres no balance and as a person who has no clue what actual style is, its hard enough for me to be like "oh damn okay I want that lemme make it" and then feel the same for a male design. also, I typed it here maybe I did something w/o realising
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MasileinDE wrote on 30-06 17:23:
MasileinDE wrote:
Maxwell wrote:

yez as in "yes", as in "what a rant, but you have a point" or as in "what the ever lasting heck did I just read, like how far off or what else can a single person be"? :d
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MasileinDE wrote on 30-06 17:22:
MasileinDE wrote:
January wrote:
This was very interesting to read. I would love to design more male sets, but with myself it's just all to what I want to make. By that I mean I find more inspiration and looks I like and want to design for females and the female base, and things that I personally want to wear ig, and it's harder to find male things that I get so excited for that I just have to design it. I don't know why. I don't hate male fashion, but I find irl that women's fashion just get the more fun exciting things. And I always see males saying "please less skirts, less dresses converted from females." cause I'm sure they have enough converted female items. They're using the male base for a reason. I don't know why others dont, everyone has theyre own reason, but I'm still trying to improve and build a style. I know that when I do, I want to equally make as many male sets as I do female (and get them ig haha)
I kinda feel myself in that situation too. Like, I don't mind men's clothes, but look at me irl. I barely even know what's trendy and on style for girls. How does anyone expect from me to know what boys want? It's why I always get so excited when male users nearly spam the threads with outfits and items they want. It eliminates the search process for me. And I certainly understand that they kind of get annoyed with dresses and skitrs. Like you say, some people chose the male base for a reason and the, let's use wonky words and call it traditional male appearance, is what they want to have on this site. Like, I'm not trying to shit on people who don't design for the male base. There are a multitude of reasons why someone wouldn't want to and it's something we kind of have to respect. But We kind of have to face that there is no real balance between the two sexes on here when it comes to clothes.
(also, did you type the answer somewhere else or copy-paste it from somewhere, maybe retyped it? that's what messes my formation up every time on VP)
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Private wrote on 30-06 15:12:
Maxwell wrote:
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Annie wrote on 30-06 14:39:
Annie wrote:
dont know why this comment layout is so weird
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Annie wrote on 30-06 14:39:
Annie wrote:
This was very interesting to read. I would love to design more male sets, but with
myself it's just all to what I want to make. By that I mean I find more inspiration
and looks I like and want to design for females and the female base, and things that
I personally want to wear ig, and it's harder to find male things that I get so excited for 
that I just have to design it. I don't know why. I don't hate male fashion, but I find
irl that women's fashion just get the more fun exciting things. And I always see males saying
"please less skirts, less dresses converted from females." cause I'm sure they have enough converted
female items. They're using the male base for a reason. I don't know why others dont, everyone has theyre
own reason, but I'm still trying to improve and build a style. I know that when I do, I want to equally
make as many male sets as I do female (and get them ig haha)