Nekuma wrote:

Hey there, fellow nerds!
I'm fairly new to VP (Only been here for 5 years, u know...) So it took me some times to figure out all the acronyms, and i still havent got them all...
So i wanted to make a tread, to help other people, or new members? HEY AND WELCOME
Feel free to post the acronyms you know, more des better!
VP - Virtual Popstar
DM - Diamond Member
MOD - Moderator
BT - Blogger Team
ET - Event Team
SMT - Social Media Team
NT - News Team
FT - Forum Team
PT - Promotion Team
YT - Youtube Team
DT - Designer / Designer Team
PP - Promotion Points
Cr - Credits
Pd - Popdollar
WOF - Wheel Of Fortune
LE - Limited Edition
LC - Limited Claims
MOTM - Member Of The Month
HOF - Hall Of Fame
WL - Wish List
WD - Wardrobe
Cmwl - Check My Wish List
CMW/CMWD - Check My Wardobe
CYWL - Checking Your Wishlist
Avg - Average / Average Price
MP - Market Plaza
IG - In Game
BG/+bg/BKG - Plus background
B/O - Buy Out Price
U/A - unavailable
!Topic acronyms!
[T] - trading
[ S ] - Selling
(M) - Male
(F) - Female
(LF) - Looking For
(B) - Buying
And if you have any question, like "What is Hall of Fame?", feel free to ask! Ill make an Q&A!
Q: What is "B/O"?
Answer by @Adore : well sometimes player who is selling something, has a buy out price for it (price, that they will send the item for asap) and sometimes people ask on the selling threads, if the seller has buy out price for the item(s), so they dont have to bid for them etc.
I'm fairly new to VP (Only been here for 5 years, u know...) So it took me some times to figure out all the acronyms, and i still havent got them all...
So i wanted to make a tread, to help other people, or new members? HEY AND WELCOME

Feel free to post the acronyms you know, more des better!
VP - Virtual Popstar
DM - Diamond Member

MOD - Moderator

BT - Blogger Team

ET - Event Team

SMT - Social Media Team

NT - News Team

FT - Forum Team

PT - Promotion Team

YT - Youtube Team

DT - Designer / Designer Team

PP - Promotion Points

Cr - Credits

Pd - Popdollar

WOF - Wheel Of Fortune

LE - Limited Edition

LC - Limited Claims
MOTM - Member Of The Month
HOF - Hall Of Fame
WL - Wish List
WD - Wardrobe
Cmwl - Check My Wish List
CMW/CMWD - Check My Wardobe
CYWL - Checking Your Wishlist
Avg - Average / Average Price
MP - Market Plaza
IG - In Game
BG/+bg/BKG - Plus background
B/O - Buy Out Price
U/A - unavailable
!Topic acronyms!
[T] - trading
[ S ] - Selling
(M) - Male
(F) - Female
(LF) - Looking For
(B) - Buying
And if you have any question, like "What is Hall of Fame?", feel free to ask! Ill make an Q&A!
Q: What is "B/O"?
Answer by @Adore : well sometimes player who is selling something, has a buy out price for it (price, that they will send the item for asap) and sometimes people ask on the selling threads, if the seller has buy out price for the item(s), so they dont have to bid for them etc.