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Poll: Are you nervous about going back to school or work?
FT: Back to school/work chat
World famous

Hello and welcome to my back to school/work chat!

Summer is coming to an end, that means school is starting again soon and people are going back to work. Even tho I have a little time left before it's actually time to wake up early and try to focus in school, I can't be the only ony being so nervous about going back 

For me school is something I have always struggled with, not just when it comes to understanding everything I have to learn, I have a really hard time trying to focus when it becomes loud in the class. One thing I did when I started school again after many years of just being home was that I talked to all of my teachers and told them about what I find difficult and that sometimes I have to leave the room and take a breath or two in order to get through the day. I know that not all teachers are accepting towards the students needs and that is why I choose to make this thread today!

I hope we can give tips and help one another who is having a hard time in school or work, because remember that you are not alone in your feelings!  Even if you don't go to school or you don't have a job, feel free to chat here anyway, who knows maybe you have some tips that might help someone!

I will try and write up as many tips I can that you share with us

*Talk to your teachers and let them know what you are struggling with!

*hydration and a good diet, along with daily practice are the keys to a good year!  -Rainysky

*if you have trouble concentrating for a long time, the pomodoro technique is a good one to use! - Rainysky

*create a set schedule, block out time in my calendar dedicated for certain tasks like homework, exercise, etc. - ICantWhistle

World famous

If you are going to school or are working, what are you studying or working with? :3
Princess of Pop

I started back like… this monday just to study. It was hard in the beginning to wake hella early up. But somehow I need to get up 7:30 AM CEST but my cat decide to wake me up 5:30 AM CEST every damn morning 😭
World famous

im starting uni next week, gonna study library and information science :3
im nervous cause i havent studied in five years, this is very new to me 
World famous

Limited wrote:
I started back like… this monday just to study. It was hard in the beginning to wake hella early up. But somehow I need to get up 7:30 AM CEST but my cat decide to wake me up 5:30 AM CEST every damn morning 😭

Yeah I feel like it will take sometime before you get used to waking up early again :c haha not the cat waking you up tho
World famous

Mymble wrote:
im starting uni next week, gonna study library and information science :3
im nervous cause i havent studied in five years, this is very new to me 

That sounds super fun tho! :3

I feel you on that, I started school again january this year and had not studied in over 5 years so it was rough at first, but later on it started to feel better. I don't really know how uni works but make sure to take your time on things and not stress so much!
Youtube star

ooo i’m starting in the first week of september and i’m so nervous, it makes me feel sick (‘: I went to college for 3 years before this, but I had to quit bc I just struggled way too much with my audhd

but I wanna try again so we’ll see!!!! I’ll be starting an ICT major!! 
International star

I go to school and work simultaneously, the one thing that helped me SO MUCH is to create a set schedule, block out time in my calendar dedicated for certain tasks like homework, exercise, etc.
it makes everything easier to manage and not stressful
World famous

alphatauri wrote:
ooo i’m starting in the first week of september and i’m so nervous, it makes me feel sick (‘: I went to college for 3 years before this, but I had to quit bc I just struggled way too much with my audhd

but I wanna try again so we’ll see!!!! I’ll be starting an ICT major!! 

lucky you who starts in september tho! Is it something special you feel so nervous about or is it just in general? :/<3 Oh no, I struggled really much with my adhd in school also and I still do, that's why I talked with my teachers the first day so they kinda knew that school had been hard for me before and that it most likely would be hard this time also. I know it might be hard to talk to the teachers about it also, but for me at least it was like a stone lifted from my chest after I did. Now not every teacher will be as understanding as mine is, but it might be worth a shot to speak with your teacher/teachers and tell them about your past and maybe what they can do as teachers to make this time more easier for you?
World famous

ICantWhistle wrote:
I go to school and work simultaneously, the one thing that helped me SO MUCH is to create a set schedule, block out time in my calendar dedicated for certain tasks like homework, exercise, etc.
it makes everything easier to manage and not stressful

That is a really good tip, can I write it up on the list? :3
World famous

I also want to apologize if I respond late, my internet is not the best atm and I'm trying my hardest to make this work haha :c
World famous

Another good thing you can do if you are like me really sensitive when it comes to people talking to loud or if it just gets loud in general, wear headphones, now I know some teachers might not like this like at all and if you are at work it might not work all the time to use headphones hehe... BUT I had one teacher who did not like me wearing mine, and when it got super loud I usually just walked out of the room and did not want to go back inside because I knew this would just keep being a problem, so I told this teacher that this is one of the ways that works for me if I'm gonna be able to even focus a bit. 
International star

i dont have good study tips but i just want to say that the beginning is always the hardest. once you start it, with each step, it only gets easier. if you have trouble concentrating for a long time, the pomodoro technique is a good one to use!

i usually listen to rain sounds with thunderstorms in the background while i study, it really helps me to calm down. the study with me videos available on yt are great!

PLEASE STAY HYDRATED TOO! hydration and a good diet, along with daily practice are the keys to a good year! 
International star

i didnt really have a break, bcus i work all year long with the longest period of holiday i *can* take at one time being 9 days. i usually just book 2-5 days at different times spread through the year, depending on special plans, though. 
it was the same during covid lockdowns, we was considered essential workers. as a barista for a big coffee chain, i didnt really get time off then either. (though my hours was cut heavily during that time 😂) 

i do get to see my nephews more during summer holiday break though and love it when they stop by my shop for a drink. they are only 3 months, 1 y/o, 3y/o and 4 and a half y/o. 
National star

i got in to my first choice for uni!! so im gonna start on the 28th of aug, im very excited but also super scared lol, i think i might need a laptop but i dont have one rn hopefully it will all work out
World famous

rainysky wrote:
i dont have good study tips but i just want to say that the beginning is always the hardest. once you start it, with each step, it only gets easier. if you have trouble concentrating for a long time, the pomodoro technique is a good one to use!

i usually listen to rain sounds with thunderstorms in the background while i study, it really helps me to calm down. the study with me videos available on yt are great!

PLEASE STAY HYDRATED TOO! hydration and a good diet, along with daily practice are the keys to a good year! 
Those are super good and helpful tips! And omg yeees the hydrated part is SUPER important, but also to eat like lunch or just a snack! When I came back to school I thought it would be like at home, since I'm not a fan of eating lunch I just had lots of water with me, but you need something more in your body than just water to be able to stay focused and make it the whole day!

I'm gonna write these up, even tho it's not a study tips it can still be really helpful to others and it's worth putting them up!
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