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pick a study for me. I pay you
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Snusmumrikken wrote:
Nesta wrote:
Snusmumrikken wrote:
oof but the literature on NTNU.. yikes. horrifying. you could buy the books off me tho 
like english lit or like allmen litteraturkunnskap 
i'll tell u if i get in on that 
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what if i... like... apply for SoFI even if it is in oslo since they have a opptaksprøve and just for fun see if I can get in 

i mean i could basically add
- organic farming 
and the fashion revolution courses i've done to the application and it would be RELEVANT 
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Nesta wrote:
what if i... like... apply for SoFI even if it is in oslo since they have a opptaksprøve and just for fun see if I can get in 

i mean i could basically add
- organic farming 
and the fashion revolution courses i've done to the application and it would be RELEVANT 
like I have to write this but like i HATE THAT IT IS IN OSLOOO

Opptaksprøve Moteindustri:
Skriv 1/2 – 1 A4 side om en person (eks. designer,fotograf,stylist) i motebransjen du ser opp til. Legg ved 3 – 4 bilder som viser til hvorfor du valgte han/henne.
Hensikten med oppgaven er å reflektere rundt hvem du inspireres av i motebransjen.
2. Moodboard
Lag et moodboard over sesongens summer/spring-trender fra Catwalken. Deretter velger du ut en butikk som selger flere merkevarer (eks.YME, Høyer).
Med utgangspunkt i moodboardet skal du nå velge hvilke trendprodukter du ville kjøpt inn til butikken du har valgt. Skriv 2-3 setninger om hvorfor du tror denne trenden hadde passet til valgt butikk.
Hensikten med oppgaven er å reflektere rundt trender i samfunnet og hvordan disse gjenspeiles i produktutvalg i butikk. Moodboardet kan du lage både digitalt eller med saks og lim.
3. Søknadsbrev
Vi ønsker å bli bedre kjent med deg! Fortell oss hvem du er, hvordan din moteinteresse startet og hvorfor du ønsker å studere Moteindustri. Skriv ca. 1/2 – 1 A4 side. Hensikten med oppgaven er å reflektere rundt fagområdet, yrkesvalg og potensielle karrieremuligheter.
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JUST that I would very much not know anything about "Trender i samfunnet" since I'm a nieche and I hate most modern styles

it could be fun tho because I would solely aim for stores that produce ethical and sustainably, basically using THE REFORMATION when they ask for a store that sells brand-clothing..

and if I didn't do that, I'd go all for the medieval aesthetics or more like simple, elegant and classic styles.

I feel like I'm going to do this but it's going to be because I want to procrastinate from the essay I need to write for organic farming. and first I need to complete some assignments for fashion revolution so I can get the proof that i've done it 
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wow 24 pages 
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Dracarys wrote:
wow 24 pages 
Youtube star

Snusmumrikken wrote:
I'm a bit like.. ??? that people don't know what they want to be honest I don't understand 
I know what I want to be... 
but no one guarantees me that it will work out.
I'm really interested in science but most subjects (except biology) are really difficult with high dropout rates. Plus I need to study 8-9 years since a phd is necessary to get a job and even then not all graduates  get a well paid or interesting job (e.g. in the research field).
I thought about stuyding pharmacy but I don't want to end up working at a drugstore.
I love to draw but making a living as an artist is difficult.
I'm interested in psychology but my parents disapprove of that subject and therefore wouldn't support me financially.
I thought about studying computer science but only because of money not because I'm really passionate about it.

Only a few people I know were lucky enough to get a job that they really enjoy. I'm kind of nervous to make a decision since I don't want to regret it later on for the rest of my life. 
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