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[ENDED] Tea hunger games!
World famous

Okay, we still need 8 people and I know you probably wanna start planning, so you who don't have a teammate yet, Submit a look for yourself. If there comes a teammate after that they just have to deal with it and follow your lead. This will not affect your chance to win. 

If you don't wanna be alone, I am more than happy to make a look to match you and pretend to be your teammate. You are also free to create your own teammate but in that case state which look you're competing with.

any open spot when we start the game will be filled with a character

I am tired and apologize if I don't make sense and if I missed anything haha

For weeks I've wanted to do this event thingy, but I've been too lazy to do the planning. But Now it has finally happened! 

I apologize in advance for a messy post

Listen closely!
This hunger game isn't quite like the others. The idea of this one is that animated characters will fight and YOU are the characters! 
Meaning that this is a combined dressup competition with thg! But you Must join both! there will be prizes for both parts

Dressup deadline- 7pm cet 17/5
Start time for THG- may 17 between 8pm-10.30pm CET

(I know the time should be clearer but it's hard to say when I'm free, bc life)

These are the rules for the dressup competition you

 Dress as an animated character! cartoon/anime/game but NOT "live action animated"
Your team has to be from the same original show!
-When your district is done with the dressup, 1 person post both outfits and say who you're dressed up as

The goal is to look as similar/recognizable to that charater as possible, but also be creative.

Just this one event I really wanna see all the characters, that's why I want everyone to dress up, therefor I will have @Teabag &  @Martie 's wb open for you all to use incase you don't have enough items. You can suggest the look to make sure it's saved. 

This is my event and I make the rules so unfortunately, the person who teams with me in district 10 won't be able to win the dressup competition. Yes, I'm joining my own event.

These are the rules for THG

Pick a district! you don't need to pair up with someone before you pick one. But keep in mind that I will NOT pick a district for you. Your entry is invalid if you do not say a district yourself.

 District 1
-VanityVogue as Bubbles
- Cimorene as Buttercup

 District 2
- Winnie the pooh

 District 3
-Xerneas as Yumeko
-UncleRob as Mary

 District 4
- Nanevane as Minako Aino
-Vissy as Ami Mizuno

 District 5
- Leo as Ken
-CheerGirl as Barbie

 District 6
- December as The ice king
- Meep as Marceline

 District 7
- Juniper
- Tinkerbell

 District 8
- Spiderman
- Peter Porker

 District 9

- Tweedledee
- Tweedledum

 District 10
- Teabag as The march hare
- octocat as The hatter

 District 11

- Stitch

 District 12
-Raflysetiawann as Taiga Kagami
- Kuroko

And if you have any questions I'll do my best to answer  them.

World famous


are we doing the fighting version of our characters?
 No just their normal clothes, extra weapons aren't needed

is genderbending allowed?
it is allowed, it might lower your chances to win as the goal is to be as similar as possible, but I know it's possible to look really alike even with genderbend. so you decide what you wanna do.

side note- if non of the teammates care about the dressup prize you don't have to put as much effort to "please me" just dress up for fun


The Bloodbath
Stitch sets an explosive off, killing Minako Aino, and Yumeko.
Winnie the pooh accidently steps on a landmine.
Buttercup cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.

Day 1
No deaths occurred.

Arena Event
Acidic rain pours down on the arena.
The ice king is unable to find shelter and dies.
Mary refuses Kalanies shelter, killing her.
The March hare shoves Marceline into a pond of acidic rain, but is pulled in by Marceline, killing them both.
The Hatter refuses Juniper shelter, killing her.
Tweedledee refuses Barbie shelter, killing her.
Spiderman injures Babooshka and leaves her in the rain to die.
Taiga Kagami is unable to find shelter and dies.
Tinkerbell injures Tetsuya Kuroko and leaves him in the rain to die.

Night 1
No deaths occurred.

Day 2
Bubbles dies from an infection.

Night 2
No deaths occurred.

Day 3
No deaths occurred.

Night 3
No deaths occurred.

Day 4
Ken falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Tinkerbell severely injures The Hatter, but puts him out of his misery.

Night 4
No deaths occurred.

The Feast
Tinkerbell and Spiderman work together to drown Peter Porker.
Tweedledum dies from an infection.

Day 5
No deaths occurred.

Night 5
No deaths occurred.

Day 6
Ami Mizuno repeatedly stabs Spiderman to death with sais.

Night 6
No deaths occurred.

Day 7
Mary kills Tinkerbell as she tries to run.

Night 7
Ami Mizuno falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

Day 8
No deaths occurred.

Night 8
Stitch and Mary work together to drown Tweedledee.

Day 9
Mary spears Stitch in the abdomen.
The winner is Mary from District 3!


ohh super fun ,I would love to join ,District 5 please
World famous

Leo wrote:
ohh super fun ,I would love to join ,District 5 please

i would join but im not interested in the dressup part so i'll just continue watching doctor who

so we basically need to pair up, pick cartoon and dress as the characters rom it ,if I understood correct 
World famous

River wrote:
i would join but im not interested in the dressup part so i'll just continue watching doctor who
that's fine ^^ maybe next time ; ))
World famous

i'll also join district 5 so we can start planning early!

District 1 I guess idk the difference between any of them lol 😂😝
World famous

Leo wrote:
so we basically need to pair up, pick cartoon and dress as the characters rom it ,if I understood correct 

CheerGirl wrote:
i'll also join district 5 so we can start planning early!
World famous

VanityVogue wrote:
District 1 I guess idk the difference between any of them lol 😂😝

there is no difference- people might just have a lucky number haha
World famous

wait so if i hypothetically would dress as spongebob, should i dress as him but with like a bow and arrow lmaooo or just as him in normal clothes

December wrote:
wait so if i hypothetically would dress as spongebob, should i dress as him but with like a bow and arrow lmaooo or just as him in normal clothes

Oh are we doing the fighting version of our characters?

VanityVogue wrote:
December wrote:
wait so if i hypothetically would dress as spongebob, should i dress as him but with like a bow and arrow lmaooo or just as him in normal clothes

Oh are we doing the fighting version of our characters?
love that
World famous

R u fucking kidding me I wanted to go sleep
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