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ET: Creepy Cat (closed)
International star


My mom used to have a cat when she was just a child. Boo was called. His fur was as black as the night, so soft that you could spend hours and hours just petting him and his sparkling eyes were like two big full moons filled with amber. She never knew where he was from. One autumn morning, my mother opened the front door as she was about to go to school, and he was sitting there meowing and looking directly into her eyes as if he knew her. “Look dad! A black cat!” she said running towards my grandpa. But when they went back to the front door, the cat was gone. A week passed and my grandpa died. During the funeral, while everyone was shedding tears of sadness, my mom felt a tingling in her leg: it was Boo. He jumped on top of the grave and laid down as if he was hugging my grandpa’s spirit. Since then, my mom and Boo became flesh and blood.

Time passed by and Boo was always there: during her first love, when she graduated from school, when she got her first job… Boo looked at my mom with such affection that many though they discerned my grandpa’s gentle gaze. But one day he went missing and never came back. I’ve never met Boo, but when my mum died a couple of years after giving birth to me, a black cat showed up at the funeral. He climbed into my baby cart, gave me a kiss and curled up in my mother’s grave just as Boo did in my grandpa’s funeral. 
Minister of Pop

1 day left to enter <3

Tumbling, spinning, sinking in the light. Drowning.

I could disappear in the shadows, but the brightness washed them all away. I pulled my hood tighter around my face, but I could still see them staring. Just a little longer. Music rang in my ears, but at least I couldn't hear them laughing.

Swarming under skin. Biting. Dragging me away. Piece by piece.

"Melina." It crackled with static, but my name slipped through the beating drums. "Look up." A dark shape caught my eye, a long tail disappearing around the corner. "Follow it."

A cat? The thought drifted through my mind as I pushed open the door in front of me.

The lights flicker in the cracked tiles above, dimmer than I remember. Glass crunches under foot, warped reflections of taunting faces staring back. Dark stains streak across the walls, leading to the gaping hole where the mirror used to be. Shards still cling to the frame, the jagged teeth of the creature, face split in a twisted grin, watching me from the darkness left behind. Rust burns my tongue, tearing down my throat. Long cold fingers wind through my hair, wrap around my jaw, shove the screams back.

"They're coming for you now." Breath trickles down my spine. "Do you hear them?"
Minister of Pop

Still the rest of the day left 2 join ! wee 
World famous

“Wait!” said the girl to the black cat nimbly dodging the light traffic of the main road. The cat ignored her as it lithely trotted between the vendors and commercial structures. The shadowy feline continued down the maze of backroads just quick enough to stay beyond the concerned girl’s fingers but close enough so she could keep up.

“This isn’t a good place for kitties to be!” pleaded the girl to the cat, knowing that side of town wasn’t a good place for a lone young woman either. But she couldn’t bear the though of some miscreant or chained dog shredding the cat’s silky ebony fur.

The cat stopped so abruptly the girl nearly ran it over.

“Woah, kitty!” she said, scooping the troublesome creature up to prevent any further excursions. Then she noticed where she was: a strange dead end nearly as dark the black cat’s fur. The shadows seemed to obscure the walls of the clearing, making her feel very disoriented as she tried to take her rescued charge home.

The feline was perfectly calm while she tried to get her bearings until the faintest shift in the atmosphere seemed to remind the cat of its escapism tendencies. It wrestled free of her gentle hold and retreated to a
stoop rendered nearly invisible by the shade at the border of the clearing.

With every passing second, the girl felt more and more disoriented by her surroundings. By the time the man asked if she was lost, she didn’t even know what to say anymore.

But he didn’t really want an answer anyway, and the cat watched as his master enjoyed his meal. 

Minister of Pop

Still time to whip up some stories people! 
Princess of Pop

"Valerie, it's finally Halloween. Are you ready for the first grown party ever?" Ella's smile was massive and she had been talking about this party in weeks since the popular people invited us. "Well, I guess," I talked very low, and I don't know if I was ready for the party. People enjoyed being mean to newbies - and we were newbies, so I was scared. Almost shitted my pants out. 
We were dressed up, I ended up being a sexy nurse who has a sword on the head. Ella was dressed up as a vampire. 
"Let's goooooo!" Ella yelled and we decided to walk to the place. "I am so fucking excited!" Ella couldn't stop talking about it. "Ok ok, I understand it now. No need to talk more about it," I sighed and I was close to say goodbye and run home. 
"Oh my god, Valerie! Stay away!" I was very confused by her words. What does she mean? "Excuse me? What?" Confused wasn't the real word for this, I was more than confused. "A black cat!" Ella continued to yell. 
"Shut up!" I was getting stressed over her yelling. 
I could hear the cat purring, and my heart start beating faster and faster. "Hello girls," the cat wasn't normal. It could talk? I was in shock. My entire body was frozen to the ground, and all I could hear was Ella's scream. She must be in shock as well. When will she lose her voice?
"Jesus, can you get your friend to shut the hell up?" Finally, did the cat said what I was thinking about. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. My thoughts were all over the place. I stood in front of a talking cat. A talking cat?!
"Wh-wh-who are you?" MY voice was very fucked and I felt like a failure. "I'm Mr. black cat." 

World famous

Her hands shook as she held onto the streetlight, trying to steady herself before she proceeded with her journey home. Her breathing was quicker than she was used to, her attacks didn't usually make her this physically affected, yet here she was. Barely able to stand on her own legs as her chest heaved with every breath she took. Or, rather tried to take. She thought the worst of it was over, thus why she had started walking home in the first place. But it had taken her by surprise again and left her struggling in the middle of the street in the middle of the night.
"Oh no" she mumbled to herself as she tried to take another breath, this time succeeding a bit more. "Okay, okay, you've got this" she murmured as she looked up at the sky. "You've got this" 

Something soft touched her legs suddenly and she looked down, to see something that first looked just like the pavement under her feet. But as she looked closer she saw that the texture differed, this was not asphalt, it was something else. She reached her hand out to touch it and almost flinched when she felt soft fur underneath her palm.
"Hey there little one" she whispered and she got a soft purr in return. "You look just like Zappa, my old and very dear friend who-" she bit her lip as the memories of him returned along with the tears. Something did seem familiar about him...
International star

A Beautiful Night

It was nightfall, the streets were wet after an intense afternoon of rain. The weather was cool and humid. Diana was walking calmly towards her house after hours studying.

Her shoes resounded in rhythmic footsteps that splashed water wherever she went. She didn't live far from there, there was no rush in her walk, it was a beautiful night lit by the full moon.

But around the corner, she stopped halfway. A cat appeared in front of her. He had eyes as yellow as the street lights, and his fur was as black and lustrous as the cloak that covered the night.

The girl crouched down until her eyes were close to the cat's eyes. She was immediately captured by that mystical gaze. She was staring so intently into the cat's bright eyes that she quickly became trapped in a trance.

Her eyes began to clear their dark brown to a vibrant yellow; at the same time, the circular shape of the irises thinned at the upper and lower ends until they took on the shape of an almond.

The cat cut off eye contact. Diana found herself standing there, sitting on all fours on the wet sidewalk, feeling smaller and hairier. She looked around until her vision reached the full moon, already high in the sky.

“What a beautiful night”. It was with this thought that she followed the black cat, who was patiently waiting for her to follow his path.

The night promised her surprises she yearned to discover. She had all the time in the world for this, after all, she was in no hurry to get home.
International star

I would never forgive myself if I didn't participate in this competition, even if I lose in the end
Living legend

The streetlight flicker. One. I hate this. Two. I´m so tired. Thr- Ah, right on time. I can hear his tiny bell before he appears, his black fur reflecting the flare surrounding us. The cat struts past me, his eyes fixated on the darkness a few feet away. “Here we go,“ I mutter, dread floating through my veins with the unwanted reminder of whats to come. I hate this. The furry beast stops, turns its tiny head and blinks at me. Once, twice.. My heart is in sync with the raging light above, along the sickening silence that is dripping around us like time. His eyes locks me in a golden cage, feeding me lie after lie. I know his eyes. We all do. They belong to everyone. I´m so tired. I wish he could speak again, to let me know why I can´t leave. He did once, but I´ve forgotten. I always forget. I hate this. With a sigh, the cat releases me. I´m left standing, waiting, as he jumps into the nothing. Two more, and it´s over. Two more, and he´ll let me go. The streetlight stills, and I can hear a car arriving. I´m so tired.

World famous

10 minutes, for the people who might have written something down and didn't submit yet.
Minister of Pop

Angelica wrote:
For the people who might have written something down and didn't submit yet

bump, there is only 10 minutes left.

World famous

Laboratory wrote:
Angelica wrote:
For the people who might have written something down and didn't submit yet

bump, there is only 10 minutes left.

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