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Competitions < Virtual Popstar
ET Halloween: 2nd day
Youtube star

We are one day nearer to Halloween and spirits of the underworld are getting more and more excited to come out and give everyone a scare. To be on the safe side, you will have to please the spirits. How can you do that, you ask? Well that is simple. The ET was brave enough to negotiate with them and we've found out what their little... moldy and decomposed hearts desire today. Stories! Creepy, spooky, terrifying stories! This is not for the weak of hearts to write. They are tired of the same old boring stories.
What you have to do is make up your scariest story possible! It should be at least 300 words long. The spirits will be reading each of the stories and if they find that it has been taken from some other spider web, your soul will be theirs to keep and never to be released. Do not try to decieve or you will be caught.
Of course, there are prizes. If you have managed to please the sspirits [and maybe even give them some new ideas for haunting when time comes to rise] you will be nominated and will win the master Underworld Horror prize for literature from above. There is nothing which can compare to that. Not even the Nobel prize. And unlike the Nobel prize, there will be 3 winners, not one. 
1st place will be 30cr
2nd → 25cr
3rd → 20cr+5k

The underworld has a different time zone than the rest of the world, their clocks work differently. But you will have until 3am BST to make it work and submit your piece, before you turn to pieces. Good luck and may the spook be ever in your favor!
Youtube star

I'm not very good at writing but bump 
Youtube star

where do we submit it? :-)
World famous

where do we submit it? :-)

You can submit it here, or send a message to the Event Team model if you're not comfortable with submitting it publically
World famous

The link to this topic is not in the ET article. (Or I just overlooked it, in which case oops sorry!)

It is posted at the very end of what is written for day 2
Youtube star

where do we submit it? :-)

You can submit it here, or send a message to the Event Team model if you're not comfortable with submitting it publically

thank you so much!! :-)
Queen of Queens

This is cool. :)
Account deleted

can we use vp players names
International star

ok so it'll be short and stupid but that's how it's gonna be

It was a night like any other with a moon that soared the sky. I had been out drinking with a couple of friends for the first time in awhile and came home to find my wife fast asleep. I could see her sleeping silhouette in the bedroom, chest rising up and down. Being very tired I immediately got undressed and crept down in bed beside her, placing a goodnight kiss at the back of her head. I began drifting off to sleep but the sound of my ringtone going off in the hall forced my eyes open. Not wanting it to wake my wife I quickly got out of bed to shut it off. The phone was in my jacket, tossed away on the floor. I got it out but as soon as I caught a glimpse of the screen, I froze. The name displayed on the screen was Bethany; the name of my wife.
   Suddenly, I felt a breath on my neck.
World famous

Holy fuck i’m so so bad at this writing thing and my english really suck and oh god i’m sorry it’s so bad. and not ever scary idk it's just weird and bad and it sucks and i know and okay bye now.

He has a skinny face with 42 white stares carved in here and there, one for every kill.
With eyes black as a raven and teeth sharp as a knife. He went out at night fast as a shadow looking for his next victim. Without  making a sound he took a firm grip of the chosen one. It was a young boy in his early twenties. He led him to a narrow little cabin in the woods. He tied him to a chair with burning ropes. Then he stood up across him and smiled. ‘’You’re going to die here’’ he whispered. ‘’But first we’re going to have a little fun.’’ He leaned toward the boy and took a smooth bite of his lip. He chewed it slowly as the boy screamed ‘’No need to scream boy, no one will here you out here. It will only make me more furious. You see, you’re not the first one to die here.. just ask Matilda.. wait here’’ He was only gone for about half a minute and when he came back he hold an old metal box in his hands. He opened up the box and pulled up an half-eaten rotting head. ‘’This is Matilda, don’t worry you’re gonna end up just as her and all her friends soon enough.’’ The boy made a little squeak while tears rolled down his cheeks and blood coiled down his chin,  but he didn’t scream he now it wasn’t up to no good. You could see that the boy was in a lot of pain which only egged the monster even more. He took a huge bite of his ear and chewed it as fast as he could, ‘’delicious’’  he couldn’t wait any longer he had to have more now. He laid the boy down on the floor and took a huge bite of his belly and another of his thighs, he grabbed out the eyes of his face and chewed them slowly, it was the best part. The boy now screamed in pain with blood all over his body. The boy would soon be dead and the monster had soon finished eating everything except the rest of the face and his nails. He felt really good about what he had accomplished today, he had eaten a boy alive and it had been really delicious he had laughed in his face and made him scream and cry and bleed all over himself until he was almost gone. He took one of the boys nails and sharped it with his teeth, he drew a star in his face. ‘’number 43’’ 
wonder who will be next..?

Told you it's bad omg i can't even wtf anywaaaaayyyyyy byeeee heheheh

it was cold rainy night. I was driving home from a long day of work, and i couldn't wait to get home. As i blink i hear a whisper. i look in the car but no one there. Mabey im just tired, so i just focused on the road. i needed to grap my phone from the passenger seat to text my husband that im almost home. as i was grabbing it, the phone fell to the ground, so i leaned down to get it and i hear that whisper again saying "he's still out there. i quickly got back up, looked back and that's when i saw the little girl "sara" that i heared went missing about a month ago in the papper. she screamed "dont let him hurt more people, I panicked my car swerved off the street and into the lake. quickly i rolled down the window and swam. As i was getting out, the lifeless little girl popped out in front of me. i ran out screaming, then i saw a cabin. i knocked on its door, surprisingly a man quickly opened. I explained what happen and that there's a dead girl in the lake. He grabbed a towel and told me to come in there's a phone to call someone. i rand inside picked up the phone, dialed the police, but it said out of service. bam the door was shut.i look and see the man with a knife coming close to me and said "I can't have you blabbering your mouth I guess i have to take care of you the way took care of sara"
Youtube star


A Lifeless Beauty

I heard the melody everyday and every night when the girl wanted to sleep. She twisted and turned me until I made a peep of harmony. And I never got to see myself be free, but I honestly shouldn't be saying such things. I was never accepted into the life those poor souls gave me. In fact this isn't a life, this is just but me being still and looking like a pretty lifeless thing. My tutu was made of glass, just like all of me. My face was pure beauty to them all. With light pink eyeshadow, glimmery fake red gloss. They thought I had it all just as a stealth doll. I want to be free from the clutches of that girl. Looking down at me as I twirl. I'm not lifeless just motionless, I'm not dead yet just silently alive. I want to scream, I want to be a real girl but I am not and will never be. I just need this to be my own time and I want to dance, but not like this. I was created to be a role model. Perfect and as shiny as can be, twirling my unmovable self to the box's beat. The sweet chirps swirling around my ears and feet. I can hear them, doubting I'll be free. I was trapped for so long and never been able to move or talk or walk or dislocate my feet and arms from this wretched sore position. I'm just a beautiful toy to bee turned and looked at with joy. I am craving something more, my lust for freedom growing, shining my glamour. I say I've had enough. I have a mind too, maybe not a soul. I have speech to be broken out. I have a dance of emotions but they will never stream free. I'm slowly creeping towards my fate as my sanity is lost. How I want to end this girl's life so mine won't be tainted. Oh she's turning me and oh how I plot to hold a knife for the first time in my not so lively life. Oh how she must be so relaxed while I have everyday to worry. Trapped in this music box I am, waiting for myself to crack and split, letting myself go. I'm falling down to the darkness. Then one day when the little girl is sleeping, I don't have to twirl. My face buried in the bracelets colored a shiny blue. Soon I'll get to look at you.
When she breathes ever so lightly, I'll transform until I'm not likely to be loved anymore. I'll have her dreams be tainted. My beauty and sanity wash away as I lay there to decay. When she wakes she won't like what she's able to see. I'll be there waiting sweetie, for imprisoning me. Through the cracks of the top, the sunlight shines through. Wondering what she will wear, she knows I'll be there too. The little girl opens me up, ready to rummage through the necklaces and beads and bracelets and such.
But when my cradle home is open, she dislikes what she finds. Staring at me with horror, seeing that I had a mind. Now it's lost because of this place. Now it's lost for all days. I want to just wait for her to decay with me. I look broken like I was inside, and my face is oozing an oily black red. Crackles on my once rosy cheeks, my eyes staring up at her. Pupils small, shaded with an insane red hue. From my chest drying black, and legs broken off. Her jewelry covered with blood, the mirror of the box stained with black cracks and red ooze, she looks closely as its broken. It only shows the back of my head, which has a lost mind inside of it. I find the strength to move, finally feeling "happy." Emotions have come back, as the source twists and lets out a demented melody.
The sweet chirps of sound have cracked, the song played roughly. It didn't feel right, as I was feeling happy. The girl closes the box, the music ongoing. She's being led to my insanity and sad feelings. Finally feeling the same, trapped in the tune of my beautiful melodic harmony. Collapsing on her floor, letting out loose feelings. Thinking of her death, seeing nothing but darkness. She is scared now, not able to feel real feelings. My job is done, as she peeks at her desk. The square music box opens, revealing my spooky stare. I look at her with joy and pain, finally able to move my arm. Reaching out for a soul, for her to let through my word. She rushes to the kitchen, where mama has the knives stored. Getting them out of their holder, she's regretting what I adored. Sacrificing her young youth, big life and near future, the girl stabs her neck, me looking at the mirror. She has committed suicide, leaving her soul free to wander. I know this is my chance, my chance to really smile. When she falls on the ground, hitting the had marvel floor, her hand reaches another tile. I am just happy I will be freed soon.
The girl has died, but not completely. Her sad soul has switched with mine, and converted to a new vessel. I hear the click of the source, spinning it around. I watch the girl twirl, living a perfect life. She has nothing to worry about but her sanity. I feel like it's in fact fine, as I close the box and lift her up. Using my new young human body, before, I stretched my muscles. I'll be using this vessel quite often, being able to live my life properly. She doesn't have to suffer the way I did for ages. I took her outside, just when the garbage truck was to arrive. It was at the first home, clutching and crushing trash in its clutch. I looked down at the music box, opening it up, hearing the clicking and chirping sounds melodic once again. Before I said goodbye, the girl had her ability to move and look at me, her popped up, blue eyes batted with pink eyeshadow, looking up at me. She couldn't plead, so I didn't listen to her gaze. I opened up a trash bag, placing the box inside. She knew what was coming, and all I could do was smile. The garbage truck disposed of that mess. Mine to be specific, which was now cleared... She was crushed by the clutch of the green vehicle. I waved to her my final goodbye though she was already gone, flipping my newly founded brown hair with gold-like streaks.
Now I was pleased. Now I was free. Now I had no worries. None of my concern. Now the girl's mama was mine. Now the girl's life was mine.
World famous

This story is about a young girl Lovisa and her twin sister Isabelle. They loved each other more than anything in the world. They were like two normal healthy and happy girls but one night Lovisa woke up by hearing a loud noise, *BAM!* and a bloodcurdling scream. Lovisa realised it came from her sister and ran as fast as she could on the cold wooded flor in her black nightgown. She slammed open the door to Isabelle's room but it was too late. She saw her sister laying on the ground with blood coming from her chest. Lovisa threw herself onto the floor and screamed her heart out. She knew her sister was dead and that she would never be happy again. Suddenly she sees a shadow rising slowly in front of her. She wanted this nightmare to be over and closed her tear dripping eyes and said goodbye to her sister. She wished that their story would have ended differently. She knew she was also going to die but welcomed it with an open heart because she wanted to be with her sister.  Then it all went black. When the sisters died they were scared, surprised and sad but after death they could not hold back their anger. They did not know what killed them but their souls will forever remain in the house they died in untill the revenge comes and then they will finally find peace.  

-The End-
International star

Hope I'm not too late...this is all that I got 

The last thing I remember was my alarm clock flashing 1:05 a.m. right before my eyes. At this time she pushed her long rotting nails through my chest while her other hand muffled my screams. I shot up out of bed, panting and shivering, thanking God it was only a dream but then I saw my alarm clock. It read 1:04 a.m. I heard my closet door creak open as her long rotting nails peaked behind the door. I screamed but the lady with the rotting nails ran towards me. I was in shock, I couldn’t move thats when she sank her nails into my chest. I began to scream but she muffled my screams with her free hand. 
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