luminescence wrote: I have an important announcement: yesterday when I was jogging I saw FOUR cute rabbits running on a field!! It made my day
also: 5th part; M3mbers
omg that could never happen here, i'm jelly
they looked like this ;___; so cute i wanna cry
Is this what a wild rabbit looks like? The strangest thing is one of my dwarf rabbits looks just like that even though both of his parents look like basic domesticated ones, one black and one yellow
Lily wrote: Fun fact: six in swedish is sex, and sex in swedish is also sex.
Here's the sixth part: 4nd
everyone found that hilarious when we first started studying swedish in 7th grade
that reminds me of when i was in like 1st grade and the class sat in a circle every morning and we would count us kids, like first kid says "one", second says "two" and then there was always this kid who when it got to "sex" they would refuse to say it lol