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reform [rp]

for @ThugWorkout 

a place for young criminals to try and reform.. or is it?

Lottie Goldberg //  Nathan Jones 
20 // 25  
dark witch // vampire
convicted for the murder of her elder witch, though claims to have been framed. // caught stealing human blood bags from a local hospital.
International star

Evangeline Rodgers // Gustav Woodes
22 // 24
Human // Demon evil boy with dark powers
worked in a hospital, recently convicted of minor assault against another nurse who she has taken a particular hatred for and stuck her nose in Eva's business a few too many times. // killed a few too many poeple on his probation, including several people and places he was banned from, and so is back for his 17th time.

Lottie was curled up on the old worn brown sofa in the communal area of the hell hole she was trapped in. It was around nine am and she had only gotten about an hours sleep after being tormented by the night staff on duty. They loved making her do, what they referred to as, 'magic tricks'. And she had no choice but to do them otherwise she faced going to solitary confinement where she would be stripped of everything. Either way, it was another gloomy morning in a place filled with darkness. 

Nathan had been awake for hours, running laps around the small courtyard they had access too. It wasn't exactly a luxury sports field but it was good enough. Breakfast was going to be served soon so he decided to head back into captivity and slipped into the shower room. He stripped himself down and stepped into the ice cold water that trickled out of the shower head. Thankfully he was barely affected by temperature, unlike the human girl that lingered in their group. He could remember the piercing scream that left her lips the first time she had a shower. 
International star

Gustav ran his hands over his face and stood up off the rust riddled bed, the springs sounding as if they were about to collapse beneath him. Just another day in heaven, he smirked and rolled his eyes to himself. Pulling on his tshirt ver his cold body, his fingers rustled through his hair as he slouched out of his room and into the main lobby area, just in time for breakfast. People held their breath as he walked past, and it made him smirk. Everything's in order, he thought to himself. Slouching down into a seat, he waited for a moment, letting the queue go down.

Evangelines body shuddered as she stood beneath the freezing water, something which she had not become accustomed to. Her weak frame just simply wasn't used to such cold temperatures. Pushing the water from her hair, she wrapped a towel around her body and scuttled off to a small dingy fitting room, pulling on her khaki trousers and baggy shirt, slipping her feet into her sliders, she tied her hair up into a bun on her head and slipped out to the kitchen area. Picking up a small bowl of porridge and a glass of water, she slid into a seat, keeping her head down.

Lottie heard the loud bell chime, signifying time for food and she groaned lightly as she pushed herself up off the sofa and up onto her feet. She scraped her hair back into a high ponytail before making her way into the hall. Lottie had only been here for a few weeks but she hadn't spoken to anyone, all the witches hated her for her crime. It was the highest insult to cause any harm to your elder, let alone kill them in the way Lottie was accused of doing. She entered the line straight away, her eyes barely skimming the room before she found herself being served some bland looking porridge and turned, looking for an empty seat. She ended up sitting a few seats away from Gustav, not for any reason in particular.

Nathan finished off in his shower and stepped out to grab hold of his towel. Your dignity and privacy was quickly stripped this place. You had to shit in front of an audience and your body was exposed. It wasn't ideal but he could cope for the time being. He dried himself off and changed into his rather basic outfit he had been provided before heading into the kitchen area. All that was left was a small carton of rabbits blood, "how the fuck is this suppose to being enough for me to survive?!" he yelled, but quickly regretted it as he was hit rather forcefully over the head by one of the guards.
International star

Gustav raised both eyebrows, spotting the young girl come over to his table, his smirk dropping and instead the corners of his mouth just lifting a little. Moving a couple of seats up the bench, he reached over and grabbed her spoon before she could, spooning a mouthful of the slop into his own gob. Pulling a face, he shoved his spoon back in. "It's a good job we're criminals, if we were innocent they'd never get away with feeding us cow food like that." He joked, keeping his eyes on Lottie. Like she was a bug underneath his magnifying glass. There really was nothing he enjoyed more than annoying poeple, letting their hate radiate against him. It simply made him feel stronger.

stirring the slop around with the spoon, Eva gulped, almost heaving simply from the smell. She didn't feel like she deserved to be in here, she was only protecting herself, surely that wasn't a crime? Taking a mouthful, she let it sit for a moment, composing herself before swallowing, followed by a large gulp of the water. Looking up when she heard a little shouting, flinching as she saw the young man getting hit round the head. Her immediate reaction was to get up and help, the nurse and medic within her wanted nothing more than to care. But it wasn't her job any more. She doubted it ever would be again. She had betrayed the system.

Lottie raised her delicate brow when she saw a spoon plunge into her food, "perhaps they feed us this shite to make us feel guilty, regardless of whether we are or not" she said softly as she met his gaze. He had to be Gustav, his reputation most definitely proceeded him. Everyone in this dump quietly muttered his name in fear, but looking at him he just seemed childish. "You can have it all" she said, pushing her bowl over to him calmly. 

Nathan scowled but sulked off with his tiny bottle of blood, sitting his ass down opposite Eva he opened up his bottle and downed it in one. Wiping his lips clean of any residue that may have formed a mess. "the shower wasn't as cold today for you huh?" he said with a small smile on his as he caught Eva's gave. He ruffled his damp hair around a little bit before looking away from her, "sorry.. that sounded so creepy. I just heard you scream the other day and thought it was funny."
International star

Gustav shook his head. "You look like you need it more than I do, that's for sure. You've not eaten in what.." he rested his hand to the side of her face, his eyes fixated in her for a moment. ".. for far too long, that's for sure, I know it's shit but you need something in your system if they're gonna keep treating you like a circus animal." He muttered under his breath. He knew the ins and ous, the way everyone was being treated. As if they were nothing more than dirt on the bottom of their shoe. Being punished for what their nature instincts were. "I'll be back in a second." He commented before getting up and striding over to the front of the queue, picking himself some toast and a glass of weak juice.

Evangeline jumped as he sat down so suddenly in front of her, her brows raising at him, her spoon in midair as she couldn't simply eyes off him. Petrified didn't even start to explain how she felt at that moment, her heart beating at a thousand miles a minute no matter how much she tried to calm herself down. "Excuse me.. what?" She stuttered, staring him straight in the eye, a little flabbergasted. Was he spying on her now? "Oh.. I see. I've uhm, sort of adjusted for it. Arms then legs, wash the rest with a flannel. I've never felt so dirty in my life." She admitted, biting down on her bottom lip. "How's your head?" She asked, taking another mouthful of her porridge.

Lottie was about to protest until his fingers touched her skin and she fell silent. She was not even quite sure what to say when he commented on the lack of food she had had since being sent to this dump, "that's true." she said softly, taking her bowl back and dipping her spoon back into the gross porridge that sat in front of her and forcing herself to eat the contents off the spoon. Her eyes followed Gustav as he headed towards the line for food, wondering why he had been nice to her. Once he returned she looked at his drink, "no idea how you can drink that, I'm convinced it's just watered down werewolf piss".

Nathan was acting rather cool and calm but to see Evangeline jump about half a mile in the air he was rather shocked. He couldn't help but chuckle a little to himself. Humans were always so open with their emotions and feelings, thats what made them such easy prey. "I have incredible hearing you see, and considering everyone around here speaks in dull whispers your scream stuck out." he said with a small smile, as if that was some sort of compliment. "ah, that is a very smart tactic. perhaps one day you will have to bite the bullet and just take the cold in your stride." he paused for a moment, touching his head as if he was worried there was blood or something attached, "It'll be fine, just a real shame they lace their batons with holy water." he chuckled lightly.
International star

Gustav plopped himself back down opposite her, taking a bite of the rather stale and burnt bread. Sticking his tongue out in disgust. "The only thing that should be burnt like this is people I hate." He mentioned casually, shrugging his shoulders, he couldn't stop the smile that spread on his lips from her comment, shaking his head. "Aaaah my favourite, though pure bat piss is the most purest of all, I'll settle for this I guess. Extra nutrients and all that." He joked. Everyone seemed to be going quiet whenever he spoke. The kind of authority he had was unreal and he was a little confused as to why this young girl was associating herself with him. Was she that desperate to have an accomplice?

Eva tucked a loose strand of hair that had dried behind her ear and pushed the bowl away. A couple of mouthfuls was better than nothing, and if she slept for a couple of hours, it would soon be dinner time. "I suppose that helps you track down any sort of victim you're looking for.." she said quietly, she couldn't help herself but reach over and run her thumb along where he had been hit, nodding softly before settling back down in her seat. "Probably trying to hit the evil out of you, I guess it's a bit late for that." She joked, finishing her glass of water, she rested her hands back in her lap, looking around the room before back at him. "What's your name again, by the way? I've seen you round a couple of times.."

Lottie couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head a little bit at his comment about the toast. she spooned another load of her breakfast into her mouth, forcing herself to swallow. Everything on her body hurt, the bruises that riddled her body were swelling and dark but the guards were smart, they did it in places they knew their outfits would cover. "Ah! Bat piss, a delicacy only few can enjoy" she said with a laugh, shaking her head a little. "I had no idea you had a sense of humour, going by what everyone whispers about you anyway." 

Gustav raised his brow at Eva's comment, very straight to the point he noted. "well it helps with a lot of things, means I can listen to my neighbours tv when they are watching game of thrones so that I don't need to pay for sky." he shrugged his shoulders a little bit before falling still when she touched her thumb against his skin. She felt so warm, it was a strange sensation that past through him in that moment but he didn't say anything. "that's cheeky, whats to say I am evil at all huh? Innocent until proven guilty right" he chuckled, before stretching out his hand, "Nathan, Nathan Jones. And you are?" he said with a smile on his lips.
International star

Gustav finished off his plate of toast, wiping the crumbs from his mouth with the back of his hand he pushed the plate away from him. One thing he refused to do was tidy up after himself, this was a holiday away from all the nonsense of real life, right? Chugging down the rest of his juice, he eyed her up, his eyes narrowing a little. The way her body moved, so tenderly and gingerly. Something was wrong but he couldn't put his finger on it. "Sense of humour? I'm not completely heartless, I promise. I just enjoy pain more than anything else. But it's good to know that poeple are talking about me. What sort of things are they saying? All bad I hope." He teased.

Evangeline laughed, just slightly at his comment, tucking her hands back into her lap. "Game of thrones is your choice of program then? Interesting. I'm more of a soppy rom com myself." She admitted. "Though it's gonna be six months before I see anything I actually like, I know we're criminals but criminals can watch Netflix can't they?" She glanced around the roommate, up a time a couple of guards who were proacticlaly boring a hole into her skull for talking to this man. What the hell were they up to. "Oh uhm, Im Evangeline Rodgers. Nice to meet you, Nathan." She reached over and shook his hand, gasping from the cool touch of his skin. "Goodness, you really are frozen."

Lottie could only manage a few more spoons of her breakfast before finally giving up and shoving it to the side. In that moment she noticed that no one else had sat at the table with them, people must really be scared of him. "Does that include pain that you are suffering?" she said with a cheeky gleam in her eye. "well.. let me see.. I think I overheard a few people saying you were a stuck up asshole." she shrugged slightly, rubbing her arm a little bit before adding, "but there were a couple of pixies that seem petrified of you if that helps." she giggled lightly.

Nathan chuckled away to himself, "we should write to the CEO's of Netflix, see if they will send us a free subscription for being such loyal followers." he let out a small sigh, his mind racing as he realised that this was their life for the next while. "hey, I'm here for six months as well." he smiled a little, "at least we will get through this together I suppose." he said. "Evangeline, what an absolutely beautiful name." He pulled his hand back from her, "ah yes.. sorry about that. I forget sometimes how cold I am nowadays, especially since I barely feel temperature,"
International star

Gustav tutted at her. "Hmm, I don't think you really know who I am do you? Maybe that's a good thing, a clean slate for myself, I could be anyone and you'd never know." Smiling, he stood up once they were both finished, stretched his arms behind his back, he nodded his head towards the door. "Fancy heading outside for a little bit? The air in here is making me want to be sick." Rubbing his nose, his face fell into a very pretendpout, about as mocking as he could get. Walking out behind her, he snarled at one of the guards who seemed to step towards them, more toward Lottie. "Only pixies? That's disappointing, I was hoping for at least a wizard or something."

Evangeline nodded in agreement with him. "You'd probably have to use my blood as ink, there's no way you'd get a one to me, I'd probably be accused of even more assault or something." Rolling her eyes, she settled back down in her seat, the impending doom of the next few months of her life swarming over her once more. "It sounds like such a long time, doesn't it? We could be getting on with our lives, doing something. One small mistakes trying to help people and this is what happens." Looking back up and over at him, the smile reappearing in her pink lips. "Well I'm always cold, I wear a dressing gown even in the summer. Which is why I hate that damn cold water so much."

Lottie had to admit, she only knew that people in this establishment didn't seem to particularly like him, "honestly, I don't." she said softly, watching as he stood up. "Sure, why not." she said rising to her feet and quickly tidying her tray away. As they left she jumped away from the guard that stepped closer to them, fear rushing through her body. In the real world she could easily cause pain to any of these pathetic men, but in this facility she was nothing more than a guinea pig. "just the pixies I'm sorry" she laughed, grabbing a baggy jacket off the hooks before they stepped outside into the crisp winter air. "I'm Charlotte by the way.. but I prefer Lottie." 

Nathan couldn't help but laugh, "or I could use a pen? might be a vampire but I'm not completely savage." he laughed, shaking his head. Evangeline was genuinely quite funny, even if she wasn't meaning to make the jokes. "it seems like a long time but in reality it is rather short. Considering I've already lived a good 140 years, six months should fly by. But this place.. it's not like other prisons." he stated simply, sighing. He didn't want to push too much on getting her to talk about what she was convicted on, it wasn't something people shared easily in this place. "oh really? well that makes a rather big amount of sense ya'know" he laughed, his eyes tracing over her face, she was gorgeous.
International star

Gustav slung his arm casually over her as they headed out, knowing immediately people would back away from her if they were seen together. Heading along the path, he cleared his thirst, heading towards a small secluded part if the outside, he reached into the band of his boxers and pulled out a cigarette, holding it very close to his body. "Well it's very nice to meet you Charlotte, Lottie. I'm Gustav, Gustav for short." Running his tongue along the end of the cigarette, immediately it lit up with a red glow and be leaned into it, taking a drag. "They've started to ration me, three a day, what the fuck. So I've started trading with a couple of the other fellas in exchange for doing something favours. Want some?" He offered it to her.

Evangeline couldn't stop the grin that was on her face talking to him was much easier than she thought it was ever going to be. Being in this sort of places it was petrifying, she was mince neat, a small snack for so many of the predators and yet three weeks in, she was surviving quite well. "That's a ver long time to be sliver don't you get bored seeing the same old thing, the same people coming and going. It must get pretty lonely on your own.. " she admitted quietly, biting against the nail in her big thumb as she looked up at him with her large doe like blue eyes. "I don't see why we can't just have a little bit of privacy. I bet you get treated better in a proper prison or something. Should have just killed someone to get better treatment."
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