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The Woods Creek Mystery

(just made up an excuse for why he didn't come to the funeral either, as you covered why he didnt come to the wake)
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Riley narrowed her eyes, she could always tell when Rick was lying but he seemed sincere today. It wasn't his style to waste a chance to spy on the elite. And besides, she didn't get any intel so; no harm no foul. 

"It was delightful. Open bar.", She grinned and sat down on the chair, letting her dirty boots rest on his desk as a small act of defiance. "Too crowded to get any good info, but the wife seemed upset. Maybe too upset?", She picked up a random paper on his desk. It read 'Kevin Brown', a name Woods Creek law enforcement knew all too well. Minor drug charges, theft a few years ago. Not the best guy. 

"They lawyered up rather quickly, I guess Holden Jr knew what he was in for." She crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it at the trash can, missing by a lot. 


Holden had noted the redhead earlier, and had assumed she was one of his mother's friends from spinning or something along those lines. Up close, she seemed way too young to find any interest in that. It frustrated him, not being able to place her. He was usually good at remembering faces. Holden chuckled at her comment and set the bottle back in its place. 

"I don't think I've had the pleasure, you are?", He inquired and went for a hand shake, not bothering to introduce himself. 

(btw sorry if my replies have been a little off today, i dont know where my head is! i have hardly been able to focus on my exam as well )
Youtube star

Rouya wrote:
(btw sorry if my replies have been a little off today, i dont know where my head is! i have hardly been able to focus on my exam as well )
(oh np, life happens! (; ) 

"Wouldn't expect any different from the Richmonds," he commented as he took a seat behind his desk, absentmindedly looking at the papers piled up, as Riley did. So far they didn't have much to go on, and he was frankly unsure of where to start, as it already seemed like a case way over their heads. He wasn't about to let that show in front of Riley, though.

"Maybe let's not start with them, then. Someone easier, more likely to talk. What about the Walker family? They are all pretty close with each other, maybe they know something." He fished out Miles' file from his desk, as he had once been in the slammer for some petty drug charge way back, and handed it to Riley.


Walking briskly to the bar, Miles had worked out quite a sweat as he arrived. He was early, as planned. That way he knew Kevin wouldn't leave his shift early and the bar unmanded. It wasn't out of character for him to skip a good twenty minutes before his shift ended, and it was always Miles who got into trouble for it, for some reason. Maybe the manager had already given up on his expectations for Kevin, but no one else wanted the job, so here they both were.

"Hey man," Miles said as he noticed Kevin behind the bar. He wiped his forehead as he took his coat off. After the rain had subsided, it had gotten slightly warmer, and he was dying to get it off. "How's it going?" He asked out of habit.


"Lou. Lou Taylor," she replied, firmly shaking Holden's hand. "And you're Holden Jr." She took a sip of her martini, sizing him up. She wasn't surprised at all by her first impression of Holden. In fact, he was exactly as she had imagined Mr. Richmond's son to be. Smug, arrogant looking. Maybe a bit too pleased with himself. All this should take is some sucking up, she thought.
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Riley grabbed the file without looking at it. She remembered the whole ordeal vividly, Miles getting arrested, Rick insisting on keeping her out of the arrest. Of course, in hindsight, it made sense. She inhaled and took a look through the file. A drug charge, some underage drinking. Nothing she didn't already know about. Part of her had been scared to discover something new, as if it would matter to her. 

"I guess, we really should be talking to relatives first.", She figured they'd talk with the Walkers eventually, give her some time to figure out how to treat Miles appropriately. She was an investigator first, and she needed to remember that. Miles wasn't above suspicion, no one was. 

Holden studied Lou up and down, trying to seem unimpressed. 

"Just Holden is fine. How did you know my father, if I may ask?", He asked and took a seat at the newly vacated couch, eyes still locked on the woman before him. She seemed fox-like, in the most intriguing way. Did she have a secret motive perhaps? 

Kevin was in the midst of creating a rather impressive piece of art with a handful crushed peanuts he had found under the bar. After shaping them into a barely recognizable smiley face, he gathered up the dust and shoved it into his mouth. 

"You know, we should really start serving food here. Burgers, fries, a fucking milkshake at least? God, we'd run that sad old diner down the street out of business in no time!", He exclaimed at his coworker who'd just announced himself. "Where you been by the way?" He asked, nodding at the fancy attire Miles was currently sporting. 

(im unsure if i misunderstand riley's comment - they are going to the bar now, right? edit: im unsure if she is referring to the walkers as relatives or not, so not sure how to interpret her comment is what i mean)
Youtube star

Rouya wrote:
(im unsure if i misunderstand riley's comment - they are going to the bar now, right?)

(oh, the writing is kinda confusing. but yes, they're heading to the bar she's just dreading it) 

hurtful wrote:
Rouya wrote:
(im unsure if i misunderstand riley's comment - they are going to the bar now, right?)

(oh, i the writing is kinda refusing. but yes, they're heading to the bar she's just dreading it) 
(ahh ok, got it!)

Rick studied Riley for a moment, unsure if he should make a comment or not regarding her and Miles. He knew their history, but also knew she wasn't about to just spill her feelings. She wasn't the sappy type nor the type to let feelings get in the way of a job.

"Right then," he said, clapping his hands against his thighs as he stood up. "Let's ask Miles some questions." He grabbed his car keys from his desk and headed out the door, not waiting for Riley to get up.


"Oh, you know..." Lou swirled the toothpick around in her half empty martini glass, before deciding exactly which way to go with this.

Probably best to tell the truth, she tought. Better than getting too deep into a lie and getting caught. That would surely turn the town against her. "I'm actually a journalist." She studied Holden's face for a reaction, hoping it was the right choice, and that she wouldn't get the boot right then and there.

Realising she was still wearing her hat from the funeral, she took it off and ruffled her hair a little, to get rid of the way it had been weighed down on all day. She hoped it would make her look a little more relaxed and friendly as well, making her truthfulness land better.


"Who's gonna cook then? Not me, that's for sure," Miles remarked at Kevin before he walked up to him and studied his peanut-art. "That's awful," he chuckled, as he took a peanut out of the smiley face and put it in his mouth. "Wait, where did you get these?"
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Riley bit the inside of her cheeks. The buzz was wearing off, and she suddenly felt a bit queasy. 

"I'll do the talking, okay?", She said as she joined Rick in his car. "I know you like the whole bad-cop worse-cop bit, but with Miles, well, you know the history..." She tried to say without sounding too sappy. 

They made an interesting team, balancing out Rick's temper wasn't an easy thing to do. But he could be charming, when he chose to be. Riley was hoping he could put his distaste for the Richmond family aside and try and charm Lauren Richmond into an interview. It was worth a shot, women of her kind, they tended to speak more than they should. Riley on the other hand, well, she depended on less conventional methods. 


Holden raised an eyebrow. A journalist. In wood's creek. It shocked him, then again, his father was rich. Rich people mattered, especially if they're brutally murdered. He was well aware that he should have thrown her out, anything he divulged to her could be used against him in a court, if it ever came to that. But Holden was too intrigued, or maybe too bored. He should indulge for once. 

"I presume you're not here to write about Woods Creek's spectacular nightlife, are you?", Holden said, with his head slightly tilted. 


Kevin rubbed his hands on his jeans, so as to clean them. 

"Oh, I found them under-- never mind", He grabbed a joint from his back pocket and smiled, didn't even remember bringing one. His shift had ended, but Kevin never had a place to go. He usually stuck around, talked to the regulars. Drank.

"It's been dead all morning, but I reckon it'll be crowded tonight", he said and put the joint between his lips. "I'll stick around, just in case. You want some by the way?", He asked, with one hand on the back door.

"Sure, sure," Rick agreed. He and Miles had had their run-ins with each other before, but he knew this was probably not the time to butt in. It wasn't a serious interrogation anyway, so it was fair enough to let Riley do the talking, if that was what she wanted.

He reared out of the parking lot at the police station and headed for the bar, putting on some old rock music from the radio on the way.


Lou sucked her teeth and leaned back against the tiny back rest on the bar stool, crossing her legs. "Not exactly, no."

She fetched herself another martini, already feeling slightly tipsy. But she handled her drinks well, so what the hell, she thought. Open bar.

"No, I'm here about your dad. Sorry about that. How are you feeling?" She sent Holden a sympathetic look, trying to act like just another concerned funeral goer.


Miles shook his head. "No thanks..." He took off his tie as well, as he hadn't brought any clothes to change into, but didn't want to look too fancy bartending all night.

"Yeah, people will probably come round soon. I was at the Richmond funeral, by the way. Hadn't you heard? Probably why it's been so quiet down here all day. You dodged a bullet, for sure."

He poured himself a beer and added a tally on a piece of paper he kept beneath the bar. A primitive tab, but it worked. Of course they weren't supposed to be drinking on shift, but it would probably be a while before customers started coming, people having to eat dinner first and whatnot, so it couldn't do much harm.

(oh wait, i thought kevin was offering miles some of the joint, but now i re-read it im not sure if it was that or a drink. edit: nvm it was the joint, im just tired and cant read, i should go to bed lol)
Youtube star

Rouya wrote:
(oh wait, i thought kevin was offering miles some of the joint, but now i re-read it im not sure if it was that or a drink)
(oh sry for being confusing, he offered weed, not a drink)

hurtful wrote:
Rouya wrote:
(oh wait, i thought kevin was offering miles some of the joint, but now i re-read it im not sure if it was that or a drink)
(oh sry for being confusing, he offered weed, not a drink)
(hahaha yes i read it again-again and noticed XD you werent confusing, i saw it in the last line just now, i just missed it)
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