TheEnchantress wrote:
Hmm.I don't know if you want to you can.
shadowhunter wrote:
Who starts?
TheEnchantress wrote:
Oh and I thought you were Sorry.Anyways.. here
Name: Sage Evermore
Looks: Long black spiky hair with baby blue highlights.Pale skin.One crystal blue eye and one crystal white.
Others: She hasn't cut her hair like her sister did.She only highlighted it because she knew she could get away with it.
shadowhunter wrote:
I thougt you where taking controll on that...?
I thougt you where taking controll on that...?
Oh and I thought you were Sorry.Anyways.. here
Name: Sage Evermore
Looks: Long black spiky hair with baby blue highlights.Pale skin.One crystal blue eye and one crystal white.
Others: She hasn't cut her hair like her sister did.She only highlighted it because she knew she could get away with it.
Who starts?
Hmm.I don't know if you want to you can.