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Plot Ideas
Account deleted

Now since Cosmo was deleted, some of the plots went along with it. So if you have any plots, post them here! Make sure they're appropriate and if you have any questions on what's appropriate or not, don't hesitate to mail me.

International star
I have some on there, idk if people wanna use them or not
Playback star

Ok. ;3
Account deleted

I found this one :)
-The Queen-Bee's:: They have everything. The looks, The money, the Popularity. Well, mostly everything. Even though they're pretty on the outside, They're dumb as rocks on the inside. Maybe it's all that bleach seeping into their skulls, who knows, but it doesn't matter. They have Daddy's plastic to make sure they graduate. Along with being the prettiest and dumbest people around, they're the meanest. Be careful not to get on their bad side, or it'll be the last thing you may do.

-The Wanna-Bee's:: They're a lever lower than the QB's on everything, except their IQ points. These are the girls who weren't quite as rich enough, pretty enough, or famous enough to be apart of the QB's. These girls are a day late on the latest fashion and gossip and they follow the QB's around like lost puppies. The QB's humor them, though, and make them fetch things like little slaves. The WB's don't care though, as long as they get the attention.

-The Varsity Jocks:: These are the guys that date the QB's and /only/ the QB's. These are the guys that play on the varsity teams and will never be caught without their Letterman Jacket. These guys are muscle showin', steroid takin', beef headed dummies. They're on the same level as the QB's in IQ, money, looks, everything. Just because something's pretty on the outside, doesn't make it gorgeous on the inside.

-The Junior Varsity Jocks:: These guys are at the same quotient as the WB's. They follow the VJ's around being their slaves and vying for their attention, just to get noticed. When you enter RVHS as a freshman, and if you play a sport, you will immediately enter this clique. When you become a Junior, that's when you get the high honor of being a Varsity Jock. A step Higher, but a level dumber.

-The Girl Jocks:: These are the girls that play sports. They don't associate themselves with the QB's, the WB's, the VJ's, or the JVJ's. They sit around and talk about sports all day, seriously. They don't care about appearances, and they could care less about actually making good grades. They pass by just enough to get a sports scholarship to some school that you've never heard of.

-The Artsies:: These people are next on the Hierarchy of High School. They have the money to be able to get into one of the 'good' cliques, but they just aren't good looking enough to those standards. These are the people who you will find in the art room at every possible moment of the day. They spend their time sketching and discussing the latest art technique or talking about which art show they went to last night. They're a level below the Nerds on the Intellectual scale, but you can have better conversations with them.

-The New Kids:: Now, I know what you're thinking. New kids? How are they this high on the scale? Well, New kids are the most important because they keep the other cliques alive. With out them, you wouldn't be able to populate the other cliques. When seniors graduate, the leader of that clique goes to the new kids and picks the one that fits the most of what they need. It's like the circle of life, for High School. But, these are just your normal kids. They come, They learn, They gain grades, they graduate, the End. Unless, however, they become part of a clique.

-The Skaters/Bad Kids/Emo's:: Call them whatever you want, they all act the same. Now, these are the kids that hang out behind the school and in the quad and do not so pleasant things. They get into all sorts of trouble and they don't care. These are the rich kids who think that just because they have money, they can do whatever they want, which they can. There's not much to say about them, because they don't do much.

-The Loners:: These are the pople who keep to themselves. There's not much to say about them, because you don't ever seem them, or notice them. They sit in the back of the class and don't talk to anyone except the teachers and other loners. They aren't exactly dumb, but they aren't as smart as the nerds. They're a step lower than the Artsies on the intellectual scale.

-The Musicians:: These are the people who are joined into a choir or a band group, whether it be school based or not. You will always see them in a group of two or three and they will always be talking about the latest music, the latest concerts, and the latest tours.

-The Nerds:: Last, but not least, you have the nerds. The ones at the bottom of the Hierarchy, but at the top of the intellectual scale. These are the people that you beat up to make yourself feel better, if you are a part of the first four mentioned cliques. You can also get them to do your homework for you, no matter what clique you are in. They stay in the computer rooms during lunch and don't socialize much. Now, don't get all stereotypical on me, there can be some pretty cute nerds who were asked to be in the first four mentioned groups, but they denied. These are the most down to earth people you will ever meet, albeit a little awkward, but they are also the nicest.
CREDIT; Paper Heart; ON COSMO gSm

Karaoke star

Nice c:

Ooh I like that one Rianne ;3
Karaoke star

I have a few on my site,
They're reeeally old, but I suppose someone might want them.

I have nearly 50 plots in German :d
Youtube star

I have like 3 plots on mine, but I generally use boarding school/high school/apartment role plays.
Playback star

ok ima copy a plot from a series about lps lol

Youtube star

Even though I don't roleplay I have a plot idea~

You have no memory. You're stuck in a white place, much like a hospital with your friends. You have to escape- you don't know why but you must. You don't know your name or anything about yourself. Each of the friends has a certain skill/power (i.e. math genius, can hack any computer, can move things with their mind...). You have to find your way through the place and you run into scientists and doctors. You may try and capture them and get info or you run. You have to figure out who you are, you're past and escape and get home. You have to get to the main doctor to do so, as he has the papers about you, though your memory may be coming back throughout this. He also has the papers explaining everything. You have to get home.

Does that make sense? I just kinda though of it off the top of my head so. Oh well, feel free to elaborate on it.
Playback star

well a girl named savannah and her friend named brook were best friends but brook moved then 5 yrs later savvannah moved to where brook was and at the school brook was super popular and hated savannah her bf met savannah in a class and she started to like him brook made up a plan so he doesnt end up liking savannah so brook told sage her bf that savannah bullied her and tried to kiss all the football players 
so h didnt like savannah and that worked..... for a while then savannah shows up at school looking sexy (lol) and sage finally talks to her and shes like ugh and slaps him them walks away and he hits his locker then she meets a guy named tom in the hallway and a few days later they go to lunch and he brings her to the football table and he has a plan so he gets her and her friends to come and he lifts her up and puts her on table and gives her a necklace and asks "will u be my girlfriend'? savannah yells "YES!!! and then brook sees that he she takes sage up onto a table and kisses him but they both fall into a chocolate cake and everybody laughs at them and then brook plans a party for the whole school to come to make fun of savannah the whole school comes (its a costume party) savannah wears a angel outfit and brook wears a slutty devil outfit she gets tom to come into her room and makes him kiss her sage and savannah sees savannah runs down the stairs and finds sage and sage finds her crying sage asks "why are u crying? savannah answers i saw.... BROOK KISSING TOM!!!! sage brung into the closet and they talk and end up kissing brook looks into the closet and sees them kissing she grabs savannah and throws her savannah gets back up pushes her then brook grabs sage and starts kisssing him and then pins him down and then savannah kicks brook offf of sage savannnah and sage go to savannahs house and then a new girl comes to school a hot sexy new girl thats living with sage savannah finds a note on her locker that says back off on sage hes mine kisses 

Playback star

longgggg story it took me like two hours to write that whole thing lol
Playback star

OOH what good is history but little is long, thank Rianne for information!:|
Karaoke star

Karaoke star

omg i was just about to link this. 

Aha. I actually made that years ago. And I don't remember the password anymore. xD 
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