Nesta wrote:Shinko wrote:
@Atlanta Agents of the shield I haven't seen that one
Envious! I bet you have way better health care when I died in 2015 coma 10 days it cost 300,000 and my hearing implant cost another 80,000
omg. yes, a lot is covered by the state through the taxes we pay. depending on the procedure we may only pay like 30% or something of the bill. To take an example I at least know the prices on: talk therapy. It cost like 300NOK (30 dollars) per session and each year after you've paid a total of 2K (200 dollars) on that services + some others, included in the same thing like scans and such, you don't have to pay more that year. i don't know surgeries tho. they should be relatively affordable if you do not take them private, i think, but don't hold me for this.
frikort is my savior <3<3