Nioruo wrote:Klavier wrote:Nioruo wrote:ah I'm painfully aware of being the new kid tho, made me wanna give up but I stuck around anyway- I'm glad I did since you're all fun to write to :>
I sent you a friend request (im gremlin) just in case anyone wants to add me, mine is SW-0513-2488-3317
what games do you like to play? and what kind of art?
we're in dire need of some new kids it's very dry here nowadays (this is me desperately asking u to stick around)
accepted :3 i like all kinds of games but my favs of all time are ace attorney and silent hill.... among many others because i can't pick favorites but i can't name everything without writing a whole ass long list
and tbh just fanart lmao but i never really post it anywhere
too scary
awww I'd be happy to stick around and it makes me happy to hear it hahahah you guys kinda scare me but that made me feel better (why is bc like when there are tight knit groups of ppl it's so odd to tryna come in as a new person so-) I like ace attorney memes but I've never played the games. I've been meaning to try though. Is there a title you'd recommend specifically?
I draw fanart now and then too, you dont need to post things really I think it just became so uber normal for people to do so. If you enjoy it by your lonesome and it makes you happy then that's amazing! it's one of the reasons I dont post much anymore
yeahh it's such a small community that everyone kinda knows each other so i get that it can be hard to come in as a newcomer, but from what i've seen in my time here people who actually talk and take part in forums end up becoming integrated with the rest of the community pretty quickly. like lovelin, hi lovelin👋