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BloomCissi wrote:
Melk wrote:
BloomCissi wrote:
Oh, I see. Is that like how Skavlan speaks? He's my only reference for how Norwegian sounds. XD I think there's just much more variation between Norwegian dialects than there are in Swedish. I rarely hear more than like two-three different dialects so I can't know for sure, but I don't think I'd have any problems with understanding most of the dialects here. Except maybe if I were to encounter some old lady who lives in a farm somewhere far out in the countryside who speaks in some kind of weird dialect...

That sounds like one of my friends. He was my classmate in high school, and he basically didn't put in any effort, but still got A's in almost all subjects. It was kind of annoying when he'd go like "I haven't even read the book", and then he got an A on the assignment about that book. I stopped caring about grades when I took a course in political science last year. I got bad grades, so after that I was basically just like, "Well, f*ck it!" and stopped caring. Oh, so your education is 5 years?

I can see that you're talking about eating, what kind of food do you like?
yes i guess it is, i don't really watch skavlan, but i think you're right. you might have a point, but i know nothing about swedish dialects. i know they exist but i don't really know much about them. i'm also very bad at norwegian dialects i can't even place them when i heat some one speak a dialect. 

i'm maybe more a less extreme than him, i mostly got 5 og Bs idk what grade system you're used to. I don't get top grades (or i got an A in art tho, but there you kinda have to make an effort) 
haha aw, i feel you, i didn't get very good grades last semester.
yes it's a master. it's new this year. so in 2021 norway will get next to no new teachers, scary stuff. 

everything?? (except for a lot of fish, but good fish is good). i like food with a some spice tho. i think it's very hard to pick a favorite food. wbu?
Haha, me neither, but I watch clips or whole episodes on the internet if there happens to be someone interesting on the show. I'm really bad at dialects too, I can only differentiate between a few of them. Mostly what I hear is skånska, which is spoken down here in Skåne where I live, or the more neutral kind of Swedish, basically rikssvenska, which is the kind of Swedish you might hear on the news.

Ah, yeah, we use the A-F system. You use some kind of number system? The grading here is done almost randomly, since teachers interpret the criteria differently. You could probably give the same assignment to two teachers, and they'd give you a different grade. Most teachers are pretty reasonable though, it's almost like you can convince them to give you a higher grade, something I myself have done twice, which worked. How is the atmosphere in school? Like, are teachers usually strict and demand authority, or are they more like friends with the students?

Haha, same. I like most kinds of food. Anything with chicken is usually good, and I really like pasta.

Some random questions for you
Do you have any role model?
Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?
Do you watch Eurovision?
because you brought up skavlan i started to watch some clips on youtube now hahah. yeah i also know the difference between a few dialects (in norwegian ofc). i think language stuff is hard hahah

in uni we use A-F, but in high school we use 1-6 where 1 is fail and 6 is the best! i kinda feel like it's easier to get an A that a 6 tho, bc to get a 6 it has to be 99% perfect, at least at my old schools. I feel like most of my teachers grades things similar, ofc there is always those who is stricter.  I feel like the atmosphere in my old schools has been mostly chill, i've had some teacher i didn't like and they didn't have like that natural flow in the classroom (if you get what i mean). most of my teachers has been like "friends" with the class, some more than others. 
funny storry; i'm actually the swimming instructor to the son of my favorite teacher from 9th grade haha. 

yess chicken and pasta is good, i also eat a lot of vegetables 

1. umm i think that's a hard question tbh. like i don't really have a role model, but i look more up to like good qualities in different people (idk if that makes sense). i also have some kind of moral i follow like to be the best person i can be.

2. yess i actually do. i'm from a christian home, i myself doesn't see myself as a christian but if religions can exist ghosts and spirits can exist hahah. 

3. i watch it the years i have time to watch it!! i watched the norwegian mgp this year so now i have to watch eurovision as well. my dream is to be invited or host a eurovision viewing party, you know, one of those with costumes and stuff hahaha. 

feel free to answer your own questions 

andoryyu wrote:
Melk wrote:
andoryyu wrote:
tysm!! < 3
My faves are howl's moving Castle (I have a big crush on howl btw) and ponyo c:
ooooo nice! that's basically my fave movies as well, especially howl's moving caslte
i also love Kiki's delivery service, i've actually cosplayed kiki before 
really? I wanted to cosplay of her too.

I would like to make cosplays more often :c cuz I only cosplayed two times 
yess. ohhh do it. it isn't the hardest one to do so go for it!!

ahh, i've done it for some time now, but i don't really do it often. i haven't had any motivation for it lately.
what have you cosplayed? and what do you want to cosplay?

Ennui wrote:
Melk wrote:
Ennui wrote:
We should play together sometime! Feel free to hmu anytime 
*I still have my gameboy from childhood ;s *

ahhh exactly!
ooo yes! i'm very bad tho so you need to be patient with me haha.
maybe i can add you now?
ahhh i remember everything i really wanted was a gameboy but i never got it. i had my n64 tho so i guess i was fine. i have a 3ds now, but i never use it. 

hahah yess! clumsy squad 
Ah no worries, I'm pretty bad myself lmao
But yea sure my battletag is: erza#2699
(and yes my battletag is named after erza scarlet cus i used to have a massive crush on her, and still kinda do. Idek if ur into anime but psh, shes hot)
Awhman, well I'd get u one if its still something u really want! ;n;

hahah nice, i haven't played it much so yes
i think i added you now i'm mariebrie#2136
hahah aw, it's a cool character tho, so i get it!
yesss always 

askr wrote:
another norwegian here, in her eighteenth year, going kunst, design and arkitekur at vg2. no clue on how to introduce myself either, i guess i could mention i'm a real language nerd and spend most of my time making ridicolous plans for my future and i love to research random topics because i need to know the facts. and i have the attention span of a dizzy goldfish, it took me at least 20 minutes to write this because i kept forgetting what i was doing. anyway, how's your day going?
hello fellow norwegian (+1 cool point) 
ohh nice, i really wanted to do kunst, design og arkitektur myself but i ended up not to, do you enjoy it?
do you know a lot of languages, or maybe want to study more? 
aw  yes i feel you, i'm also very bad at that, especially when i write about myself. 

my day is okay, i skipped school bc i feel sick and the only thing i've don is to eat breakfast and take a bath haha. how is yours? 
International star

Melk wrote:
Ennui wrote:
Melk wrote:
ooo yes! i'm very bad tho so you need to be patient with me haha.
maybe i can add you now?
ahhh i remember everything i really wanted was a gameboy but i never got it. i had my n64 tho so i guess i was fine. i have a 3ds now, but i never use it. 

hahah yess! clumsy squad 
Ah no worries, I'm pretty bad myself lmao
But yea sure my battletag is: erza#2699
(and yes my battletag is named after erza scarlet cus i used to have a massive crush on her, and still kinda do. Idek if ur into anime but psh, shes hot)
Awhman, well I'd get u one if its still something u really want! ;n;

hahah nice, i haven't played it much so yes
i think i added you now i'm mariebrie#2136
hahah aw, it's a cool character tho, so i get it!
yesss always 
I'll be looking forward to playing with u! :>
and yeeeea ikr!

Ennui wrote:
Melk wrote:
Ennui wrote:
Ah no worries, I'm pretty bad myself lmao
But yea sure my battletag is: erza#2699
(and yes my battletag is named after erza scarlet cus i used to have a massive crush on her, and still kinda do. Idek if ur into anime but psh, shes hot)
Awhman, well I'd get u one if its still something u really want! ;n;

hahah nice, i haven't played it much so yes
i think i added you now i'm mariebrie#2136
hahah aw, it's a cool character tho, so i get it!
yesss always 
I'll be looking forward to playing with u! :>
and yeeeea ikr!
yes me too
do you play often?
International star

Melk wrote:
Ennui wrote:
Melk wrote:
hahah nice, i haven't played it much so yes
i think i added you now i'm mariebrie#2136
hahah aw, it's a cool character tho, so i get it!
yesss always 
I'll be looking forward to playing with u! :>
and yeeeea ikr!
yes me too
do you play often?
Not super often, but I do play like 3 times a week maybe ? idk, every now n then :>
Prince of Pop

Melk wrote:
askr wrote:
another norwegian here, in her eighteenth year, going kunst, design and arkitekur at vg2. no clue on how to introduce myself either, i guess i could mention i'm a real language nerd and spend most of my time making ridicolous plans for my future and i love to research random topics because i need to know the facts. and i have the attention span of a dizzy goldfish, it took me at least 20 minutes to write this because i kept forgetting what i was doing. anyway, how's your day going?
hello fellow norwegian (+1 cool point) 
ohh nice, i really wanted to do kunst, design og arkitektur myself but i ended up not to, do you enjoy it?
do you know a lot of languages, or maybe want to study more? 
aw  yes i feel you, i'm also very bad at that, especially when i write about myself. 

my day is okay, i skipped school bc i feel sick and the only thing i've don is to eat breakfast and take a bath haha. how is yours? 
yeah, i get studiespesialisering while doing some stuff i really like so i very pleased with my choice. what did you do?
nah, only three. i have a lot of languages i would like to learn tho, currently working on spanish because school and turkish because idk it sounds cool, turkey is cool. lately i've been learning random alphabets, don't know if i'll ever need to read armenian letters but u know, why not. 
haha yes, writing about one self is hard, personally i have no social skills so i'm just sitting there thinking, "would this person perhaps like to know my favourite metal?" and then coming to the conclusion that the sentence "hi i'm emilie and i like the metal tin" would be weird af. 

ah, god betring, idk how you english that. my day has been pretty good, we got bolle at school and listhaug is done for now so that's something.

Ennui wrote:
Melk wrote:
Ennui wrote:
I'll be looking forward to playing with u! :>
and yeeeea ikr!
yes me too
do you play often?
Not super often, but I do play like 3 times a week maybe ? idk, every now n then :>

same here, i'm kinda busy with work and studies (kinda i procrastinate a lot so idk why i don't play more) 
but i like to play with others and not alone 

askr wrote:
Melk wrote:
askr wrote:
another norwegian here, in her eighteenth year, going kunst, design and arkitekur at vg2. no clue on how to introduce myself either, i guess i could mention i'm a real language nerd and spend most of my time making ridicolous plans for my future and i love to research random topics because i need to know the facts. and i have the attention span of a dizzy goldfish, it took me at least 20 minutes to write this because i kept forgetting what i was doing. anyway, how's your day going?
hello fellow norwegian (+1 cool point) 
ohh nice, i really wanted to do kunst, design og arkitektur myself but i ended up not to, do you enjoy it?
do you know a lot of languages, or maybe want to study more? 
aw  yes i feel you, i'm also very bad at that, especially when i write about myself. 

my day is okay, i skipped school bc i feel sick and the only thing i've don is to eat breakfast and take a bath haha. how is yours? 
yeah, i get studiespesialisering while doing some stuff i really like so i very pleased with my choice. what did you do?
nah, only three. i have a lot of languages i would like to learn tho, currently working on spanish because school and turkish because idk it sounds cool, turkey is cool. lately i've been learning random alphabets, don't know if i'll ever need to read armenian letters but u know, why not. 
haha yes, writing about one self is hard, personally i have no social skills so i'm just sitting there thinking, "would this person perhaps like to know my favourite metal?" and then coming to the conclusion that the sentence "hi i'm emilie and i like the metal tin" would be weird af. 

ah, god betring, idk how you english that. my day has been pretty good, we got bolle at school and listhaug is done for now so that's something.

ooo it sounds like the dream! i had normal studiespess, boring af, but i wanted to have realfag so it was easier that way. 
i think it's a very cool thing to be interested in, i wish i had the drive to be interested in something like that!!
HAHAH if you had written that you would have reminded me so much about a good friend of mine. she really loooves stone, and sometimes she just starts to talk about it even to people she don't really know too well. what a nerd, i love her haha. 

thank you. i think people say "get well soon" 
YES listhaug gikk av! so happy
Prince of Pop

Melk wrote:
askr wrote:
Melk wrote:
hello fellow norwegian (+1 cool point) 
ohh nice, i really wanted to do kunst, design og arkitektur myself but i ended up not to, do you enjoy it?
do you know a lot of languages, or maybe want to study more? 
aw  yes i feel you, i'm also very bad at that, especially when i write about myself. 

my day is okay, i skipped school bc i feel sick and the only thing i've don is to eat breakfast and take a bath haha. how is yours? 
yeah, i get studiespesialisering while doing some stuff i really like so i very pleased with my choice. what did you do?
nah, only three. i have a lot of languages i would like to learn tho, currently working on spanish because school and turkish because idk it sounds cool, turkey is cool. lately i've been learning random alphabets, don't know if i'll ever need to read armenian letters but u know, why not. 
haha yes, writing about one self is hard, personally i have no social skills so i'm just sitting there thinking, "would this person perhaps like to know my favourite metal?" and then coming to the conclusion that the sentence "hi i'm emilie and i like the metal tin" would be weird af. 

ah, god betring, idk how you english that. my day has been pretty good, we got bolle at school and listhaug is done for now so that's something.

ooo it sounds like the dream! i had normal studiespess, boring af, but i wanted to have realfag so it was easier that way. 
i think it's a very cool thing to be interested in, i wish i had the drive to be interested in something like that!!
HAHAH if you had written that you would have reminded me so much about a good friend of mine. she really loooves stone, and sometimes she just starts to talk about it even to people she don't really know too well. what a nerd, i love her haha. 

thank you. i think people say "get well soon" 
YES listhaug gikk av! so happy

yeah, studie is probably more compatible with realfag. i just realised how weird that word must look to foreigners, like real fag. but yeah it's a lot more chill than studie and we have like 10 art lessons a week so like a dream seems like a fitting description. 
i will admit, the look on my classmates faces when they see my notebook makes it so worth the time. you probably have stuff that interests you that i have never even offered a thought tho? people find the weirdest stuff facinating, a friend of mine is obsessed with snails. 
aah stone is so interesting tho! i used to collect stones when i was younger, wish i knew more about them. 

that sound right yes 
and then we get per sandberg instead, as if that's any better :') 

askr wrote:
Melk wrote:
askr wrote:
yeah, i get studiespesialisering while doing some stuff i really like so i very pleased with my choice. what did you do?
nah, only three. i have a lot of languages i would like to learn tho, currently working on spanish because school and turkish because idk it sounds cool, turkey is cool. lately i've been learning random alphabets, don't know if i'll ever need to read armenian letters but u know, why not. 
haha yes, writing about one self is hard, personally i have no social skills so i'm just sitting there thinking, "would this person perhaps like to know my favourite metal?" and then coming to the conclusion that the sentence "hi i'm emilie and i like the metal tin" would be weird af. 

ah, god betring, idk how you english that. my day has been pretty good, we got bolle at school and listhaug is done for now so that's something.

ooo it sounds like the dream! i had normal studiespess, boring af, but i wanted to have realfag so it was easier that way. 
i think it's a very cool thing to be interested in, i wish i had the drive to be interested in something like that!!
HAHAH if you had written that you would have reminded me so much about a good friend of mine. she really loooves stone, and sometimes she just starts to talk about it even to people she don't really know too well. what a nerd, i love her haha. 

thank you. i think people say "get well soon" 
YES listhaug gikk av! so happy

yeah, studie is probably more compatible with realfag. i just realised how weird that word must look to foreigners, like real fag. but yeah it's a lot more chill than studie and we have like 10 art lessons a week so like a dream seems like a fitting description. 
i will admit, the look on my classmates faces when they see my notebook makes it so worth the time. you probably have stuff that interests you that i have never even offered a thought tho? people find the weirdest stuff facinating, a friend of mine is obsessed with snails. 
aah stone is so interesting tho! i used to collect stones when i was younger, wish i knew more about them. 

that sound right yes 
and then we get per sandberg instead, as if that's any better :') 
yes, i kinda wish i didn't take realfag now tho haha. haha yes, real fag realfag, damn. ooo i want to do art on school, i'm going to take art as a part of my studies next year tho. 
hahahah i can imagine!! hmm maybe, i think people and development  kinda interesting, i guess that's why i want to be a teacher. 
yes it is!! i learn about stones bc im friends with her.

ugh no. why?

Melk wrote:
andoryyu wrote:
Melk wrote:
ooooo nice! that's basically my fave movies as well, especially howl's moving caslte
i also love Kiki's delivery service, i've actually cosplayed kiki before 
really? I wanted to cosplay of her too.

I would like to make cosplays more often :c cuz I only cosplayed two times 
yess. ohhh do it. it isn't the hardest one to do so go for it!!

ahh, i've done it for some time now, but i don't really do it often. i haven't had any motivation for it lately.
what have you cosplayed? and what do you want to cosplay?
I Cosplayed of hatsume mei of Boku no Hero and Lolita ahaha.
International star

Melk wrote:
Ennui wrote:
Melk wrote:
yes me too
do you play often?
Not super often, but I do play like 3 times a week maybe ? idk, every now n then :>

same here, i'm kinda busy with work and studies (kinda i procrastinate a lot so idk why i don't play more) 
but i like to play with others and not alone 
Prince of Pop

Melk wrote:
askr wrote:
Melk wrote:

ooo it sounds like the dream! i had normal studiespess, boring af, but i wanted to have realfag so it was easier that way. 
i think it's a very cool thing to be interested in, i wish i had the drive to be interested in something like that!!
HAHAH if you had written that you would have reminded me so much about a good friend of mine. she really loooves stone, and sometimes she just starts to talk about it even to people she don't really know too well. what a nerd, i love her haha. 

thank you. i think people say "get well soon" 
YES listhaug gikk av! so happy

yeah, studie is probably more compatible with realfag. i just realised how weird that word must look to foreigners, like real fag. but yeah it's a lot more chill than studie and we have like 10 art lessons a week so like a dream seems like a fitting description. 
i will admit, the look on my classmates faces when they see my notebook makes it so worth the time. you probably have stuff that interests you that i have never even offered a thought tho? people find the weirdest stuff facinating, a friend of mine is obsessed with snails. 
aah stone is so interesting tho! i used to collect stones when i was younger, wish i knew more about them. 

that sound right yes 
and then we get per sandberg instead, as if that's any better :') 
yes, i kinda wish i didn't take realfag now tho haha. haha yes, real fag realfag, damn. ooo i want to do art on school, i'm going to take art as a part of my studies next year tho. 
hahahah i can imagine!! hmm maybe, i think people and development  kinda interesting, i guess that's why i want to be a teacher. 
yes it is!! i learn about stones bc im friends with her.

ugh no. why?
noo why, it's really cool to have gone realfag, myself i'm barely passing p-matte so i really admire the brains of those who can take realfag. oo nice, hope it will be worth it for you.
what age are you planning on working with? teachers are way underappreciated, it's without a doubt one of the most important professions. 
aaa that's so cool, now i want to be friends with her as well. kinda motivates me to work on my math because i always wanted to be a geologist or what it's called. geolog. 

honestly, he's one of the biggest assholes of frp, but i guess we can give him a chance. none of frp's justisministers the past years have lasted for long, so maybe he'll be gone too soon =)

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