Selby wrote:
This issue is in no way new but just as an example, 2 of the 3 items I got as manager gifts today were backgrounds that are pretty much useless without their main items (Male avatars, look below in case you need them!). I would imagine it being a bit disappointing the other way around too. I have no desire to be compensated but just thought I would bring it up.
My suggestion would be to either set items for manager that do not need backgrounds, or in some way make it so that the backgrounds will be linked to their corresponding items and you cannot receive one without the other, which I am extremely unsure about how and if it would work.
Also, if you have manager backgrounds that you would like to give away, feel free to post them here! (You can check by filtering show only: manager in your wardrobes). Similarly, if you are searching for a specific manager background, you could do that as well. I will write it down below.