I think what you are trying to say.... You want the admins who put clothes on the site to have an easier process for uploading new items. What you have just said is more complex than it actually sounds. The admins would have to pay someone to make that new system as well as a "design program" for people to use. Their current system is cost effective for the time being. It also allows the designer to feel comfortable with what they already produce. About mods being involved, we have no responsibilities when it comes to the clothes, however if you add in the fact we have to gaze over and approve items then we would be adding a responsibility which would kinda contradict what you were saying.
Being a mod and a designer... I like using my photoshop so if they create anything to design stuff it would be competing against what I've already been using and if it's anything like the GSM design program, then I'd quit being a designer. That program they designed was horrible. You as the designer, had barely any freedom and no layers.