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Uncanny Valley (by Hailee )

Hey guys, Hailee here with an article about a circumstance I learnt about in a Psychology class this year. 

Have you ever looked at a picture of a face and thought to yourself, “It has human characteristics, but something is off?” It is most likely that you are being exposed to the phenomenon of ‘Uncanny Valley.’ Aren’t sure what I’m talking about? Take a look at these pictures, and let me know what you think of them. Pre-warning, some of the following pictures can be unsettling/eerie to some.

CB2 Child Robot

Jules A.I. 

Tara the Android

Creepy girl 

Think you've
seen this before but 
not sure where? 
It has been used in movies (Polar express, Mars Needs Moms), and in video games (Heavy rain, Medal of Honor: Warfighter)
What are the origins of 'Uncanny Valley'?
This concept was coined in 1970, by a Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori. It was deemed as ‘The Uncanny Valley’, he proposed that the more human-like a robot looked/acted, the more endearing it would be to a human. However, at some point, the likeness seems too strong and yet somehow, fundamentally different—and it just comes across as a very strange human being. At this point, the acceptance drops suddenly, changing to a powerful negative reaction.

This may also apply to things such as sound, and body movement. For example, a voice speaking words, but at a higher or lower pitch than is humanly possible may throw some off. 

What is the main reaction we have to it?Many assume that the first thought that pops into our head is fear. However, this is not always the case, some may actually find it funny (similar to the same reactions as unintentional comedy). In short, you just don't feel the same way that you would with a human, or something more realistic. 

Still confused?
If the robot was any less realistic, as humans we would feel empathy towards it. If the robot were more realistic, we can't tell that it's artificial. The weird space in-between where you want to hit it, that's Uncanny Valley.

Check out this cool Youtube video as well! I believe it does a good job at explaining, and is interesting at the same time!

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Godis wrote on 26-01 15:21:
Godis wrote:
Interesting to reading about.
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Private wrote on 26-01 14:08:
Encrede wrote:
me having just worked w cells n shit in school n seeing this layout: tha—
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Hailee wrote on 25-01 17:39:
Hailee wrote:
River wrote:
i always hated the polar express and now i finally know why thank you for this
I’ve never been a fan of it tbh, not for this reason but I agree it’s kinda creepy 
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Dottis wrote on 25-01 11:31:
Dottis wrote:
Uncanny valley is one of the most interesting things for me, especially if it's correctly used in horror.  
I've seen couple of youtubers talking about this consept quite a lot so this didn't really offer new info for me, but it's still interesting to see it explained in other places.
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WRENCH wrote on 25-01 08:52:
WRENCH wrote:
When I read the title I just thought about a game with the same name. Uncanny valley.

But honestly, I love this article. Been watching those kind of robots earlier. I even think I've encountered a robot of such at one point.
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Kino wrote on 25-01 08:01:
Kino wrote:
i always hated the polar express and now i finally know why thank you for this
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Hailee wrote on 25-01 02:24:
Hailee wrote:
Babooshka wrote:
I give up
sorry! I can ask around in the morning and see if others are having the same issue and see how to fix it 
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Private wrote on 25-01 02:22:
Babooshka wrote:
I give up
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Hailee wrote on 25-01 02:19:
Hailee wrote:
Babooshka wrote:
I can't quote you, the article is in front of the comments and behind the comment box and the layout is not showing. I'll wait because I love to read articles about uncanny valley.
I'm really unsure of what to say, as mine looks like this on mobile and on laptop 
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Private wrote on 25-01 02:02:
Babooshka wrote:
I can't quote you, the article is in front of the comments and behind the comment box and the layout is not showing. I'll wait because I love to read articles about uncanny valley.
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Jisatsu wrote on 25-01 01:59:
Jisatsu wrote:
love this
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Hailee wrote on 25-01 01:53:
Hailee wrote:
Babooshka wrote:
What? I can't read!
Are you not able to scroll? It works on my phone, just the little arrows aren’t there! We’ll try to fix as soon as we can
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Private wrote on 25-01 01:39:
Babooshka wrote:
What? I can't read!

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