glowed wrote: ^^ skz albums are sadly among the most expensive kpop albums ;-; if you don’t feel like paying too much, i suggest waiting a couple months and looking for it second hand
i for example wish i waited longer to get my christmas evel copies because i definitely overapaid and i have a regret or two
this comeback round i ordered one new standard version with synnara pobs and the rest i’ll try getting second hand in a couple of weeks
glowed wrote: the reason why albums are so expensive in europe is because of high shipping costs and ems from korea )): so technically, you could buy them from us for cheaper, but with the shipping costs it will end up costing you the same as it would when you buy from a local store
glowed wrote: the reason why albums are so expensive in europe is because of high shipping costs and ems from korea )): so technically, you could buy them from us for cheaper, but with the shipping costs it will end up costing you the same as it would when you buy from a local store
That's one the only things i hate, by living in europe. A lot of times music and game related things are just not as common, cheap and easy to find as other places. getting it shipped here also cost a fortune, even more if you live in places like norway and denmark, where there is extra expensive prices for importing stuff. When things come to europe, I have found that it's most commonly in either the uk, germany or france.
Rotte wrote: My bad for ranting, but aaaaaaa, sometimes I'm screaming into the void about this lmao. very unrelated to kpop music, i have several times looked at amiibo figures for nintendo and they are just not avaliable here in regular electronic or game stores. I found one spesific store that has it, but the price is almost double what they are elsewhere, because of the cost of getting them here *sigh*.