Okami wrote: Mostly any song that just repeats the same line throughout the entire song, like bruh.. how the hell does some of these end up on the radio? Literally the same goddamn line just sung differently in a few verses.
TheKidneyeater wrote: Probably any song from One direction.
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0rl wrote: literally the songs of BTS and romantic songs (not hate to me pls, you like the BTS I respect your tastes)
update: I also don't like very much about a musical all the songs band called ''Hombres G'' I heard some coml example ''Devuélveme a mi chica'' I didn't like everything, it's like a song that a lot of Spanish (I speak much Spanish, the English not is my 1st lenguague) sing is very siticky (I also respect your tastes, if you like that)