Quinix wrote:
Hey! Quinix here. I will be hosting a version of ToS. The game is about having a amount of people participate and as the leader I will choose one of the participants to be a murdurer, a healer, a detective and the rest will be normal people. But you wont be able to know who is who. (I will pm what you are.)
The Murdurer's task: You need to make sure no one suspects you. And every round I will pm you to choose a person you want to kill. And if everyone dies without knowing you were murdurer you win the game.
The healer's task: Each round after the killer made the choice, how to kill, you will choose a player you want to heal (bcz the murdurer could kill you or someone else), so you decide to heal yourself or someone else without knowing who got killed. And also make sure no one knows wo you are because the murderer wants to kill you.
The detective's task: After the murderer and the healer has made their chocies, I will pm the detective and each round the detective will write one players name that the detective thinks is the murdurer. And I will say if she/he is right, but the detetctives job is sooner to convince the other players about who it is.
The normal people's task: Every round when I've asked the three characters, I will make up a short story about who got killed and who got healed. The normal people will just be active in this thread and vill pray to not be victims, lmao, and also they can chance to pm me who they think he murdurer is, if the person is wrong they die, if their right, they win!
How to win this game: If a person guess right, they win the game. Everyone whos alive wins 5cr and the person who guessed right will win 50cr. If the murdurer wins, he wins 20cr. <3
Max 15 players can join, but you need to be active in this thread or you will be eliminated. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! This might be hard to understand, sorry. <3