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ET: 12 Days Of Christmas #1
National star

I remember When my Family and I would always stand in front of the fire place and sing a special song about Santa then we would bake lots and lots of cookies for our neighbors and friends, We did thing the traditional way but with our own twist to it. Some of My Christmas's were me giving my toys to kids in need and I would get pictures of the kids that got my toys it made me so happy being so young giving to those that are in need. It was fun.:cry2:

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I remember when I was in Bergen with my Unlce which i rarely meet and cuddled with his dogs, i miss that
International star

This Christmas, is the first Christmas my boyfriend and I will be together. Which will be the greatest Christmas I've had yet. On a sad note, my grandma died on Christmas a couple of years ago. 

I remember when my grandparents still had their old sofa and it was very big and every year we would all sit in it together and watch donald duck and my dad, cousins, grandma, grandad and uncles would all fall asleep and we would eat homade candy and wait for it to be over because we knew that santa would come after and give us presents

Youtube star

I remember one year when I was real young I wanted proof that Santa exhisted, so I attempted to stay up with my brothers until Santa came. We set up our dad's camera to record Santa and hid behind the computer desk, so he wouldn't see us. I ended up falling asleep and my brother too, so we never actually caught Santa. I was upset by this, but still was able to have an enjoyable Christmas with my family.
Youtube star

When I was a little, one christmas eve my sister got extremely sick. We couldn't figure out how sick she got but it made it so she couldn't even speak. That night I wrote on my christmas list for the last thing I wanted: For my sister to get better as soon as she can to Santa. Christmas morning I was woken up with my sister jumping on my bed to go up stairs. All I wanted to do was cry in complete happiness. It's silly but it made me so happy when I was little. Merry Christmas lovely's 
World famous

My favorite christmas memory (that also is a tradition that is repeated every year), is waking up and finding the christmas stocking filled with candy, and then watch Christmas morning tv, especially "Tre nøtter til Askepott" aka "Tři oříšky pro Popelku" aka a East German-Czechoslovakian adaption of Cinderella from 1973 ♥
World famous

One of my favorite Christmas memories happened a few years ago. My nephew was a few months shy of being two years old. Every year my mom makes homemade chocolate pudding. We decided to introduce my nephew to this tradition. My sister was no where in sight, so my two sister-in-laws and I decided to take it upon us to allow him to discover the joys of warm chocolate pudding. At first, he acted like we were trying to poison him. After awhile, he seemed to enjoy it. Not sure if he enjoyed tasting the food or playing in it more. He had his entire tray, his hair, his face, his stomach (thank god we took off his shirt first), and on the floor. My sister finally came into the kitchen after almost 20 minutes and she freaked. Her son looked like a chocolate monster, and of course, his aunts were encouraging it. 
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in 2010 I got a DS and It drop on my face 
National star

wow i really don't remember anything
uh let's see i'll try

when i was a kid my aunts still kept their horses at my grandparents' n idk but you know it was nice to go pet them n give em some christmas treats (really just the same as any other day, you know, apples n stuff) on christmas morning n stuff
so yeah that was nice

seriously tho i really don't remember anything 
christmas is like super monoton in my family
we basically do the same thing year after year after year n it's so boring i can't even be bothered to remember 
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The best xmas memory is probably this. I've never been close with my brother, but anyways, this special christmas I had bought a present for my brother, I just wanted to surprise him. That was the first time that my brother hugged me in like 10 years :--) It was amazing ~
National star

oh wait when my siblings were younger my oldest little brother n i used to babysit them a lot because mom worked late n all the way thru december we used to make calls from one phone to another n pretend to be santa telling em they wouldn't get a single thing if they didn't do exactly as we said
we made them do a lot of weird shit
Youtube star

the best memory i had was when during christmas we went out to have dinner because it was my mum's birthday as well and they gave us free cake and it was awesome
International star

Many years ago my grandma was the one to dress up as santa for christmas and it wasn't really hard to tell since she has a very strong accent (skånska) and couldn't do a dark voice. My parents said that she was out walking the dog (he was lovely, I miss him) but the dog was under the table. It was funny because it was so obvious.
Youtube star

I remember one time when i was little, my parents gave me and my siblings really cute desertrats(?). We sat by the christmas tree listening to the noises the rats made as we guessed what king of animal it was. After a lot of guessing my parents finally allouded us to open the present. Ge got so happy and it was really something I'll remember for a long time!
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