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ET: Godly Dress-Up [Team Purple]
World famous

Of course @Greed  !!
World famous

Phryne wrote:
Myrcella wrote:
Phryne wrote:
i really love this idea and the prizes and ive been thinking about it at work, bc i wanna come up with something creative but i cant :- ( hopefully i will bc i really wanna give it a try
don't worry, you still have 4 days and 12 hours to come up with something !! i have faith in u
<3 thank u ill try and do my best
Youtube star

@Fuggles69  Just a heads up: for what I got from it, you aren't allowed to edit the post, so you should put them together, then copy and paste the whole thing in a new message and delete the edited version
World famous

Sonorous wrote:
@Fuggles69  Just a heads up: for what I got from it, you aren't allowed to edit the post, so you should put them together, then copy and paste the whole thing in a new message and delete the edited version
^ This is correct.
International star

damn this took soooooooo long and so much longer than it supposed to considering my description is so short. i didn't realise how much I suckkkk at writing stories/descriptions hahaha. but here's my entry and thanks to @Aquilera for letting everyone including me to use her wardrobe 

Felicia & Mo

This is the goddess of the land Tilim, Felicia. She was born into a small working class family in 1870. One day on her 15th birthday she was picking vegetables from her family vegetable field when she saw a little white creature, the size of her palm. When she saw the creature, rather than be alarmed like most people she was calm and curiously approached the beautiful creature. It turns out the creature had been searching various timelines and infinite realities to finally find the long lost soul of Tilim's goddess. No one would have guessed the goddess would be reincarnated into a human, but as soon as Mo saw that Felicia could see her, she knew that Felicia contained the soul of the long lost goddess of Tilim. Currently, Felicia is learning about her life and duties as the Goddess, as all this time she thought she was just an ordinary human. The photo attatched is her and Mo on the day of Felicia's return to Tilim & coronation. Felicia doesn't like this photo of her because she thinks she looks grumpy when in reality she's the happiest and kindest soul there is. Sometimes Mo is scared this can make her a bit naive to evil but Mo hopes her training at Tilim's royal palace will teach Felicia to be a great goddess one day.
International star

Sonorous wrote:
@Fuggles69  Just a heads up: for what I got from it, you aren't allowed to edit the post, so you should put them together, then copy and paste the whole thing in a new message and delete the edited version
Thanks I had not gotten that! ill just copy it and add my second look later!
Youtube star

The heavy, sticky heat of summer fades to something still and sweet, warmth left hanging in the air like an awkward question that brings a conversation to a halt. The sun dangles at its highest point in the sky - sunset and dawn now equidistant from each other as autumn slips over the earth. She falls from a beam of the sun’s waning light, just the same as she had done when she was born so many eons before. The earth becomes the color of honey; leaves shiver and change and fall in shades of amber and ochre and brass, while wheat and hay and corn reach toward her for a golden kiss in her descent.At her heels, she’s followed by a silver beast, a slinking wolf, nipping at her heels like frost biting at one’s skin, a constant reminder to hurry, hurry, hurry - there is only so much time until the sun must slip farther still and herald in another season. It chases her, like a game of tag, but its great paws trample the earth in ice and snow, as though it were nothing more than a dog tearing up its owner’s garden.As the cold finishes creeping in, she rides upon the wolf’s back, back into the sky, and back into the heart of the sun.They are descendants of our star, the equinox and solstice, autumn and winter, harbingers of cold and rest - Aurelia and Lucia.
(thank you to @Honest  for the use of your wardrobe! i have also used my own in these looks.)
International star

This is Solis Terra. She is the spirit of nature. She holds the powers of life and creation, but also those of death and destruction. Her abilities let her create a forest in a snap of a finger and also wipe out a whole species in a blink.

This is Somnium Nocte. She is the goddess of all dreams. She has the ability to control your dreams. In a blink of an eye, she can make your happy imaginary adventure into a dark and twisted tale about your death. Her power lies in the subconscious. She knows all of your secrets and sometimes reveals to you your future...
World famous

A z z a r r a

She is the goddess of our planet Earth. She was once an angel, sent to earth by God a long, long time ago. Back then, only God was the only one seen as a god, they ruled everything that was known. The more time that passed, the more they suffered by the loneliness their power induced. Their creations were beautiful, exquisite beings whom they treasured, yet nothing could quench the desire for a companion. They took a decision, to lend their powers to a new creation. This new being would be by his side to rule. The new creation was powerful and beautiful beyond any other. Unlike what many believe, angels were created after the creation of Earth. 
Azzarra was the first angel to stand by Gods side. For the longest time, they were inseparable. She was the perfect creation, after all, God had made her to share their immense universe. She was strong and independent yet soft and philanthropic.
They were the first and purest pair of soulmates and their bond is forever. 
God gifted her their most beloved creation, Earth, as a sign of their love. 

I l a n d e r e

Ilandere, the creature of the moon. 
Azzarra loved the night. She often roamed the land of Earth while singing to the stars, they absolutely adored her voice. Something happened on her first night, she was beyond ecstatic by the view of her gift and so she just couldn't leave Earth yet
She saw a light, different from the sun with its warm and exuberant glow. This light was dimmed, subdued and by first look - cold. She was intrigued by this new feeling and searched for the source. What she saw was Ilandere. In Azzarra's eyes, she was so incredibly beautiful, elegant, enchanting that it was hard to take eyes off of her. 
Ilandere showed Azzarra the world of Earth and how she controlled the ebb and flow.
Ilandere is sentient but doesn't have a voice, she simply exists. Only if she ever want to, does she show her physical form. 
Every night Ilandere glow brighter by the sound of Azzarra's mellow singing. 
She chose to follow Azzarra as long as time goes on.


I used @TheGirlWithoutEyes   wardrobe
National star

Spaghetti, otherwise known as SpaghettiO, is a one of the most detrimental goddesses known to Pastaland. The meatballs of her town pray to her for fortune, good luck, and of course, an abundance of pasta. She is best known for her hair which rumor has it is made up of 20inch long noodles. Her third eye is known to watch all meatballs ready to spray sauce all over them. Homemade. Spaghetti was born from Gordon Ramsay and his hands. 

This is Spaghetti's trusty companion Garlic Bread. I know what you're wondering what does my boi Garlic Bread do besides look beautiful? Have you seen that dress it's from a 2020 versace line. Garlic Bread flies over the town turning all meatballs raw if they dare disobey Spaghetti. Because of course Gordon Ramsay is Spahetti's father and you may as well be dead if you are seen that way.
National star

Love that outfit! Sadly I have very little clothes :c
International star

legohouse wrote:

Spaghetti, otherwise known as SpaghettiO, is a one of the most detrimental goddesses known to Pastaland. The meatballs of her town pray to her for fortune, good luck, and of course, an abundance of pasta. She is best known for her hair which rumor has it is made up of 20inch long noodles. Her third eye is known to watch all meatballs ready to spray sauce all over them. Homemade. Spaghetti was born from Gordon Ramsay and his hands. 

This is Spaghetti's trusty companion Garlic Bread. I know what you're wondering what does my boi Garlic Bread do besides look beautiful? Have you seen that dress it's from a 2020 versace line. Garlic Bread flies over the town turning all meatballs raw if they dare disobey Spaghetti. Because of course Gordon Ramsay is Spahetti's father and you may as well be dead if you are seen that way.
World famous

my English is so bad and the translator does not help at all, but in Spanish I write really well and I am very angry not being able to enter this competition! hahahaha 
World famous

@Fuji wrote:
Love that outfit! Sadly I have very little clothes :c
You can use any of the wardrobes listen in the second post !!
World famous

@Myrcella   Just wanted to check that my entry is okay?
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