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ET: Godly Dress-Up [Team Purple]
Living legend

Josten wrote:
@ShinXue , I’m not sure if you’re aware, but the pictures from your entry on page 9 doesn’t function - just giving you a heads up <3
Thank you for telling me,i will make a new post again (: 
Living legend

Nabil,the God of Life.
He has the power to revive everything that once was alive,everything that had a soul.With his wings he spread this powerful charm which comes from his horns,reviving the bodies which were abandoned by souls.From his Kingdom,he is the only one who has wings,because he is a God.It's the only one who can revive with his body;his helpers are using some goods to revive.Nabil' hands are possessed by a eternal charm who spread his power in these goods.

Lorsol,the companion of Nabil
Lorsol it's an old friend of Nabil which was revived by him.He was brutally murdered,his eyes being removed and left to die.When Nabil found out what happened to his friend,he revived him and punished the felonious.

When Nabil revived him,he put his powerful charm in Lorsol's eyes,giving a bit of his strength.From then he always stay by his side,helping him to revive the bodies,spreading the existence in the Kingdom.
Lorsol spread the life helping out by the fan which were possessed by Nabil with mythical charm.
World famous

Giffi2 wrote:
Account deleted

ShinXue wrote:
Josten wrote:
@ShinXue , I’m not sure if you’re aware, but the pictures from your entry on page 9 doesn’t function - just giving you a heads up <3
Thank you for telling me,i will make a new post again (: 
No worries <3
Account deleted

World famous

Josten wrote:

Account deleted

Myrcella wrote:
Josten wrote:

International star

first of the three Gods

Word goes around the connected universe that the God of life and death was the first to be born. It called itself the Creator and in the deep darkness of the universe it created two new Gods, wielding the force in its right hand. Together they made the stars and the planets and let them thrive. The God of nature with its six arms had much to attend to, yet it was very meticulous about everything it touched. The God of civilization was another story entirely. It fooled around with the creatures that it would evolve to become intelligent. In the boredom that came with idly watching them discover the fire that the God of nature had placed for them, the God of civilization frankly felt that it was of no use at all. Wanting to be seen it turned devious with its plans for the creatures, putting spears in their hands and evoking hatred in their minds. The Creator begged the rebellious God to stop but the God's four hands soon filled with weapons instead of tools. It became the God of war and battle; the Warrior. Seeing this the Judge took action and lifted his left hand, cursing the creatures it gave life to with mortality and dooming the God of war to death, but the God did not perish. It was a part of the universe now and its actions would never again let its creator rest easy.


of the first God

The Creator was filled with dread when it saw what the second God had done to the life it created. Its attempts at creating new civilizations hidden from the other God was without fruition. All God were needed for life to evolve. The Creator begged the God of war to let at least a single creature be born that was pure and free from the chains of hatred and war. The God of war made a deal; It would do it in exchange for another, powerful creature born only for it. Thus, the Creation was born. The God of life and death had never been one for names, instead it gave its creature two powers to match its maker.Healing in the palm of its right hand and deep sleep in the palm of its left.
It is a kind creature that appreciates all life as much as it saddens by the suffering in the universe. Though one day it may want to leave its creator's side, the God is protective like nothing else over the creature.

Queen of Pop


Until this day she have lived in the shadows, hidden from the world and all it's dangers. She's always been afraid to been seen, afraid that people will try to use her if the know what she could do. 

With a heart of gold and a pure soul she just wanted to be loved.  Wanted to feel like she belonged somewhere. 
She wanted to know the meaning to life and to experience things not just leave it up till her imagination. 
And these are the reasons that she after more then 2500 years decided to step out in the light. 

She was always told that the world was power hungry. And she could give out power like it was a ordinary thing.
Power. That's the weakness of the world. And that's what she have. She is Powèa the goddess of Power. 

Atthika is a creature of darkness.
For more thousands of years she have been Powèa's only friends.
Atthika quite likes to live in the darkness of the shadows but since the day she found her master Powèa
they have been bound. It's very unusual that a creature of darkness bounds with someone as pure as Powèa.
She didn't want to leave her home but her purpose in life is to serve her master. She saw how the dark life disturbed 
her master and that's why she pushed her to make a new life for herself. And got her to embrace the world and not run 
away from it. 

(Yes i suck I know) 

from @Limited s wardrobe

This is Aura and Venus.
Aura is the Goddess of Light, without her in this world there would be only darkness. She has for an eternity beyond our world kept realms free from evil. When she, a couple of thousands years ago, arrived on Earth she saw that humanity was no good, the humans didn't treat each other with love and respect.

Since she arrived she's been taking care of humanity, teaching the inhabitants on the planet how to be nice to one another. Earth became a better place with her being around, it all got well. At least for a while.

Lately the darkness and evil has shown up again in this world, making it even harder for Aura to continue her task. She, against all odds, seems to be taken over by this darkness.

She has two choices; Leave planet Earth or get ready to be completely taken by the dark forces.


Venus is one out of many sisters and companions who helped Aura throughout the years, but the only who has truly been by her side every second. Her other sisters grew tired of Aura and Venus. One after one they left Earth and returned to their home, leaving Venus all alone to help her Goddess.

There has been times when Venus wanted to leave as well, but she knows deep inside her heart that leaving Aura alone in this world, with no help of someone from her world, would leave her devastated. She knew that her leaving Aura would be the final piece of letting darkness take over her soul.

Venus has to stay by her Goddess's side through thick and thin, and help her get out of the evil that's imprinted on her. Or else she's lost, as well as this world. And there will not be a home to go home to.
World famous

Kah Fælroan and Anku

(Special thanks to
@TheGirlWithoutEyes  whose wardrobe I used for this)

Kah Fælroan is the Goddess of two opposing dominions: war and peace. During peacetime she is reborn as a benevolent spirit and ambassador of peace. Under conflict her persona hardens. When wars breakout her eyes gloss over and she outwardly starts to appear more beastial and otherworldly. Kah Fælroan engenders violence as her heart steadily turns to ice. There reaches a point in war where she can no longer be reasoned with. Those who once prayed to her, that the tide of war may fall in their favor eventually find themselves at the dearth of her mercy. 

Powers/Abilities: Omnipotence, Holds sway over the minds of humans and creatures alike, Peerless combatant  

Anku follows Kah Fælroan wherever she goes. She is always lurking somewhere near like a shadow, until the Goddess is ready to welcome her back to her side. Anku is the spirit of carnage and rot. She prowls battlefields feasting on the slain. As a shapeshifter she often takes the forms of various death omens (ravens, fog, black dogs, ect). Although she is known among humans as a trickster, she is loyal to Kah Fælrroan to a fault. During the height of war the two can always be seen together, with Anku taking on the form of a giant black wolf for Kah Fælroan to sit astride. 

Powers/Abilities: Shapeshifting, Advanced decay
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God of War

He has a thirst for blood that is unquenchable and unlike any other. He creates battle after battle and inflicts his hatred into mortal beings. He is strong and valiant. 

The God of Rebirth

He walks the lines of life and death. He turns murderers into saints and toads into flowers. 

International star


War of roses Goddess,
Brings peace to war and has silky long hair that can slay devils to death instantly.


Miranie who is Ayelaide's friend who follows where she goes and helps her out when she is in danger,they have been friends for 10 years,she burns people with her enchanted sword.

used @TheGirlWithoutEyes 's wardrobes.

Sorry I'm bad at English but I tried.
Youtube star


The goddess of doves, romance, and flight, colombe has grand ideals about humanity. She
believes herself usually too good to interact with humans, however she claims
to always know what is best for mankind. She loves to decorate herself with pearls
plucked by her loving companion. Colombe demands respect and wishes more
humans subscribed to the way she views love and devotion. In her eyes,
love is sacred, heartbreak equals betrayal and deceit. She believes
dissolutions of relationships should be physical battles
to remove emotional pain. She is sick of doves used
at weddings and is sick of them being signs of
peace. She promises to show humans
the light.


Selenea lived on earth as a human for many years, she grew up in a normal happy
family. Her mother passed when she was in high school and Selenea was
desperate for guidance. She began to pray that her mother would 
come back to her and give her closure on her life and death. But,
Selenea did not anticipate a dove landing on her windshield that
would cause a car crash, killing her within moments of impact. 
Colombe realized her messenger, the dove, had caused
this horrible, unnecessary death. Colombe brought her back,
however could not return her arms. Selenea is now a harpy,
her wings powerful and strong. She loves Colombe and
will do anything for her, she goes to earth to gather
spoils for her and trusts her with her life. Selenea
tries to rain in some of Colombe's ideas about 
love, trying to keep violence out of the equation.
She misses her freedom dearly but loves
serving Colombe as her right wing woman.

used @Aquilera 's and @TheGirlWithoutEyes 's Wardrobes.
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