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ET: Godly Dress-Up [Team Purple]
National star

me with all these 10/10 entires 
keep on posting, you have until thursday! 
Account deleted

This is RubyLove, the Goddess of romance.
Her horns are fake and are just there for show - she wants to make it clear that she is the master. She is a bit of a power addict and wouldn't want to be anywhere else. She is tough and hardworking, and believes that flowers (particularly roses) can soften any heart. She always dresses comfortably (aside from those horns...) so she can spend her time picking roses and filling up baths with rose petals and all kinds of soppy things like that. While we all treat Christmas as the biggest day of the year, Ruby thinks Valentine's day is of utmost importance. Every year is spent preparing for the next one and snooping on the human world to ensure that romance isn't dead. 
(Name: RubyLove, Powers/Abilities: flight, invisibility, earth powers (i.e. can grow flowers from thin air) and strong persuasive abilities) 

This is LiLi, who is RubyLove's assistant. She is a small fairy (like Tinkerbell) and hovers over Ruby's shoulder at times, just hanging around, fuss-free, until she is needed. LiLi is a peacemaker - when situations are getting too heated, she can sprinkle some of her magic sparkling dust over them and things start to calm down. Sometimes Ruby's desire for power can cause conflicts and tension (bit awkward for someone who is a Goddess of romance... but y'know, we can't all be perfect), which is when LiLi comes in handy. When LiLi isn't assisting Ruby, she likes to float around in the clouds and let her mind wander. Since LiLi is so tiny, she has to wear a protective mask over her mouth & nose to avoid dust and pollution from getting into her lungs.. therefore she is very quiet and often hangs around not speaking much. 
(Name: LiLi, Powers/Abilities: flight & her magic peace dust) 

(oh my lord this was hard i just really want a prize) 
Youtube star

Felicity wrote:

This is RubyLove, the Goddess of romance.
Her horns are fake and are just there for show - she wants to make it clear that she is the master. She is a bit of a power addict and wouldn't want to be anywhere else. She is tough and hardworking, and believes that flowers (particularly roses) can soften any heart. She always dresses comfortably (aside from those horns...) so she can spend her time picking roses and filling up baths with rose petals and all kinds of soppy things like that. While we all treat Christmas as the biggest day of the year, Ruby thinks Valentine's day is of utmost importance. Every year is spent preparing for the next one and snooping on the human world to ensure that romance isn't dead. 
(Name: RubyLove, Powers/Abilities: flight, invisibility, earth powers (i.e. can grow flowers from thin air) and strong persuasive abilities) 

This is LiLi, who is RubyLove's assistant. She is a small fairy (like Tinkerbell) and hovers over Ruby's shoulder at times, just hanging around, fuss-free, until she is needed. LiLi is a peacemaker - when situations are getting too heated, she can sprinkle some of her magic sparkling dust over them and things start to calm down. Sometimes Ruby's desire for power can cause conflicts and tension (bit awkward for someone who is a Goddess of romance... but y'know, we can't all be perfect), which is when LiLi comes in handy. When LiLi isn't assisting Ruby, she likes to float around in the clouds and let her mind wander. Since LiLi is so tiny, she has to wear a protective mask over her mouth & nose to avoid dust and pollution from getting into her lungs.. therefore she is very quiet and often hangs around not speaking much. 
(Name: LiLi, Powers/Abilities: flight & her magic peace dust) 

(oh my lord this was hard i just really want a prize) 
If you don't win, it's something wrong ;)
World famous

@emiliyana  the quote didn't work. would you mind posting again?
National star

This is Gaia . The Goddes of Plants.

She can revive dead plants to make them life again and she can let them grow very fast.
She loves the Nature and all Plants on the Planet. She is an Earth Lover.
But when someone hurt's plants like rip out a lil flower she can feel this pain too.
Then she uses her Magic too grow MANY more new plants!
Her Peronality is lovely, she loves the scent of fresh lemon's and love to eat Apple Cakes!
She's a very sweet Person.
She was Born in a Rose and grew up with her Mommy Mother Nature.
Everyone loves Gaia.

Wardrobe I used : @TheWayfaringStranger 

This is Jameelah. She is an Demon.

She loves to manipulate peoples dreams , and to give them nightmares.
She was Born in the shadows.
Her personality is mysterious ,Shady , and dark.
She likes to terrorize good People because she hates them.
Her Powers are to give Humans's Nightmares and manipulate them to do Things they would never do.
She can also just be seen by night as an Shadow.

Wardrobe I used : @TheGirlWithoutEyes 

National star


powers : goddess of running water and under water creations. she can create water from her own body and created all the
creatures that live under water. her tears can heal anyone

personality : she is clam and quite but also strong and proud. she is so kind and loves everyone specially children and flowers dearly

she has bluish black hair and glowing pale skin. she is shy and never have
been friends with the other god because of their spoiled and
unrespectful personality. she usually think of them as over grown
children. she have only few friends and usually prefers to be with them.


powers : she is a siren and her power is singing. she can sing for you to put you to
sleep,wake you,make you weak or strong,even kill you or turn you
to a mindless slave.

personality : she is hot tempered and easily gets angry,hardly trusts anyone

she came from some where in coral reefs. she is became Lipas's friend from a log time ago when she saved her land and people
and since then she have always been with Lipas. Lipas is he only friend
and she does anything to protect her because she thinks her friend is
too innocent to be able to protect herself physically and emotionally at
same time

i used my wd for the Lipas and @TheGirlWithoutEyes  wd for the Coralia
Queen of Queens

Maia, Goddess of the Sky
Maia can control the way we can see the light from the sky. She makes the most beautiful sunsets. Every night she tries to make a new masterpiece. Maia loves being able to manipulate light to make it more beautiful and is incredibly artistic. Maia loves that her powers give her the ability to give the humans joy. 

Maia's trusty companion, Alita, has the power to release energy for a targeted area. She often helps Maia with her creations when Maia is feeling uninspired. Alita has the ability to inspire others. She is Maia's muse, and she is an incredibly vibrant and adventurous creature.  Alita met Maia during one of Maia dark periods. Alita heard that the goddess was struggling, so she reached out to her and offered her assistance. They have been best friends ever since. 

Alita, Trusty companion
World famous

aaaaaah so many good entires!!!
World famous

Nama wrote:
aaaaaah so many good entires!!!
and still 1 day and 8 hours left to join !!
International star

This is Luna
Goddess of Moonlight, daughter of Night
Sol (God of Sunlight) is her lover and her life, and she doesn't exist without him. 
Luna's personality is mysterious and wise, and she doesn't say much.
When provoked, she may blind you permanently or make you go insane (hallucinations, delusions, amnesia, delirium) 
Luna is only seen in the presence of Night, her mother, therefore her best friends are those who are fond of Night (including her companion Aranea)
Her favorite music piece is Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven 

This is Aranea, Luna's companion 
She is a spider-human hybrid. 
Her personality brave, intimidating, and seductive. 
Aranea likes to lure in young and desperate men, and devour them. 
When provoked she will attack with her venomous fangs. 
Her venom is deadly, and once you get bitten you will feel pain, hallucinations, headache, confusion, and finally death within 6 hours. Despite the deadly effects, small amounts of her venom can actually heal and treat many things including cancer. 
Aranea likes to dwell at night because women can see her monstrous appearance, unlike men, who somehow don't notice her spider-legs. 
She also likes to eat flies. 
Account deleted

bumb :3 ♥
World famous

''This fairy tale goes back by many hundred years at Yggdrasil'', Aramir started''

it was gorgeous morning when goddess named Ceratica, the goddess of Spring were walking in her garden, watching down to the world of humans. For years she has been watching at this male dwarf named Norakhaes, he was kind hearted and always helping people of his village. Norakhaes had a farm near Andelph at Audre Cradle where he had his sheeps, cows, pigs and chickens. Creatica found his life so peaceful and lovely, she yearned to visit his world.
 Green man told Creatica one day that gods and goddesses can take form of a human and visit the world below for one day in 1000 years. 

Creatica spent 12 years watching Norakhaes getting older and more handsome every day, waiting.. to meet this kind dwarf. Finally it was the day what she has been waited for so long, it was her time to get ready. 
Creatica walked out of her garden to meet her companion she has been with for her whole life, her pet Griffin named Gäa. 
Creatica stood up on Gäa's back to give her a drive to the human world, it didn't take much time when they reached ground.

Creatica made her way to the village and came to notice that people were having a fair at the market. 
She stopped in front of this one small stall full of vegetables, on the other side of the stall was standing Norakhaes.
Their eyes met, it was the meeting she has yearned so long, they stood there looking at each other, eyes so bright, teeth shining like fire. Heart beat filled their chest, arms, legs, tip of their fingers and toes, ears felt itchy. 
It was like time stopped just for those two souls to connect with each other. 

''And that's how your mother met your father'', Aramir said.

''Red curly hair, free like fire, blazing on her shoulders. Long pointy ears sticking out of the fire. A tiny elf girl named Sirikiitta. She turned 18 this year, it's finally her time to get to know the world outside town. 
Siri has been working with her father at a farm for her whole life. Town next to theirs is farthest she has ever been.'' Aramir took a sip from his tea cup and continued.

Sirikiitta got up from bed really early in the morning, refreshing herself in bathtub full of cold water. 
It wasn't time to be picky, she might end up spent her days in a much unpleasant ways and places. It was time to get dressed up and feed the animals. Siri ran down the stairs and put her tiny boots on, 

''Good morning'', she heard while being just about to open the front door outside.

''Good morning father!'' Siri replied happily through a smile and continued her way to garden. 
On her way she picked up a bucket full of rain water and some ground grain to feed the chickens. 
Siri walked towards the barn, opening the door and stepping inside. 
She started to hum while she sprinkled grain for the chickens to eat,

You flee my dream come the morning
Your scent - berries tart, lilac sweet
To dream of raven locks entwisted, stormy
Of violet eyes, glistening as you weep

The wolf I will follow into the storm
To find your heart, its passion displaced
By ire ever growing hardening into stone
Amidst the cold to hold you in a heated embrace

After Sirikiitta had fed the chickens she went back inside, to see her father waiting there with wooden crate,
packed with food, blanket and some of her items she might need. 

''Go to find out who you are my spark of life'' Norakhaes said to Siri with tears in his eyes.
Siri hugged his father and kissed his hairy bearded cheek. He added,
''Remember that you will always be my daughter. Don't let anyone else tell you something else''.

Siri took her belongings and made her way towards Marianople, luckily there was carriage just on time in the town.
So she wouldn't need to walk for days. When she finally arrived Marianople after 2 days, seeing elves for the first time in her life must have been incredible. Elves are known as mighty and pure, but these elves were rude and walking over her.
Saying that she was too small to see. 

Sirikiitta staid there for a week until the ship was loaded and ready to head towards Haranya.
Her first time in the ship was hard, for the first hours she was feeling unwell. But that changed in couple days after getting used tot he waves and movement. She felt free for the first time. This.. This is what she have always wanted. 

''And that is the path she has chosen'', Aramir closed diary in his hands.


World famous

~~ Zel~~

She is the mother of our world, the queen of the sun and the stars, the one who makes seasons change and flowers bloom. Her power moves through the rays of the sun and from the core of our Earth, making her power over us absolute.  She is almighty, yet she is just; blessing only those who are worthy.

(Legends says she once made molten gold sprout from a mountain, the shimmering gold so bright that anyone who looked at it with greed in their heart turned blind. Only the good and pure of heart could enjoy the beauty and riches of her gift.)

~~ Mn ~~

Zela's first creation and her most loyal subject. She patrols the night, keeping the dark and cold places in the world protected. Her power is that of the stars, giving light and hope where there otherwise is none, and guiding lost travelers to safety. 
Youtube star

ive spent all my time on the drawing contest and i dont have time today : ( bc of plans and early work tomorrow. well i wish every1 luck !
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