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Mermaid Competition: Round 3.
International star

1. The Phronima is asmall, translucent deep sea creatue that inspired the Alien movies. This real
life alien hunts for prey in search of a creature it can use as a host, when
found, the Phronima implants itself and its offspring inside the living host,
sounds familiar?
 2. Vampire squids havevery large eyes; proportionally they have the largest eye-to-body ratio of any
animal in the world. 3. The Black Swallower(also known as great swallower) can engulf and digest prey over 10 times its
own mass. 
Youtube star

1.octopi have 8 brains, each in every tenticle. They can also  change their DNA which makes them aliens of the earth.
2.male angler fish attach themselves to females only to become a set of testis and giving the female sperm. It basically becomes a living set of parasitic balls.
3.the psychedelicais a fish that bounces off the ocean floor like a rubber ball. Its fins have evolved to act like legs.
Minister of Pop

1. Damselfish are farmers growing algae gardens
2. At night parrotfish enclose themselves in a bubble of their own mucus to avoid being smelled by predators
3. Many bony fishes have more than just one set of nostrils
International star

1. In the late 1890's, a new health trend emerged in Australia. People would submerge themselves almost completely in the rotting corpses of dead whales for up to 30 hours to cure their arthritis. And it worked! At least temporarily. Read more about it here!

2. The mummichog is the ocean's counterpart to cockroaches. Though very average-looking, they are extremely hard to kill and can even adapt to poisonous water that would kill other fish! Bet Ariel didn't like those. To learn more about them, click here!

3. Dangerous snakes and creepy-looking fish don't tend to be a big hit for most people. Combine both and you have the snakehead fish, a freshwater fish that can survive up to four days on land (as long as they remain wet)! More than that, they have been known to move themselves around 400 meters (still on land) and in some cases even feed on small mammals on the way. Wouldn't want that chasing you alone at night, snatching after your leg... even though you could probably outrun it and laugh while doing it. The trusty Wikipedia is here for you if you want to read more!
International star

1. There is jellyfish called  Turritopsis dohrnii what has immortal cells. When scientists mutilated creature, they noticed how it aged in reverse, "growing younger and younger until it reached its earliest stage of development, at which point it began its life cycle anew." The "new" jellyfish is a clone and theoretically Turritopsis dohrnii could live for ever and ever. 

2. You see this little guy right here?

He's Blue-ringed octopus and they are extremely venomous and there is no antivenom available for it yet, making it one of the ocean's most deadliest reef inhabitants. It is pretty small sized but has enough venom to kill twenty-six adult humans within minutes.

3. This worm, Spirobranchus giganteus, what is also known by name Christmas tree worms, look like little Christmas trees underwater. How funky and cute they are!

Account deleted

1. Barreleye 

Barreleye is a fish found in waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Its eyes are usually pointing upwards and are enclosed in a dome made of clear soft tissue. 

2. No name / Anonymous octopus xd

These alien-looking creatures were discovered by America’s Ocean Exploration Team on the seafloor near Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. The Puerto Rico Trench is deepest trench in the Atlantic Ocean, reaching depths of up to 8,800 m and extending for over 800 km.

Many of the these deep-sea dwelling animals are rarely seen, and some creatures were so new that they don’t even have a name. 100 species of fish, 50 species of deep-water corals, and hundreds of other invertebrates were recorded over 12 dives.  


3. Tongue eating louse

Tongue-eating louse severs the blood vessels in the fish's tongue, causing the tongue to fall off. It then attaches itself to the stub of what was once its tongue and becomes the fish's new tongue. 

Queen of Pop

1.You are 1,000 times more likely to drown at sea than to be attacked by a shark.
2.All clown fish are born male and some develop female reproductive organs when needed.
3. Octopuses eat their arms while bored
National star

1. There's an underwater creature called "the Sea Angel". It's a sea snail, but despite the name of this specific sea snail, it's actually quite ... devilish. It's an accomplished predator, it snacks relentlessly on other sea snails. (which would make the Sea Angel a cannibal)
Picture of this lovely cannibal snail here

2. Fish can be masters of disguise too!! You have the Weedy Seadragon that looks exactly like seaweed. It lives in seaweed thus has adapted to blend in seamlessly with the seaweed in order to confuse and elude predators.
Picture of this confusing fish here

3. There's a squid named 'the Vampire Squid'. The normal types of squids are already alien-like creatures with their tentacles, huge eyes and ability to flash colors. The Vampire Squid takes it to a whole new level; it has an ability to turn itself inside out to use its cape webbing as a shield.
Picture of this really weird inside out squid here (it's actually really fascinating)

included pictures in form of links so my entry post wouldn't be huge, hope that's o-kay

1. Sharks are covered with tiny little teeth called dermal denticles and that's why their skin feels like sandpaper.
2. Sea sponges have no head, mouth, eyes, feelers, bones, heart, lungs, or brain, yet they are alive.
3. Dolphins can see through animals.
National star

1. Irukanji jellyfish are worse than sharks
2. cat fish have 300,000 tastebuds
3. dolphins can see through animals 
Minister of Pop

some stuff about sharks because i lov them 

1. the goblin shark, aka the vampire shark since it lives in the dark depths of the ocean where the sunlight doesn't reach, has to creep up on its prey since it cannot rely on hunting. the shark can detach its upper jaw to sweep up prey passing by. the front of the jaw has small, sharp teeth convenient for grabbing prey, and there are flatter teeth in the back that can grind up mollusks. 

2. the cookiecutter shark is a smaller shark that got its name from the cookie shaped bite wounds it leaves on its prey. the shark bites big chunks out of the bodies of of its prey, and their trademark bite marks can be found on creatures all over the big ocean. it shark has the largest tooth-to-body ratio out of all sharks, and when they're shed, the teeth can be swallowed and digested for the sake of strengthening the skeleton and providing it with calcium. 

3. the whale shark, which is the biggest extant fish in the world, can be used as a shield by smaller fish when other predators are nearby. the overcrowding can cause the shark to dive in an attempt to escape, which gives the nearby predators a chance to attack the smaller baitfish. but if the shark decides to come back while that is happening, it can grab a huge mouthful of it's prey.


1. Water bears, or tardigrades, can survive in vacuum - out in space.

They are really small micro-animals with segmented bodies who live in water, and they are extremely resilient. They can live basically anywhere on Earth as they are fine with extreme conditions that could and would kill most species. Which includes space, haha. However, they aren't extremophiles ( thriving in extreme conditions) since they're not adapted to live in such circumstances. 

Also, they can live for over 30 years without food or water. They can dry out and yet make a comeback and rehydrate and reproduce and all that. 

They're pretty cute, yet also... not. In a strange way. 

2. The colossal squid has a doughnut shaped brain.

The brain, which is really tiny, goes around their very narrow esophagus, and they have to tear the food into small pieces to not damage their brains when consuming it. 

3. Squids also have blue blood, as opposite to our red blood! This is because their blood contains hemocyanin (ours contains hemoglobin). 
International star

1. Turritopdid Dohrnii is referred to as the "immortal jellyfish", because it is able to mature from a polyp form into its medusa form, as well as revert back into it's polyp form indefinitely. 

2. Hagfish create an external mucous in order to avoid predators. Although this is used as a defense mechanism, in order to prevent choking from it's own slime, it "sneezes" the slime out of it's slime filled nostrils, and ties its body into a knot in order to keep the mucous from dripping onto its face. 

3. Sea sponges are classified under phylum porifera (they are asymmetric compared to bilateral and radial symmetry); In order to take in water and nutrients, flagellated cells move food particles in towards the organism, where these cells are able to ingest it via phagocytosis.  
World famous

japanese pufferfish make sandcastles in the water. they make super cool patterns in the sand as part of the mating process. cause art gets u laid.

male seahorses give birth. the ladies put their eggs inside the men and then the men have the babies.

narwhals horns are tusks its a big long tooth. people used to sell em and say they was unicorn horns and was magic and its sad cause narwhals probably use them to talk to each other i like narwhals.
National star

Dolphins sleep with only half of their brain and with one eye open so they can watch for predators and other threats.

Oysters can change from one gender to another and back again depending on which is best for mating.
Oyster shells are recyclable. You can return your shells at several drop off locations around the Bay, and they'll be reused to help grow juvenile oysters.

Jellyfish have been around for more than 650 million years, which means that they outdate both dinosaurs and sharks.

Sea sponges have no head, mouth, eyes, feelers, bones, heart, lungs, or brain, yet they are alive.

At 188 decibels, the calls of blue whales is the loudest sound made by any animal on the planet.
The blue whale has the largest external male genital in the animal kingdom, apart from the Asian elephant in some cases.
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