callum wrote:
Helia wins the Mini Challenge!
Maxi Challenge - Make Runway Looks out of cheap items
Runway Category - Drag On A Dime
December, Josten, and MeNos perform the worst.
Luminescence, Helia, Babooshka, Leo, Limited, Cimorene, Oceaneyes, Brynhild & Mikkelrev...
you are all safe.
Kellman, Vissy & Vogue performed the best this week.
Kellman, condragulatuions you are the winner of this challenge!
Vissy & Vogue you are safe.
December, Josten, and MeNos you... represent the bottoms of the week.
Josten, you are safe.
December and MeNos, I am sorry, but you are up for elimination.