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Q&A - Kaj, creator of VP
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Hi Guys, first I want to say I am so happy to see the English VP server is really stepping up these days. We have so much more active members from all around the world and that is making me happy and motivated again, I really believe VP has a wonderful future ahead.

As many of you know, my name is Kaj, I live in the Netherlands, 28yo and I created Virtual Popstar 3 years ago and one year later the English and German version was released.

I would like ya all the opportunity to get to know me a little bit better.

So the coming days, please on this topic post a question for me. They can be about anything you like. Virtual Popstar stuff, my personal live of just my opinion about something, nothing to do with the VP, just post your question on this topic and  I will try to answer every one of them asap!

About updates: I have money and a update wish list ready, ony the programmer does not have time to work for me atm. It frustrates me to, but we have to wait until beginning of 2016. If not I will try to find another solution.

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This is a great idea and I hope lots of people take this opportunity to ask appropriate questions. clap
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Can guys ever expect to see game items, wheel items or sponsor items?
Is it even worth it playing with a male avatar on this game, since we're always given the short end of the stick.

|Edit by Kaj. I am sorry, I will not invest more time on the male avatars and I hope, designers will fell the same. I tried, but fact is 90% of the players are female, and then, a lot of male players even prefer female dolls. So I can't help the fact it isn't woth the effort anymore. We well keep the male dolls and items in the system to make VP more accessible for male players, but that's it.
World famous

At some point most of the sponsor items and credit sets were from dollzmania. Why don't you do that anymore? Leave the desings from VP designers in the shops and as WoF items and game items and switch back to sponsor and cr sets from dollzmania. This way it would be fair for all of the designers and players.

Edit by Kaj: We already have almost anything from dollzmania that is worth taking. I can take more if I want I have the approval from them (in fat I already paid for over 200 items free off choice) but I simply don't know what is worth taking we already have it all. Since they stop updating their website for almost 2 years now.
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Will you ever hire other people to place the clothing, or let the designers do it themselves?

Will there ever be layering in the wardrobes?

edit by Kaj: There will be an update so designers can position their items so save me time, but I will have the final say in what will be used and in what manner (pricing/diamond member sets and so on).

2. Yes, this is also already on my wishlist. But it is a big change in the system behind the wardrobe's (technically) so I think summer 2016.
World famous

Will you ever make it so that people can try on clothes from other people's wardrobes?

Some people sometimes ask other users to make them an outfit and it's difficult to see how things fit together if you can't try it on. Or some might sell an item and you wanna see how it fits, instead of asking them to put it in the market plaza for you to try on, you could directly try it on from their wardrobe.

Kaj: Hearth that question many time's since gsm had this, I think we do, but it is not currently on my do to list for VP.
International star

Can you fix the Facebook sharing?

Kaj: what is wrong with it? Nobody told me anything edisco
International star

Not sure if you seen this but Shadowjess came up with a great idea that I will benefit all users greatly. Here is the link to it: 

Would it be possible for you to make this happen? 

Also Saaheliipopstar came up with a great idea also, a Gift Shop. Here is a link to it:

Would it be possible for you to make this happen?

These are really great ideas that would be awesome to see come to life on  vp

Kaj: Sorry I will not go in to different idea's, I am sure you have loads of them am most of them
are wonderful but that is not the goal of my topic atm.
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How do you feel about all the times people from the Dutch server have come and caused problems on this server, claiming they were trying to help?

Kaj: I do not tolerate this, and will punish them on both servers if it happens again.

How did you pick your admin since there was never applications for it, and will you ever decide to hire a new admin?

I told the mods at the time they need to choose one person from the current mod team. So they did.

What is something you want the users here to know?

Kaj: Mostly that I really DO appreciate all players that support this ''project'' of mine in one way or another. Confincing others to play, or joining a team, or supporting the project financially. I invested over 100.000 euros / dollars to make this platform, and I am a long way from break even. But that is fine, since I make so much people happy, they do make me happy to!

would you take requests from users some day?????? like make a request forum or something because i know that we have a lot of ideas

Kaj: yes when we will go to updating again I will ask input from users as I always did.
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Are you planning to do anything with the dollzmania website when you have time? or will it stay as it is now

Kaj: atm the buying of that website has been delayed because I needed the cash for other projects. 
International star

Can you fix the Facebook sharing?

Kaj: what is wrong with it? Nobody told me anything edisco

We can share to Twitter perfectly fine but when I go to share to Facebook to earn the extra fans and pd it won't let me post, it gives me a failed to open page.

Kaj: Okay, noted, thxs
International star

How many players use VP every day?

Kaj, I total we have about 7000 unique visitors a day. I just made this screen for ya all in ''google analytics''. Telling us about 2500 unique visitors visit the English server every day. For the German it is about 1500 a day, and for the Dutch it is about 3000 a day. Off course not every visitor is a regular player. About 50% is a returning visitor if I have to believe google. So about 3500 players in total and about 1250 unique people on this server who come and play at least a few times a week. 

International star

will you ever update the games section ? :)

Kaj: No, that will stay the same
Youtube star

what's ur favorite fruit
do you think that bats are pretty
what makes you laugh

Kaj: Banana's 
No bats are creapy
A lot, I laugh really a lot and I am really sarcastic
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What happened to Emma? I miss her.

Kaj: she is still in Australia with her new lover. She will not come back on VP.
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