Aquilera wrote:KotaCipher wrote:
I just entered and it took exactly 30 minutes oh my gosh that writing time was intense.
I also realized afterwards that my use of directions of the trains could've been seen as a deep thing (how one was going south and the other north, and the woman who was on the south was tired and alone but the man on the north train was adventurous and hopeful, and how the south could mean her life is going down while the man's life was getting better) but honestly I just used north and south for the sake of using north and south and i'm wondering whether that unintentional thing could've changed the meaning of the story if i used east and west instead lol
i need to stop overthinking things, tbh
Sorry I haven't seen this before now, ahh
@KotaCipher but that unintentional meaning is pretty amazing yk? I mean i love those kind of things.
I love them too