MasileinDE wrote: after 10 minutes of looking at nearly naked women I feel like there are many super beautiful bodies, but I haven't found one I'd title as "perfect"
MasileinDE wrote: after 10 minutes of looking at nearly naked women I feel like there are many super beautiful bodies, but I haven't found one I'd title as "perfect"
MasileinDE wrote: after 10 minutes of looking at nearly naked women I feel like there are many super beautiful bodies, but I haven't found one I'd title as "perfect"
lmao mine
we actually seem to have a pretty similiar body type like I think I have a bigger tummy than you and might be in general a bit chubbier, but from the silhouette I think it's pretty close
MasileinDE wrote: after 10 minutes of looking at nearly naked women I feel like there are many super beautiful bodies, but I haven't found one I'd title as "perfect"
lmao mine
we actually seem to have a pretty similiar body type like I think I have a bigger tummy than you and might be in general a bit chubbier, but from the silhouette I think it's pretty close
uhyre wrote: i guess i have it already bc im conveniently sized. its impossible to walk into a store and not find something that fits me perfectly. im just over 171, shoe size 39, the size of the average store mannequin, tiddies the size where bra is optional and only for the aesthetic