whydoiexist wrote:Klavier wrote:whydoiexist wrote:
hiihihihiih i was just blowdrying my hair but realised that a chunk was dirty when hair was dry already : D had to wash and blowdry again im PISSED it ruined my evening but its gonna be ok im gonna eat pasta now maybe it will improve mood
how are you how have you been i missed you im crossing fingers for your sleeping schedule! !
hallo!!!!!!!!!!! thats very annoying that has happened to me except it was like a whole chunk of hair dye that i had missed whiole washing it out. very annoiyng i feel u. what kinda pasta queen
i am ok im ok im prettt tired and stressed but generally feeling positive yay! one of the most annoying ppl at school quit last week so im happy
extra dyed hair
chickn pasta its not very good because my mom is against flavor but im no longer hangry so it gets the job done
positive is good im glad youre feeling positive!! hope no tired or stressed soon im manifesting crossing all the fingers
U need to keep a secret spice mix up ur sleeve