Maxwell wrote: If u work in pizzabakeren u get a discount thru the app rite, and when u pick up u need to show a card so we kno u work at pizzabakeren
Nd some guy had ordered online nd my coworker was like "dude, that guy just orders for his friends but his friends r friends w some of the guys on my weekend shift so they just give it to em anyway"
So I was like ok, time to b a good christian nd ask him for card then I guess!
And I didnt kno what he lookd like jjst that he's ginger, and ginger man did not come pick it up.. so I go "can I c the discount card? :3"
And this guy who is obv not the guy who works at pizzabakeren, goes, *taps his pockets* "oh shit, I forgot to bring it sory" roleplaying as the guy who ordered but like bro I kno u aint him
but I felt his attempt at roleplayin was so good I let him go just w a "is ok just remember to bring it next time or u mite have to pay the difference x3"
Maxwell wrote: Not that I waa gonna make him pay anyway I just need them to get better at this bcus suddenly my boss is here nd pizzabaker guy will lose his discount..