HeyitsKarlee wrote: i wish for my crush to finally like me back i wish for money and i wish to always get perfect grades without trying, bc i always stress myself out with schoolwork
Parasite wrote: Oh boy this is gonna be a depressing response. 1. My grandpa to be back and healthy. 2. Good health for my entire family. 3. A job that pays well enough.
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wrote: 1. learn french 2. some cash to travel the world 3. peace
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wrote: 1. I wish for money to help my family 2. I wish for my brother to have a safe trip to and from canada 3. I wish for my dad to be healthy
lovejojjo wrote: 1. Peace 2. stop environmental degradation 3. That all humans should be treated fairly and with LOVE, we are all a family. Treat everyone wirh respect!
Worldglobe wrote: 1. I want a free airplane ticket with which I can go to anywhere at any moment for the rest of my life. 2. Be able to help a lot of people. 3. Dare more and not being to shy or into myself to keep my mouth shut.
Siri wrote: 1. Talk to my mother for at least 5 minutes, she died when i was 4. 2. Help my father with bills and dept. 3. Hmmm... Find solution to world hunger.
Merlin wrote: 1. I want to be attractive 2. Be able to ”love” myself 3. This is hard, as much as I would want money, I also would want my crush to like me back. I think I would have chosen to be liked back.
NixieFae wrote: 1: I wish for the health and wellness of my family and I 2: money so I can buy things I want instead of pretty much freeloading off other ppl 3: to be able to find happiness with someone like my parents found with each other