luminescence wrote:
there has been much improvement already but for some countries / cultures there's still a lot work to do
Indeed. I mean in my country men and women can have the same jobs, but women still earn 30% less sometimes............ Like.. why ;__;
Complicated wrote:
i agree and it's making me so sadluminescence wrote:
equal human rights for all, end bullying and discrimination, take better care of our planet...
+ ALL of these: https://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/
Yes agreed! Especially for women. I just notice a lot that men still have way more rights than women. In every culture.equal human rights for all, end bullying and discrimination, take better care of our planet...
+ ALL of these: https://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/
there has been much improvement already but for some countries / cultures there's still a lot work to do