Aria wrote:
Crawk wrote:
1.Are you a smart shopper?
hmm not sure, i rarely buy stuff except for candy etc ,mnjhg lmaO
2. How often do you shop?
clothes etc i'd say once a year maybe twice ?
3. Are you a Shopaholic?(like me)
absolutely not njbhvg,, i like saving up for something i've had my eye on for a long time n that i've have thought abt for the longest time possible to be completely sure, but even with that i've purchased stuff i regret
4. What do you sepnd your money on the most?
food for sure,, it's the absolute best 2 please myself rly <33
5. What is the latest items that you bought recently?
ricecakes + a chocolate bar
but if we don't count food the last purchase i made was a mattress which i'm very happy with!
I can guess that you like candy right? no bt i agree i think that most of my money goes on food really but it really should be a priority rather the clothes
1.Are you a smart shopper?
hmm not sure, i rarely buy stuff except for candy etc ,mnjhg lmaO
2. How often do you shop?
clothes etc i'd say once a year maybe twice ?
3. Are you a Shopaholic?(like me)
absolutely not njbhvg,, i like saving up for something i've had my eye on for a long time n that i've have thought abt for the longest time possible to be completely sure, but even with that i've purchased stuff i regret
4. What do you sepnd your money on the most?
food for sure,, it's the absolute best 2 please myself rly <33
5. What is the latest items that you bought recently?
ricecakes + a chocolate bar
but if we don't count food the last purchase i made was a mattress which i'm very happy with!