Kieren wrote:
Good Morning! (or maybe afternoon for you)
I hope you're all having a great day!
Today we thought it'd be great to kick-off some Christmas topics!
Today's topic is Christmas break!!
Usually around this time of year the semester comes to an end and school is out for a few
So guys, what do all of you have planned?
Will you be spending a lot of time with family and friends during the holidays?
& Where will you spend christmas?!
With the family or a quiet Christmas alone or with a friend or significant other?
We want to know! c:
Good Morning! (or maybe afternoon for you)
I hope you're all having a great day!
Today we thought it'd be great to kick-off some Christmas topics!
Today's topic is Christmas break!!
Usually around this time of year the semester comes to an end and school is out for a few
So guys, what do all of you have planned?
Will you be spending a lot of time with family and friends during the holidays?
& Where will you spend christmas?!
With the family or a quiet Christmas alone or with a friend or significant other?
We want to know! c: