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Event Team Applications
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Event Team Application
MMBOP <img src='/layout/nl/images/smileys/smile.png' alt=':)'>

About Me:I'm girlinthemirror (GITM) or just call me by my first name Brittni. I'm 18 years old. I take all my classes online so I am on VP pretty much all day long. The times that I'm on are from 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. EST. I will also get on later in the day but I don't have a specific time though.
Details about me you probably don't need to hear but I will say anyways:I love to write stories. I love to come up with new ideas. I enjoy doing stuff online. I love VP there are so many things that I would like to see happen on here. My head is overflowing with ideas that I would like to see on here.
Positive Qualities:I'm a very responsible and reliable person. When I'm given a task I put my all into it. I'm a very nice and bubbly person. I like to see others happy and see them succeed in whatever they do. I try to stay positive in any situation.
Sorry about my rambling sad


Competition Ideas (There will be prizes)
Fashion Contest: Every week or every other week there will be a fashion contest. There won’t be any set theme so this will allow users to show their creativity. There will only be one judge and the judge won’t be bias, choose someone based on their relationship, etc.
Who Wore It Better:
Every week or every other week there will be a Who Wore It Better Contest. Everyone can join. There will be a few different items to use for your outfit. No, you don’t have to use all of the items. You have to at least have one or more of the items on. You will post your outfit and once I get enough people participating I will match two people up side by side so you the users of VP can decide which users Wore It Better.


Event Ideas

VP User of the Month:Each month there will be a VP User of the Month. The VP of the Month will be randomly selected so everyone will have a fair chance. The user of the Month will also get special perks such as getting an exclusive item, a manager, etc.
Scavenger Hunt:
Each month there will be a scavenger hunt. Since this month is April, there will be Easter Eggs hidden around VP. Once you find the Easter Eggs you will be able to redeem them for prizes. Every user will get the chance to participate in the scavenger hunt so no one will be left out of the fun.


I have so many ideas. But you only asked for 2 each so I’m sticking to that. I don’t want you to have to go through a list of like a hundred competitions and events ideas that I have come up with. Sorry I’m rambling again.

I am open to any suggestions. I am easy to work with. I would love to be able to create compositions and events for the users of VP. If you picked me I would not disappoint you or any of the users on VP. I will be as active as possible. I want to be able to have the users to have something new to do each week.



Wow! Lucky! I go to school from 7:40-4:00 I dont get as much time to be online... And wow! It's like we have the same brain! The Easter egg hunt event! I said that too! Only your's is scavenger hunt.....
World famous

so many applications... I'm getting anxious c: too.....I was actually really hoping to be able to be part of the team......but it seems like my ideas are so original........
National star

Oh no! I forgot to write mmbop in my app! I kept telling myself to write it and like the stupid person I am I forgot to write it since I thought I already did, srry sad sad sad
Account deleted

mweh. btw, mmbop.
World famous


Youtube star


worst app i've ever seen sorry tess cool go mweh yourself. 
Just realized the 9th is tuesday, so if that makes it easier for you guys to think about this lol

my mistake, it's wednesday, BUT either Tina or I will be closing this wednesday morning and we're both American, so you don't want to wait until the 9th to apply, save it for last minute changes (but let us know if you change something!)
Account deleted


worst app i've ever seen sorry tess cool go mweh yourself. 
Just realized the 9th is tuesday, so if that makes it easier for you guys to think about this lol

9th is also the day i have to return my books. it is the worst app cause the picture got deformed. mewhhhh. 
Youtube star

3-4 days still. woot
Karaoke star

3-4 days still. woot

hopefully there's some more apps in that time because it seems dead right now
World famous


Username: CheerGirl

Age: 12 turning 13 in August
How much time do you spend on vp? Be specific: I started pretty recently, and I try to be on often as I can. I recently got a laptop so I can come on a lot more than I already did. I spend almost all of my time on here.

2 ideas for a competition: 
       -Competition One: Favorite movie or book character
Dress up like you're favorite movie or book character. You have to name the character and the movie or book they starred in. 1st-5000 pd 2nd-4000 pd 3rd-3000 pd
     -Competition Two: 4 Elements
Dress up as one of the four elements: fire, water, wind, or earth and the best outfits from each category win a prize. 1st-4000 pd 2nd-3000 pd 3rd-2000 pd

2 ideas for an event:
       -Event One: Summer Madness Challenge (Or Winter, Fall, Spring, depending on when it ended up happening)
Come online everyday for a week to win pieces of an exclusive summer outfit, and win the final piece upon completion of the event. If you miss a day, you have to buy the piece for credits. (5-10 credits, whatever seems more reasonable)
       -Event Two: Virtual Board Games (Fit any theme we want)
Every day you come online you get a roll of a dice. Your goal is to get through the board game and explore the caves, gradens, etc. (The areas depend on the theme) and collect parts of an outfit. There would be 3 caves, gardens, etc. and each would have an outfit. You buy extra rolls for credits and a special reward is given at the end after you complete the board game. This game could work at any time with any theme.

Positive Qualities & Others:
-I take all AP classes
-I'm two years above grade level in math
-I'm a cheerleader, dancer, and volleyball player
-I'm on my school's event planning team
-I love fashion
-I love planning events
-I speak English, Spanish, and some Arabic
-I'm an artist
-I've been asked to join National Junior Honor Society
-I love anything fun
-I'm a dedicated worker
-I'm former Student Council President and I planned school activities
-I love to read & write
-When I start something, I have to finish it or I feel defeated
-I hate when people use bad language (I don't use it)

Thank you for considering me for this position. I wish you the best. mmbop :)
CheerGirl <3

The Application -
Username: Magicallity
Age: 15
How much time do you spend on vp? Be specific:
1 hour daily

2 ideas for a competition:
add social competitions like best blogger or most active in forums and 
design competitions may have specific theme like summer etc
2 ideas for an event:
like real parties, events must host by someone popular. like celebrities
events must have a free giveaway like outfits
List some positive qualities about yourself:
i am willing to serve anybody here... but i am only 3 days old in this world so i am searching for a way to help my fellow players i can be a good friend maybe not financial as i can give popdollars and credits but you can share your ups and downs to me as same as i can be for you. iam a great love adviser i can give great love advice to my fellow players about their lovelife.... i have a clean heart... 
thanks to virtualpopstar hope you recieve my request and respond to it

The Application -
Username: Magicallity
Age: 15
How much time do you spend on vp? Be specific:
1 hour daily

2 ideas for a competition:
-add social competitions like best blogger or most active in forums and 
-design competitions may have specific theme like summer etc
2 ideas for an event:
-like real parties, events must host by someone popular. like celebrities
-events must have a free giveaway like outfits
List some positive qualities about yourself:
-i am willing to serve anybody here... but i am only 3 days old in this world so i am searching for a way to help my fellow players i can be a good friend maybe not financial as i can give popdollars and credits but you can share your ups and downs to me as same as i can be for you. iam a great love adviser i can give great love advice to my fellow players about their lovelife.... i have a clean heart... 
thanks to virtualpopstar hope you recieve my request and respond to it

World famous

Cool.....more applications! :)
World famous

The Application - mmbooooop

Username: Ronella

Age: 15

How much time do you spend on vp?: On school days about 8h from 4pm-midnight, on weekends about 14h from 10am-midnight (MET)

2 ideas for a competition:
   a) Dress up competition: It's almost like a dress up competition but instead of having a theme, you have one item which you have to use for the outfit. The most creative outfit wins (of course ;D)
   b) Writing competition: Tell us about your favourite sports. Are you doing it? And what do you like about it and why should other people know it? You can use pictures or videos to make it more interesting. At the end the players on VP can choose which entry seemed most interesting and which one they'd like to do after this.

2 ideas for an event:
   a) A booktastic book week
The week is all around books. Every day some books from different genres will be presented by players on VP. Furthermore, the newsteam will write an article every day about one of the jobs of the people who work on the book. As competitions there could be many writing competitions (write a poem, write a short story etc.), redraw a book cover or guess the book.
   b) Fairytale week
The week is about fairytales so every day there'll be a new outfit in the shops relating to the fairytale of the day. And there'll be one special item in the shops for 24h every day. And if you have all 6 items you'll get the 7th item for free. Also there will be a fairytale of the day (as already mentioned before) and competitions about it, e.g. draw a picture of your favourite fairytale, dress like a character from a fairytale or guess the fairytale. 
   c) (added on April 9th): Prom day
So this day will be like a virtual VP prom where you have a dress code and a "party" in a thread.  There will be little games like 'Who am I?', 'Guess the song', 'Catch the ET' etc. Also, there will be a show (a video) where users of VP can take part. Therefore the people can send a video to the event team until 3 days before the prom so the event team can pick the good ones for the show and make them into one video. At the end there will be a thread where you can nominate and vote for the prom queen&king (You can't nominate and vote for yourself).

List some positive qualities about yourself:
I think I'm really reliable and organized so I'll always do my best and be always on time (haha, so typical German :d). I also like to help other people and give my own opinion about it. Also, I like to have things being perfect, otherwise it makes me crazy.

I really hope to be a part of the evemt team and I'll do my best if I get in. And I hope it's no problem that I'm from Germany so my English isn't perfect but I'm always willing to explain it on another way so everyone understands it. And also I'm already in the US atm to improve my English ;).
And thanks for reading this.
World famous

The Application -

Username: Cosmos


How much time do you spend on vp? Be specific:
On average would be about 2-5 hours, but I'm mostly on and off at time, mostly on now.

2 ideas for a competition:
As I am a fan of reading, a writing competition would be nice, you can write a story and according to the story, the people of virtual popstar can send in nominees or candidate, of their favorite stories. And after all the candidates are sent in...let the voting begin! <img src='/layout/nl/images/smileys/smile.png' alt=':)'> Since I believe in the beauty of nature, we can have a picture competition...where the people take picture of the beautiful nature surrounding them.....the only problem would be making sure the people doesn't taking a picture from google or other internet sources. And I do understand that not everyone will be able to participate...because not everyone have a camera or anything to take picture with...but I think it will still be fun, we can all enjoy the beautiful nature all around us! 

2 ideas for an event:
Well, I'm a big fan of fantasy, so I would suggest a Fantasy theme week and Book theme week, just because I really do love books. Or maybe better yet, a Space theme week, we can have a dress up competition, where the people can dress up as aliens or as if they are going into outerspace. And since it is almost about an egg hunt, where egg stickers will be hidden all over the different pages of virtual popstar and if you find one......there will be a code for the redeem voucher. How it would be organize, I'm not sure yet.....but I'm sure it would be fun and cool! <img src='/layout/nl/images/smileys/lol.png' alt=':d'>

List some positive qualities about yourself:
Well, I'm usually cooperative with people and am willing to compromise. I do not, I repeat DO NOT, like cheating at all! I take cheating very seriously and will often try to be as honest as I can. I also tend to try and not break any rules, even if my best friend does call me Miss Goodie Goodie for it. <img src='/layout/nl/images/smileys/wink.png' alt=';)'> Well, to be honest, I'm not so great at naming good quality about myself because I don't really think much of myself...I prefer to try and see the good quality of others than try to find mine.....maybe I am a little odd like that, but that's me! Well, when I set my mind into doing something, I usually get it done. I don't mean this in a bad way....what I mean is kind of like when I set my mind into finishing reading two books by Friday, I finish them. When I need to finish the hunger game book because it was due the next day, I spent the most day reading, even stay up until 4 a.m. finishing it, I'm a slow reader, but that's alright, not quite my point. What I'm trying to say is that I can tend to be quite determine. <img src='/layout/nl/images/smileys/smile.png' alt=':)'>

Well as I have mention before, I love to read, writing is one of my hobby, although I haven't been writing much. I also LOVE music! But as I'm sure many of you do too. I also believe that there is so much beauty around us, the beauty of nature, that we must try to at least protect and admire, because once it's gone we won't have that chance anymore...sad Oh and this is not exactly a good quality about me or anything, but I tend to get confuse and lost at times...I just wanted to say this because I feel like the members of Event Team should know...that if I were to become a member, my teammates should at least know...<img src='/layout/nl/images/smileys/smile.png' alt=':)'> Well anyway, before I forget, mmbop.

Sorry for keep editing it.......but just letting you know again that I added a little something.....and that I deleted the other two post......and also I kind of want to mention that on weekend I tend to stay online a lot, like from 9am to 11pm, but sometimes on and off, mostly on.
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