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Love Is A Laura Quest [rp]
World famous

For me and Laura <3


Your father owns a small shop in town when business starts to fall your dad sells to a wealthy man for 40/60. This devastates your entire family since you no longer have control of the company, but the man does allow the whole family to keep on working in the shop. Slowly, you all notice the small changes that are being made; you no longer play the same music, you are selling different items, and you go under a name change to promote better business. Day by day, you see how hurt your father is, and how he feels that he has let the family down. One night during the closing shift, the man comes in, and the two of you start talking. Once you get to know him better, you realize that he’s very sweet. He even offers to drive you home, when he drops you off, he gives you his number. The two of you start talking about forming a bond, but you must keep things hidden because your family hates the man who ruined their shop. You spend your entire weekends with him; he whisks you away on vacations so the two of you can be alone, will you ever have the guts to tell your family you fell in love with the man they hate?

A Secret Affair 
You're the big CEO of a company, recently you and your wife have divorced and you've gained custody of the kids. You find it hectic trying to be a good father and raising your kids without it interfering with your work. After discussing it with your ex-wife, you both find that a live-in-nanny would be beneficial for the situation. You ask around your work and someone gives you a reference number, you call and interview her multiple times over the phone. Since you are so desperate to find someone you decide to hire her, she was friendly on the phone, had the experience needed and provided you with strong references. A few days later she shows up at your house, you are stunned to see how young she is, not only is she young she is gorgeous and you can't take your eyes off of her. As time goes by, you find yourself trying to be around her more, and making up reasons why you need to be alone with you. You can't take it anymore, you want to make a move but know that this will complicate your situation even more. 


(will edit in when we decide)
International star

btw your girl my guy first one, my girl your guy second one, is that okay? :-)
World famous

ThugWorkout wrote:
btw your girl my guy first one, my girl your guy second one, is that okay? :-)

ah I was hoping for the other way round but that's fine, they're pretty similar anyway c:
International star

you snooze you lose eyebrows
Poppy and Wesley 
World famous

ThugWorkout wrote:
you snooze you lose
Poppy and Wesley 
haha :p fair to though since you always let me choose so c:

Pick for me?
International star

Cassia and Mat

if you just tell me roughly where you want me to start and I will :-)
World famous

ThugWorkout wrote:
Cassia and Mat

if you just tell me roughly where you want me to start and I will :-)

Hmm maybe when cassia is closing the shop and then when poppy and mat first meet?
International star

Speeding through the small side streets of Brighton town, Wesley was attempting to make his way to the new company he had recently taken over, it was just a small bric-a-brac shop that sold oddments of different things, but at least it was another business in his name. Finally pulling up outside, he rolled his shirt sleeves down and locked his car, heading I to the shop. It was the first time he had physically been to the shop - everything else and either been via email or phone call. And he was impressed, even by his standards this was pretty nice. Heading in, be smiled over at the girl behind the counter. "Don't mind me." He called over as he browsed around.

Poppy was extremeLy nervous. She had maybe just lied a tad on her CV.. well maybe a lot. The only child minding nanny experience she'd ever had was looking after her baby cousin while her auntie worked away for work for a week. And yet here she was, after receiving a phone call, about to be in charge of two small children while their parents worked. Every single day. She was petrified. Taking a deep breath and knocking on the front door, she rested her hands behind her back, taking in the large Victorian building in front of her. She had grown up in a small semi detached three bedroom house with her four older brothers and so this was so etching quite different.
World famous

Cassia yawned as she finished serving the last customer for the day. It was getting to about half pas six on a Friday evening and she was ready for a nice dinner and some time chilling in the Brighton sunshine, maybe go and get a few drinks with her friends. She looked up when she saw a good looking man walk into the shop and frowned a little when he said don't mind me. Who was this guy? ''Excuse me Sir, we're just about to close so if you need something please be quick,'' she said as she closed the till and went around doing her end of day duties. She loved this shop, she had pretty much grown up in this shop. It had been her mothers business well before she had even met her father and then together they had worked together to keep it going. Since her mother had passed away business had been slipping and much to all of their distaste they had to sell a huge chunk of the company to some wealthy idiot. Things were changing around the shop, in a good way in her eyes, but her family who had been heavily involved in the shop couldn't get over seeing it change. She liked the changes but the way it was hurting her family she hated. She glanced back at the man, sighing a little, hoping he would leave. She wanted dinner and a drink before she came back to do some more work on her apartment. She was currently working on turning the upstairs of the shop into her own little apartment.

Mat fixed his tie and sipped his coffee, it was the day his kids would be getting a new nanny. He was hoping this would make things better because with the divorce from his wife things had been pretty hectic, especially with the amount of work he had to do on top of that. One of the reasons why his wife left him, he worked too much apparently. He answered the door ''Miss Poppy?'' he asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at the stunning girl in front of him. His eyes widened a little, he didn't expect her to be so... so, beautiful. She was incredibly gorgeous. ''I'm Mat, Mat Deluca. Come on in, I'll show you to your room and then let you meet the kids,'' he said with a friendly smile.
International star

Wesley couldn't stop the smirk on his lips as he turned his head to look at her. She sure had a fierce temper, and who could blame her? All she knew was this ridiculous man had walked in when she was about to go home and was taking his sweet time doing nothing. "Well that's no way to speak to your new boss, is it? And I was told by Mr Jackson that the whole family was friendly, he must have forgotten about you." He headed over to her, holding his hand out to shake. "My name is Wesley Morton. The new part owner of this establishment." He smiled down at ber. He had to admit, she was just a little bit well.. GORGEOUS.

Poppy lifted her eyes from the floor when she heard a voice and looked up at the gentleman in front of her, a little taken aback from seeing this tall, handsome man in front of her. Giving him the biggest smile she nodded her head, picking uo her suitcase with all her belongings in, as well as her backpack with her essential bits. "Nice to meet you, Mat." she followed him through the house, keeping her eyes all around the house, amazed at how grand and amazing it looked. "How old are the children?" She asked, poppy knew he must have already explained it but when she got the phonecall about the job she was so overwhelmed that she hadn't listened to much else he had said.
Youtube star

but then poppy and mat got hit by a bus

oh no!!!
World famous

Cassia sighed as she waited for the man to do something, say something. He wasn't exactly doing much of anything. It was beginning to get on her nerves because she just wanted to get upstairs and get painting, she was hoping to have the apartment finished by the weekend so she could just move her furniture in. ''Wait... Boss?'' her eyes widened when he actually did speak. Oh fuck, she thought to herself. The man who could ruin her mothers company was right here and she had just been incredibly rude to him. ''Mr Morton.. lovely to meet you. Please excuse my behaviour I had no idea who you were, and that you were even coming. What brings you here today then? and is there anything I can do for you?'' she asked as she shook his hand and looked up at him. She bit her lip, why was a man she was suppose to hate so stupidly handsome!? He looked like he just walked out of the pages of a magazine or something. ''Do you need to speak to my father or anything? I can give him a quick call if you want me to. Or take you to the house it's up to you,'' she rambled.

Mat gave her a smile ''You too,'' he said as he closed the door and took her suitcase for her. He led her up the large staircase and led her to the bedroom that was just a bit further down from his own ''This is your room, I hope it's ok and if you want to change anything and make it your own then please feel free,'' he said as he looked around, it was very boring. And very much his ex wives taste. He didn't want such a big house but his wife insisted and insisted on doing all the decoration for it. Being the idiot he is he agreed. ''They're eight and five,'' he said with a little smile ''Ella and Max,'' he said as he let her into the room.
International star

Wesley couldn't help but laugh at her sudden change in behaviour. It was quite sweet, really, how her behaviour suddenly changed. Shaking Cassia's hand, he smiled down at her. "well that's no way to treat any potential paying customers. Maybe we should send you on some sort of training schedule." He chuckled, shaking his head, going behind the counter and printing off the end figures for the day. "You may as well lock up, you've took more than enough for today." He said as he read through all the figures. Putting all the papers in their relevant piles, he began counting out the money in the till, looking over at her now and again. "Nah I just came to check out what I'd actually purchased. I've never actually visited this side of town."

Poppy walked up the stairs, still taking everything in. The minimalistic decor of the whole house was a little scary for her, she was so used to home comforts. Instead, all there was was one large picture of the family together. Mat, the two children, and what Poppy guessed to be his ex wife. She was absolutely beautiful, model worthy for sure. It definitely brought her back to reality. "Thank you, it's lovely. I might tweak one or two bits but other than that it's perfect, thank you." Placing her bags down on the bed, she went over and opened the curtains, letting the sun pour into the room. "AWW they sound cute, lets go and meet them." She grinned, trying to show some sort of enthusiasm, to show she actually wanted this job.
World famous

Cassia sighed ''I'm not usually like that I'm just so tired today, my dad isn't exactly happy with some of the changes that have been made to the company so he had me up moaning about it until the early hours of the morning. No matter how much I explained that its actually helping us, not taking away. No excuses for me to grunpy but yeah, I'm not always like that so no need for training of any kind,'' she said. She had done enough training to last a life time, when she was old enough to work in the shop her dad got her onto some training courses so she didn't make the shop look bad. She wasn't exactly the best of teenagers when she was younger. ''Oh great, I can go get more decorating done now,'' she said happily as she walked over to the door that led to ther stairs and unlocked it, ready for her to go up. ''Oh. I thought you must have been when I wasn't here or something. How can you buy something you've never seen? a little strange if you ask me.'' she said as she grabbed her bag and the bags that contained the paint she had picked up over her lunch hour ''I'm just going to pop these upstairs, let me know when you're leaving and I'll lock up,'' she said as she made her way upstairs. It was a little messy but it was getting there and she was making it into her own little cute home.

Mat sighed when he saw the picture of him and his family, it looked so perfect but it was anything but. His wife wanted people to think they were a happy family but they weren't, not for a long time anyway. There were arugments and disagreements and even cheating involved so their family was a mess. ''I don't know why she left that up,'' he muttered quietly, ''No problem, I'm glad you like it,'' he said with a smile. ''They are, they're really excited to meet you. I hope you can cheer them up a little bit, its been a really tough past few months for them.'' he said as he led her down stairs. The two children were sat watching cartoons together.
International star

sorry, I've been really busy and not had time to properly concentrate on a reply!!

Wesley chuckled softly, closing the folder and putting the money in the safe, he closed and locked the till. "I was kidding, it's the easiest thing, working in a shop. You've ran it for a day, you can run it for a life time. But I'm guessing a girl like you doesn't really want to be stuck here all her life?" Shrugging his shoulders, he pulled his large set of keys from his suit pocket. "I can lock up, no problem. I was just kind of hoping to get to know a little bit more about your family, if that's alright. I understand that I've upset the majority of you guys and that really wasn't my intention, I hope you all understand that." Sighing softly, he put his hands back in his pockets, looking around the store. "But this definitely needs some work on it, once I've got official paperwork and stuff." Glancing over at the paint and other things, Wesley went over to her. "Want a hand with these?"

Poppy daren't ask any questions about his wife, she thought it was a bit of a risky subject area when she was simply trying to make a good impression on him, and try to keep this luxurious job. Looking up at him as he spoke about his children, a smile grew onto Poppy's lios. Seeing a man who was so dedicated to his family, it was nice to see. Sure, her father had always been around, but it wasn't a loving home. It was full of secrecy and lies, and hatred even. It was a little while after Poppy's younger brother was born, that her father had started having an affair. Her mother knew e dry thing and yet, tried to make it work, for the children. Blinking out of her little head space, she followed him through to the living room, taking off her denim jacket, she went and sat in the swivel arm chair. "Hey guys!" She cooed enthusiastically at them.
World famous

No worries c: how are you?

Cassia nodded ''I don't want to do this for a life time. I love it, it's the only thing left that truly reminds me of my mother but I want to go out and do my own thing. I still want to have ties with the shop but I kind of do want to do my own thing. Not that my dad would ever allow that,'' she said as she shook her head. She had tried going off to university when she was old enough but her dad guilt tripped her into staying. She had never been away from the shop for more than a few days. She loved it but she wanted more adventure and the chance to follow her dreams. ''If you want you can come up for a drink and I'll tell you more about the family. There's a lot of history in this shop,'' she said with a smile. She loved telling people the story of the shop, it was a really cute story. ''And don't worry, I understand that. The shop needs a lot of work and I understand that. For some reason my family doesn't understand that,'' she said as she shook her head. ''That would be great actually, kind of killing my arms here,'' she laughed and handed him one of the bags, keeping the other in her hand. She led him upstairs and flicked on the light ''I'm sorry its a bit messy in here, I'm still doing it up.''

Mat smiled as he led her down to the front room to meet the kids. He really hoped that they would like Poppy and that they would get on. He wanted them to have some happiness back in their lives and he knew their mother wasn't being very helpful with that, she was being awful to them. He smiled ''Ell, Max this is poppy. She's going to be spending a lot of time with you guys from now on. She's going to be staying with us and helping us get back on our feet. Be nice to her ok?'' he said as he smiled over at Poppy. Ella looked up at Poppy and smiled ''Hi! You're so pretty. I want to look just like you when I grow up,'' she said excitedly. ''Hi Poopy!'' Max said as he walked over to her and held his hand out for her to shake. He didn't realise he had mixed up her name, it sounded like poopy to him.
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