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The Woods Creek Mystery

closed rp with @hurtful 

The inhabitants of the eerie town known as Woods Creek are rocked at the shocking discovery of a brutal murder, the victim no other than Holden Sr. Richmond, arguably the town’s most influential citizen. The murder leads to disturbing discoveries and dark secrets are uncovered as the clues are being put together.

Holden Jr. Richmond, 25

Miles Walker, 25

Riley Hepburn, 25

"Lou Taylor" (Louise Robinson), 26

Minor characters:
Richmond family:
Holden Sr. Richmond (Holden's father)
Lauren Richmond (mother)

Rachel Robinson (Holden's ex-wife) – face ref: Anna Camp

Walker family:
Celia Walker, 28 (Miles' sister) – face ref: Cristin Milioti
Charles Walker (father)
Anna Walker (mother)

Robinson family:
Denise Robinson (Lou's mother) – face ref: Patricia Clarkson

Rick Murray (Riley's partner) – face ref: Ian Bohen

Kevin "Kev" Brown (works at the bar with Miles) – face ref: Jake Johnson
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Riley felt a wave of guilt wash over her as she parked her car outside the church. This isn’t your funeral to attend, the words echoed in her head and made her stomach turn. Sure it was, she was an investigator another voice countered. She should investigate. Usually Riley was good at turning her emotions off when it came to her work. Separating work and personal life was a necessity in her field. 

The gloomy landscape was awfully fitting for a funeral. If Riley hadn’t known better, she’d thought that the Richmonds had paid someone to set the tragic scene. Everyone was there it seemed. Some to grieve, others to rejoice in the death of an enemy. Holden Richmond Sr was not a good man. There was plenty of people who benefitted from his passing. 

She cursed herself for not bringing an umbrella, and decided to quickly head inside for some cover. The Richmonds were standing by the entrance, greeting all guests with somber expressions and mournful mumbles. She saw no point in approaching them at this time, concerned it might cause a scene. After all, everyone knew why she was there.

”Rick where are you?” She whispered into the phone as she headed towards what she assumed to be the bathrooms.  With no answer from her partner, she went to shove her phone down her pocket only to realize she was wearing a dress. Riley needed to blend in and not look like a cop for once which proved to be a much more difficult task than she had anticipated. The phone found its place in her bra, as she began splashing cold water on her cheeks. Riley was in desperate need of refreshing,  knowing what was to come. Knowing who she’d probably meet. 

She had seen Miles now and then, he worked at the only decent bar in town and she was known for enjoying her glass of whiskey ever so often. They never talked, and made a conscious effort not to spend any time alone. It hurt her sometimes, seeing him. Like salting an old wound when their gazes would occasionally meet. She would look away, finish her glass. What they had was nothing but ancient history, then again, deep down, she felt as though it would never really be over.  A naive part of her still believed that there was more to Miles than the shitty apathetic front he was putting on. 

Holden carefully knocked on his mothers door that drizzly Tuesday morning. Lauren Richmond took great pride in her appearance, so seeing her like that, a disheveled little girl lying on the foot of the bed, weeping with a picture frame resting on her chest, it broke his heart a little. Holdens love towards his mother was not easily described. Sure, he made sure to show his affection by making the occasional call or even visiting on Christmas. But spending more time than necessary with the woman that birthed him saddened Holden, he felt pity towards her. Lauren only cared for one thing, and it wasn’t her son.”I still cannot believe it!”, She cried out in the car. Holden looked over at her from the drivers seat and nodded.  

”It’s shocking, yes.” He agreed.

”I mean, what are people going to think? I cannot stand this, oh, Holden, turn the car around!”, She pleaded, but to no avail. 

Holden clenched his jaw and kept on driving. Her dramatic outbursts weren’t unfamiliar, and he was convinced the act would come to a screeching halt as soon as she saw her dear friends. He could already picture it, her embodying the role of the grieving widow perfectly, each tear perfectly framing her face as they ran down her painted cheeks.  

When they entered the church, his mother instantly walked off with the pastor to go over the program. As Holden Sr Richmonds only son, it was his duty to pay tribute by making a eulogy. His mother had naturally already written one for him to recite, making sure it was picture perfect. Everything had to be picture perfect. 

As people started arriving, Holden grew into his role of the grieving son. It was as if all the pain was brought to the surface as each relative, colleague or friend of his father’s greeted him with that look. That look of pure pity. He didn’t know if the sadness was rooted in true grief or humiliation. He felt so small as everyone grabbed him by the shoulder or kissed his tear stained face.

The death of Holden Richmond Sr had come as a surprise to Celia Walker. She remembered receiving the call a mere week ago, her mother’s upset tone as she uttered the word. Murdered. She figured, if Richmond ever should die, it would not be an accident. The man was certainly rich enough to forego death of natural causes. 

”I just feel like shit, I should be there.”, Celia’s husband said for the fourth time in two minutes. She sighed. Having her spouse by her side would be comforting, but they couldn’t really afford such a luxury. 

”No, it’s okay. Mom, dad and Miles are all here and you need to stay with the kids. They shouldn’t have to miss school to go to a funeral”, she replied.  ”It’s fine, it really is. ” Celia assured before hanging up the phone.

She was staying in her old room. It hadn’t really changed since she went off to college. Same posters on the wall, even the notebooks on her desk hadn’t moved. As if nothing had changed since then. Luckily, it had. She opened the notebook and looked over the pages. Written by such a naive little soul. She didn’t even notice that she was crying until a single tear drop hit the smudgy paper. She quickly closed the book and shoved it under the mattress. 

”Celia, darling, it’s time.”, Her mother said, peeking through the door.

(i think maybe we should refer to holden as holden sr., just so "main" holden can be referred to as holden with no confusion? also i will reply later tonight, i just had dinner, back to studying!)
Youtube star

Rouya wrote:
(i think maybe we should refer to holden as holden sr., just so "main" holden can be referred to as holden with no confusion? also i will reply later tonight, i just had dinner, back to studying!)
(oh yes that makes sense, i'll change it)

(oh and i was thinking celia having kids and a husband is a good idea! but maybe just one kid, like a 3 year old or something? i dont think she would have kids too young, after what happened)
Youtube star

Rouya wrote:
(oh and i was thinking celia having kids and a husband is a good idea! but maybe just one kid, like a 3 year old or something? i dont think she would have kids too young, after what happened)
(yeah, well maybe the husband is taking care of their sick 3 year old instead? idk don't feel like i need to change it but just between us)

hurtful wrote:
Rouya wrote:
(oh and i was thinking celia having kids and a husband is a good idea! but maybe just one kid, like a 3 year old or something? i dont think she would have kids too young, after what happened)
(yeah, well maybe the husband is taking care of their sick 3 year old instead? idk don't feel like i need to change it but just between us)
(yeye no need to change, we'll just change it in the future from now on then. and yeah good idea with the sick 3 year old!)

Standing in cover of the rain, outside his parent's house smoking, Miles did not feel particularly remorseful about the situation. If anything, he was more anxious about the large gathering of everyone

As he heard his mother call for Celia, telling her it was time, he put out his cigarette against the heel of his shoe. He sighed as they all gathered outside and walked to the car. No one looked particularly pleased about the situation, but it was different expressions all around. Hard to make out what they were all feeling exactly, but he might have some idea.

The car ride to the church was a quiet one, Miles and Celia sitting next to each other in the back. He didn't say a word to her, wouldn't have known what to say, anyway. Since she went off to college, they had hardly spoken  – even at Christmas. Everything he knew about her life now were things he had heard through others, so asking about it at this point felt forced to him.

Arriving at the parking lot of the church, Miles hurried out of the car, up to the church. He greeted Holden at the entrance with an awkward nod and pat on the shoulder, lingering for a minute, trying to figure out what to say, if anything. After a while it got too awkward and he let out a "sorry, man," before heading off to find a seat.


When Rachel had gotten the call from Holden's poor mother, her heart burst for the family. She knew Holden probably wouldn't want her there, but as she was asked personally by his own mother to attend, she felt it was her duty. She couldn't let the Richmond's down, and of course Holden would have to come around eventually. She decided, however, it was probably best not to let him know she was coming, in case he would try to stop her.

Making sure she arrived early, she spotted the Richmonds as they walked up towards the church, waving eagerly at them, before catching herself and toning it down – it was a funeral after all. It had been a while since she had last seen Holden, and she would be lying to herself if she hadn't been slightly excited at this opportunity.

Walking up to the family, she nodded politely at Holden and greeted his mother first. "Lauren, I am so sorry for your loss," she said as she anticipated a hug. She and Mrs. Richmond had become rather close over the course of her and Holden's marriage, and had remained in contact even after their divorce.


Lou had debated with herself for a while whether she would go to the funeral or not. It didn't feel right to intrude, asking questions in a time like this, but at the same time, it was her job. She ended up deciding on going, but a little later than everyone else, so she could sneak in and grab a seat at the back, right before the ceremony started. That way no one would notice her, and she could maybe get some questions in as people were leaving.

Dressed in a black suit and a hat, to make her bright red hair slightly less noticeable, Lou joined the funeral, slithering in through the doors as they were just about to close. Everyone in the church were already seated, and didn't seem to take notice.

(oh i just remembered, after the ceremony in the church they have to carry the casket out and bury it, right? ive never been to a funeral lmao)
Youtube star

Rouya wrote:
(oh i just remembered, after the ceremony in the church they have to carry the casket out and bury it, right? ive never been to a funeral lmao)
(i think it might be more fun to just do the ceremony and then skip to the wake?) 

hurtful wrote:
Rouya wrote:
(oh i just remembered, after the ceremony in the church they have to carry the casket out and bury it, right? ive never been to a funeral lmao)
(i think it might be more fun to just do the ceremony and then skip to the wake?) 
(yes yes, let's do that!)
Youtube star

With no reply from Rick, Riley realized she had to take matters into her own hands. After an internal pep-talk and a sip from her handy flask, she was ready to face reality again. There were more people in the church now, some already sitting down, comforting one another. She looked around, trying to find her place in all of this. She decided to opt for a seat in the middle, granting her a good view of the main relatives of the deceased, but not in the front so as to grab someone's attention.

She sat with her head down, picking at the skin around her fingernails, trying to remember how she usually handled this kind of thing. Look around, feel everyone out. Note all suspicious behavior. Rick and her were supposed to interview immediate family but the Richmonds had lawyered up quite quickly, and weren't talking without any legal counsel present. Smart, and not really strange at all. Holden Jr was a lawyer now, which figured. He had that sleazy lawyer look down. She'd probably find a way to speak to them either way, Lauren Richmond needed time and Holden Jr, well, she'd probably have to bribe him somehow.  

"Riley.", A somewhat familiar voice called behind her. She turned around to face Celia Walker, in the flesh. She hadn't seen the girl since high school, and well, she hadn't changed too much in appearance. Still doe-eyed and short, with a warm smile. Riley stood up and hugged her. 

"How are you doing? I heard you got engaged", Riley said, forcing a smile.  

"Married, actually.", She corrected, which made Riley feel like an ass. 

"Oh, shoot, that's right." Riley looked bit her lower lip, trying to come up with something to say without making a fool out of herself again. 

"Well, it was nice seeing you. I'd really like to catch up sometime.", And with that, Celia left Riley to her own vices.


Holden felt slightly relieved to see Miles at the funeral. He was rarely up and about, and part of Holden didn't think he'd show up. But they were friends, in the strangest of ways. As quickly as that comforting feeling had appeared in the pit of Holden's stomach, it vanished when he saw Rachel make her way towards him. 

"Rachel, surprise you could make it", he said in the most passive aggressive tone possible. His mother gently slapped his arm. 

"Oh, nonsense. She's family. We need each other now more than ever." It felt like betrayal, but Holden wasn't sure his mother had meant it that way. Lauren and Rachel were similar in a sense, he thought that it might be the reason she favored Rachel so heavily in comparison to the other girls he would bring home. Of course, the divorce had crushed her, and she even pleaded for Holden to go to couples therapy. 

"Dad would be glad to know you came to pay your respects", he said against his own will, knowing it would shut his mother up. He could afford her some kindness, after all, she did love his father. 

Miles was quiet, which in return made Celia quiet. What where they supposed to talk about, really? They were never truly close, always had their own issues to deal with. After heading to college, Celia was eager to leave all the hurt behind and somehow managed to leave her baby brother too. She felt guilty just looking at him. Despite her parents ensuring her that he did in fact have a job, and made a decent living, she still felt he wasn't living up to his potential and that she was in part to blame. Then again, Miles had always been like that. The runt of the family in a way.

Greeting the Richmond's was too much to bear so Celia decided to pick out seats for the Walker's instead. She was afraid she might break down if she saw Holden, after all, he had grown to look quite similar to his father over the years. 


Rachel smiled at Holden's comment. "We'll get through this together," she said and nodded affirmingly at Mrs. Richmond, as if to seek her acceptance, while also agreeing with her comment.  As the guests started thinning out, it was time to make it inside for the ceremony, and Rachel held out her arm for Mrs. Richmond to take, as to follow her to their seats. Rachel of course assumed she would be sitting up front with them.


(Miles and Lou don't do much until the ceremony)

(sorry for the short reply, just figured Rachel should have a reaction to Holden's comment before time-skipping :b )

(you can also do a short reply, and i can do the time-skip if you want?)
Youtube star

Rouya wrote:
(you can also do a short reply, and i can do the time-skip if you want?)

(i think you could do time skip now, idk what else would happen. holden makes a eulogy and i suppose they gather at the richmond mansion) 

hurtful wrote:
Rouya wrote:
(you can also do a short reply, and i can do the time-skip if you want?)

(i think you could do time skip now, idk what else would happen. holden makes a eulogy and i suppose they gather at the richmond mansion) 
(ok, ill do the timeskip then)
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