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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Henry shook her head, letting one hand off the steering wheel he rested it on her thigh, giving it a little squeeze. "And we will make sure that he gets the best family he can, just because she birthed him doesn't mean she knows what's best. At least he's too young to really understand what's going on I guess." He parked up at school and got out, grabbing his bag he locked the car, jogging up to the school. "We are gonna be in soooo much trouble." He laughed, running up the stairs and into class. "Sorry mr valentine."

Mila was concentrating so hard that her tongue was sticking out the corner of her mouth, smoke coming off the page she was taking notes on. She could see her teacher could tell a difference, too. She put her pen down once she was finished, pulling her phone back out, she scrolled through her social media to waste some time. It couldn't be all work and no play, after all. A few messages popping up on her snapchat from a few different boys which Shen tried to ignore, she didn't even know how they got her information.

Charlotte didn't want to say anymore on the topic, she was worried enough as it was and speculating wasn't about to help the situation. "Yeah we really are, " she chuckled, running by his side towards the drama class, slipping into the class behind Henry, "Sorry Mr Valentine," she said in almost perfect sync with him. Taking her seat in the middle of the class and pulled her books out, quickly flicking to the same page as the person next to her was on.

Ryan raised his brow as the two of them came rushing into his class, very late, "Charlotte, Henry, that's detention for both of you after school. There is no excuse for being nearly half an hour late this morning." he turned to his computer, updating their attendance on the system. Before he knew it the class was over and it was the first break of the day. "Class dismissed, but Charlotte, Henry, I want a written apology from the pair of you for being late and interrupting my class mid lesson, I expect it by the end of your detention." 
International star

Henry slumped into his seat and for the first time that day, turned his phone on. The notifications went mental, beeps and buzzes none stop and he was a little overwhelmed. Was there even any point in ready what they said? He knows what it would all be and he didn't give a damn about it. Smirking over at Charlotte at the end of the class, he stood up. "Do you reckon cos you're family he'll let you off." He smirked, heading to his desk. "Sir.. we were dropping little Robbie off at school. You understand, right?"

Mila stood up once the bell rang, turning off her notifications for now, knowing she was going to see Ryan, she didn't need it lunging god knows how many times. Slinging her bag over her shoulder she nipped to the canteen and picked herself up a couple of slices of toast and an apple juice,  effort sliding up the stairs past the hallway monitor and to his classroom. "Hey ba.." she saw two other pupils and froze. "Hey bazinga!" She finished, going over and first bumping him, as if it was something they always did.

"It's worth a shot isn't it? Surely he will understand." Charlotte said, packing her stuff back up and going over to the desk. "yeah, my mum hasn't come home in the past nearly 48 hours, I haven't heard from her." she sighed a little, "I'm honestly not sure what to do cus, I'm at a bit of a loss at the moment" Her heard turned to Mila, raising a brow slightly at her as she entered the room but then looked back at Ryan. "maybe we can talk a bit more about it later?" she gave him a weak smile.

Ryan didn't expect the two hooligans to linger after class had finished, so when they approached the desk he sat up a little straighter, "I see.. " he ran his hand along his tie, smoothing it out properly. "I'm sorry to hear that Charlotte, Robbie's a good kid and I know you try your best for him. " his heard also turned when Mila came through the door, his whole body practically seizing up, "Hello Mila, take a seat I'll be with you in a moment." he said, in the most professional way he could, after having just fist bumped with her. He turned his attention back to Charlotte and Henry, "If your mum isn't back and you haven't heard from her give me a call and I'll look after Robbie for a while, you can't be doing that on your own. But yes, I'll stop by during your detention to discuss it." he turned his head to Henry, "yes you are still both getting detention, because I can see that neither of you attended classes yesterday afternoon."
International star

Henry was extremely grateful for family connections at that point, he knew mr valentine was a very strong headed and professional man, he was the teacher you always went to if you had any problems. He was the best. "We can't thank you enough, Robbie was at my house last night but he can't be there forever." He nodded once taking a hold of charlottes hand, he nodded once at Mila, to acknowledge her, then walked out the classroom. "Okay so we still have to have detention.. but at least we're getting somewhere with Robbie. He'll be with a grown up that has all the time for him, and I bet he'll let you stay too."

Mila could not believe the embarrassment she had just handed herself, if only the ground could swallow her whole. He would never let her live or down. Purely hoping that Charlotte or Henry hadn't noticed anything, she sat in her usual seat, using her phone as a distraction while the other two went off, making sure the door was fully closed. "Jesus I'm so sorry, I didn't think anyone else would be in here." She said softly, resting her butt on the edge of his desk. "So, what's going on huh? Your text kind of scared me earlier when you said it had gotten worse."

Charlotte held onto Henry's hand tightly as they left the room, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "Yeah, I'm glad he's willing to help us out, it's a weight off my shoulders." as they walked along the corridor she cringed, "Ugh, imagine me living with our teacher... He will want me to get up early and actually do my homework." she chuckled, though as they made their way through the corridors she realised quite a lot of people were looking at Henry and laughing, then looking at their phone screens. 

Ryan bowed as head as the pair left his room, waiting a moment until he knew the coast was clear before letting go of his professional mannerisms, "Sorry, I didn't either, that's a whole other kettle of family drama." he laughed, very faintly, "yeah I'm sorry about that." he leaned back in his seat, running his hand through his hair, "where to even start Mila? I get home and she's in bed with another man." he closed his eyes and rubbed them, trying to keep himself calm, "as it goes that's been a thing for six months so actually, the kid might not even be mine. And all the mind fucking she's done about wanting us to be happy and her trying to mend our relationship was a pile of shit."
International star

Henry shook his head in disgust. "Yes, your have to actually like, do work and stuff. No, that's not cool at all is it. How long til you're 18 again? Only a few months right.. well then maybe you could move into your own place once you are.. an smashed I could come ans live with you sometimes." He lifted his head, feeling a lot of eyes on him, slightly confused. Heidi wasn't even in sight and these were people who's names he didn't even know. "Have I got something on my face or something?" He turned to Charlotte,r wishing an eyebrow. Very confused.

Mila couldn't help but life. "You've got quite the drama in your life, Ryan, I don't know how you keep on top of it all." She crossed her arms loosely over her chest as she listened to him, her heart falling to her ass. "Oh my fucking god.. she's dropped you in it good and proper there hasn't she." It was such a conflicting issue. His wife, the one he felt so bad about cheating on, was doing it behind his back anyway, and the baby might not even be his! "So.. did you two discuss what you were gonna do?" She looked into his eyes. Reaching over to take his hand in hers.

"Forgetting when my birthday is again huh?" Charlotte said with a cheeky look at him, "yeah its in a couple months, maybe I can get the dreaded part time job so I can get my own place. Don't think I could stomach living with a proper functioning adult anymore than I can one that is barely there." They were nearing the canteen now and she slowed down, looking at his face, "No your face is fine, I wonder what's going on?" she said, as they entered the canteen which is where it became quite evident that Heidi had done something. She was sat on one of the tables, with a large group of people around her and when they came in a lot of people changed to whispered tones.

Ryan shook his head, "It's impossible to discuss anything with her, she just kept trying to lie and say that this guy had blackmailed into the whole thing, then she changed her tone and it was all my fault she's cheating because I don't love her enough." when he felt Mila's hand in his he felt his shoulders relax a little more, "I told her to pack up some stuff and leave the house for a while. I just can't honestly face seeing her. And I've been thinking that until I know whether the baby is mine or not, that the two of us are on a marriage break. After that, fuck knows what I'll do."
International star

Henry laughed quietly. "Hey, you know I'm no good with dates, I don't even know when my own mothers birthday is, you're not the only one." He he rubbed around his mouth self consciously, just in case he had some left over milk or something in the corners, but he seriously was starting to feel very paranoid. "Okay what the hell is up.." he looked over at a younger lad, who walked past while sniggering at him. Grabbing his phone off him Henry glanced at the picture and cursed, chucking his phone back, doing a 180 and running down the corridor and out the building. 

mila couldn't even begin to try and feel how he was feeling at that point the most drama she had had to deal with was her first boyfriend breaking up with her because she wanted to cut her hair a way he didn't like. "Well, do you love her, Ryan? I mean after all.. you've been kind of doing the same thing behind her back.." she said quietly, looking st him. It was true, they'd been doing this for about two months now and although it hadn't escalated like his wife had done, he was still cheating on her, technically. "What if it is your baby? Are you gonna stay with her?"

Charlotte chuckled, shaking her head, "dates were never your thing, I'll forgive you." She watched as Henry grabbed the kids phone, still having no idea what was going on and before she knew it he had thrown the phone back and was running out of the building. "What the.." he voice faded, looking back at the kid who just nervously scuttled off. Her eyes shifted across the room to Heidi, who had possibly the most high pitched laugh coming from her mouth. She turned and ran after Henry, "Henry slow down!" she called, trying to keep up with him but he was much faster. Finally she reached him outside and while trying to catch her breath spluttered, "what happened?"

Ryan groaned at her first question, "mila haven't I told you already that I don't love her and she is well aware herself." His gaze shifted away from her, tired of all this ridiculous shit that was going on in his life. "Mm yes I've been doing the exact same as her, I'm getting people pregnant left right and centre and claiming it's in the name of fixing my marriage." he slumped his head into his hands, feeling exhausted already and it was barely mid day. "I'm not staying with someone that doesn't make me happy. That doesn't mean I won't ensure I get time to care for the kid, if it's even mine that is."
International star

Henry ran as fas as his legs would carry him, a lump in his threat, his Bain going fuzzy and not me just stopped, leaning over, his hands on his thighs, staring at the ground he spat, taking three deep breaths. he couldn't believe it, what that scheming little bitch had done. He stood up, not quite being able to meets charlottes eye. "A.. a few months ago, me and Charlotte had sex. She said it would be fun to take some pictures. And now she's sent them to everyone." He was trying desperately to hold tears back. His whole life was ruined from one stupid lust induced mistake.

Mila sighed and pulled her hand from him. "You know I didn't mean it like that, I was just asking." She said, a little short. Looking around the room while she listened to him, she let out a small sigh and looked back at him. "Baby I didn't say that did I. I just mean.. you have been cheating on her. Both of us are part of the problem. Maybe.. maybe you just need to start the separation now rather than later." She stood up, and then knelt down in front of him, her hands resting on his, peeling them from his face. "Well then you need to sorthks shit out sooner rather than later."

Charlotte could feel her jaw practically drop to the ground, all words were lost and all she could think to do was wrap her arms around him and pull him into a hug. "thats fucking unbelievable of her.. I'm so sorry" she said, holding him in her embrace and trying to figure out what they could do. "we need to report this," she finally said, pulling away from the hug and looking at him, "she cannot get away with this its absolutely mad." 

Ryan looked into Mila's eyes and nodded his head, "yeah, I need to start going through the divorce process. This has just cemented how I'm feeling about the whole mess." he smiled a little, letting his hand touch her cheek, rubbing it softly. "I'm so glad you are here right now.. sorry I've been a bit blunt, this has just been way too much to process all at once." he let a small smile cross his lips, his eyes locked on hers, "but just know that I chose you, now and forever, alright?" 
International star

Henry wrapped her arms around her as tight as he could, resting his chin on her head, he let a few tears roll down his face. "I can't believe she's done this. So much stuff that I've got against her and I've been so civil, I broke up without too much hatred and this is what she does. She's gonna fucking pay for this.." he whispered, giving the top of her head a kiss, he squeezed her again in his arms. "Jesus, now the hell am I supposed to go back in there and face everyone?" He frowned, looking down at her. His phone began to ping in his pocket.

Mila felt her heart break for him. To be so young and already about to go through his first divorce, she could only imagine where his mind must have been at that moment. "This isn't going to be easy for you but.. I just want you to know if you ever need anything I'm always gonna be here for you Ryan." She looked around to make sure the coast was clear before leaning up and just giving him a little kiss. Standing up when the bell went. "And you will always be my forever." She whispered. Just wishing she could take the heartache away from him.

Charlotte used her hand to wipe away the tears that were rolling down his cheeks, "This just shows her character and its sickening. You don't deserve this at all Henry." She nibbled down on her lip a little, unsure of what to say to try and make the situation any better, "Try and keep a brave face, don't show that this is affecting you. Which I know is going to be really difficult but you can do this, don't let that demon beat you down like this." she held onto his hand, giving it a squeeze, "she isn't going to get away with this."

"Thank you so much for standing by me through all of this, " Ryan said, kissing her back. His heart dropped when the bell rang, wishing that they could just continue talking forever, "Can I see you tonight?" he said hopefully, and before she left the room, he got up, grabbing her arm and giving her another kiss, "until later.." he said softly, before turning back to his desk and sitting himself back down and sorting out his tie once again. 
International star

Henry nodded, taking a couple of sniffles and attempting to pull himself back together. Leaning down he gave her a single kiss and gave her a small smile. "I mean it's not like I should be ashame, it was a pretty good picture.." he laughed, shaking his head, messing about with his hair. "I just wonder how she managed to crop herself out of it." He shrugged, looking around, looking back at the main doors of the building. "I guess we should head back in.. we've got gym now." He lifted his head, taking a hold of her hand and walking back to the building. Shaking slightly from the complete fear of the embarrassment.

Mila smiled. "That's what I'm here for.. I'd be a shit girlfriend if I just abandoned you in your time of need." she pushed her fringe from her eyes, heading towards the door but not opening it quite yet. "That would be nice.. message me where you want to meet but it might be tough.. my parents haven't seen me for over 48 hours, they'll start getting worried." She sighed softly, opening the door. "Just text me, okay?" She stepped back, one of the idiot jock groups justling through the door and pushing her a little. "Hey Mila, long time no see huh?" His eyes dragged along her body. Rolling her eyes, Mila simply walked off to her next class.
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