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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte laughed at his comment, he always knew how to find a positive even in the shittest of situations, "well at least there's that going for you," she said with a smile, "I can't comment since I haven't seen it yet." she chuckled, nudging him slightly, in a playful manner, "everything will be okay. I promise." she said as they made their way to the changing rooms for gym, "right I'll see you in the hall in like 5 mins tops alright," she said before heading into the girls changing rooms where Heidi and her gang were.

"You are far from a shit girlfriend,"  Ryan said with a little laugh, "maybe I could pick you up a couple hours after school? so you can spend some time with them at least. I'll text you." he finished, falling quiet as students started coming in. He noticed the way one of the guys looked at her and he felt sick to his core. That was his girlfriend that kid was objectifying, but he knew he had to stay quiet, "alright everyone take your seat, we have a lot of work to do today."
International star

Henry's laughed softly. "I'm surprised the message hasn't been sent to you as well, maybe people have been told to avoid you or something, what a shame." He nudged she back and nodded once. "See you in a second." He walked into the changing rooms and went to his usual spot in the corner, pulling off his top and jeans turning his head over the shoulder. All eyes were on him. "What, you want another glance at my dick or something? Bunch of weirdos." He pulled on his sweat shots and polo top, as we'll a small his Nike trainers, and headed back into the corridor. Trying his best to ignore all the comments.

Heidi was flicking through her phone, and looked up when she heard the door open, her tongue running across her teeth, she smirked at Charlotte. "Oh well well well, here she comes, the village bike, everyone's had a ride haven't they, Charlie? Even my boyfriend that you STOLE from me." She stood up and walked over getting right in her face.

Mila cringed at the comment that the boy made and walked up the corridor to gym class, quickly pushing past the two girls that were stood in the doorway and she dumped her bag down, sliding out of her clothes she pulled on her vest top and small shorts, with her trainers, and readjusted her pony on her head, locking he felt bag and phone up in a locker, she headed out into the field, joining in on the lap that the others were running, which they did until everyone was out. Mila hated sports.

"Clearly I'll just have to find out first hand," Charlotte said with a giggle prior to going into the changing rooms. She dumped her bag in the corner, hoping to be ignored by Heidi but that was not going to be the case. She took a deep breath in before turning to face her, "Don't you mean, your EX boyfriend Heidi?" she had a small smirk on her face, "Just look at how lows you stoop to because someone dumped your lying, cheating, and just down right annoying ass. Must really suck being as pathetic as you."

Most of the lads had all seen Henry's picture, it had gone around pretty much the entire school now, but it was clear that some guys had new found insecurities about themselves through comparison. Some were chuckling when he came in, others were trying to catch a glance to see if it had all been the work of photoshop.

Ryan pulled his phone out and texted Mila, you have no idea how hard it was to not say anything to that prick as you left x. As all the class to their place he cleared his throat, standing up and walking around the class, handing them all out a new play to learn while talking them through the background of it. Once everyone had a copy he leaned on his desk and opened his own, "Now we are all going to read up until the end of the first scene, then we will have a short group discussion. I want volunteers for reading out the different roles."
International star

Heidi put her hand on charlottes cheek before letting her fingers wrap into her hair and she pulled on it, hard. "Don't you ever even try or think ain't speaking to me like that again, got it? He's MY boyfriend and he always will be, I have so much worse than that shitty photo of his pathetic dick and if you two carry on, I'll be releasing it all. Every little filthy video of him, on his knees BEGGING ME. I bet you wanna see that don't you?" She laughed, letting go of her and spitting down in front of her before walking back to her friends. Henry had gone outsid,e coach had shouted them and he didn't want to get into even more trouble than he was.

Mila did a couple of laps and then stopped, the biggest stitch of her life hitting her right in her side, she winced and bent over, holding onto her waist. She might have been slim but she was so unfit it was a joke. She spread out on the field and listened to what coach was saying, about getting into groups and of course, the jock boy who had been taunting her chose her. "Zack can you please just leave me alone." She rolled her eyes as they did their little activities. 

Charlotte flinched as Heidi grabbed onto her hair, her hand grabbing hers in an attempt to get her to let go. "He isn't your boyfriend anymore Heidi," she said as she let go of her finally, "don't you dare release anything else" she said before Heidi walked away. Outside she could hear the teacher shouting for everyone to get ready, all the other girls headed out and Charlie quickly got herself changed into her shorts and top before heading outside. She was definitely feeling threatened by Heidi and her gang and had quite honestly no clue what to do.

Zack had purposely chosen Mila, he had been lusting over her for a while and was trying to get her won over by his charm. "Oh come ooo Mila, you love being on my team." he said with a cheeky grin. As they began playing dodge ball. He kept protecting her from on coming fire and every single time he gave her a flirty look, "we should go on a date some time, get to know each other a bit more. There's a party later tonight, you should come. I think you'd have fun." 
International star

Heidi shook her head. "Oh he will a,ways be mine, don't you worry." She mumbled and loaded her phone back up, looking through her pictures again, deciding on the next one to spread of Henry, ignoring the ones that included her. Henry grinned when Charlotte came out and waved her over to his team, putting his arm around her shoulder, giving her a little squeeze. "You took your time, didn't have to make yourself look perfect just for some sports." He joked, punching the dodgeball out of the way when it come flying over to them and made it hit someone on the other teem, knocking them out. "Are you okay?"

Mila looked up at him, letting out the most frustrated sigh she could muster, her nostrils flaring slightly. "i don't  love anything about you, Zack, in fact, quite the opposite. You're a pain in my ass and the sooner you get over the fact I'm not sleeping with you, the better." She rolled her eyes, though a little thankful thstnhis big bulky body was blocking the dodgeball from hitting her, and she managed to just stay as his shadow throughout the whole game. "I'm kind of busy tonight, I have a date with someone else but.. thanks for the offer."

Charlotte gave a faint smile when she spotted Henry, jogging over to him so that they would be on the same team, "Yeah aha.. sorry about that." she said faintly, quickly joining in the game and dodging all the balls that were coming flying in her direction, "Oh just your lovely ex-girlfriend who is determined to say that you are still her boyfriend," she paused, quickly jumping out of the way of an oncoming ball that was aimed for her head. "She just did the old pull my hair and threaten to make things worse" 

Zack just laughed at her, "Oh you are hilarious babe," he said, concentrating on lobbing balls in various directions. Heidi had previously instructed him to aim for the dick pic guy and the girl that hung around him, so he did just that, lobbing a ball full force in the girls direction he groaned when it missed but turned his attention back to Mila, "aww you going on a little date with another boy huh? Playing hard to get I like that. I can respect that. Still, you should hang out with me sometime."
International star

Henry narrowed his eyes at the jock guy, who seemed to be aiming mainly at them and he wasn't having this, and so catching the balls, he threw them back extremely forcefully so that it was harder for him to catch. Rolling his eyes, he looked back at Charlotte, hesitating. "Was,t wha? Did she actually do that to you? You just wait till I see her I swear to god I'll rip her nasty little extensions right off her scalp, she makes my blood boil."  He swore under his breath, ducking from a ball.

Mila tapped his arm. "Uhm, Zack I don't think you're gonna be very successful doing that to just one person, the whole aim of the game is to get everyone on the team." She rolled her eyes, squealing as a ball came hurtling towards them, hiding behind his body. "Not playing hard, Zack you're just not my type okay, I like someone who is a bit more mature that's all." She bit her lip, thinking about it. She really did want to go to the party, but she had a,ready agreed to meet with Ryan, and that was more important.

"You heard me correctly," Charlotte said, dodging yet another ball coming in her direction, "but.. she did threaten to release more pictures of you.. and videos." she said, her voice much lower, "so I don't know what the fuck we should do." and just at that one of Zack's high flying balls hit her on the side of the head and knocked her off balance due to the force. "Jesus Christ there's no need!" she shouted across the court before moving herself to the sidelines. 

Zack rolled his eyes a bit, "And I don't think you are meant to hide behind someone to play the game very successfully either, Miss Know It All." he said in a mocking voice. Finally he managed to hit one of the pair and his grin was now wide across his lips, "Yes of course, more mature guys is it, maybe you should hook up with one of the teachers, then you'd be able to get with an old fart with no social life." he said, laughing a little bit as he continued to block balls from their direction. "anyway, my invitation is still open, just send me message on snap if you change your mind"
International star

Henry raised both eyebrows. "How much more can people really see? Once you've seen my dick you've seen it all, it snit like she took a picture of my butthole." He was trying to let it go over his head and not bother him, as there was nothing more he could do, unless he went and spoke to Heidi face to face, which was the last thing on his list. Gasping when it hit her, he stepped off the bench and headed over. "Ok, what the hell do you think you're doing, you could have really hurt her." He went over to Zack, ignoring that they were still in play.

Mila pulled a face at him but smirked. "Whatever Zack, come back to me when your IQ is higher than five." She rolled her eyes and walked off when she'd got bored, pretending she had been hit. "Coach, I'm just gonna get some water." She waved as she jogged off and back into the locker room, unlocking her cupboards, she pulled her phone out and sat on the bench. Remind me to skip gym next time I have it. This is one lesson I don't mind failing. Xx she sent to Ryan, scrolling through her social media, skiving for as long as she could.

Charlotte laughed weakly at his joke about his butthole, not entirely sure if she could even repeat what video Heidi had of him. When she had been hit and Henry angrily came back out to shout at Zack she felt her heart warm again, it was nice to remember that he isn't just her best friend anymore, he was her boyfriend and clearly that meant he felt even more protective of her, "I'm alright.. honestly." she said weakly, sitting herself down on the bench. 

Zack laughed, a flirty look still in his eye, "I'll see you tonight then Mila, " he called after her. But before he knew it he had an angry Henry storm up to him, "Oh if it isn't dick pic guy, " he snorted a bit, facing off with Henry even though they were relatively the same height, "Heidi just wanted me to send a message your way, that's all."

Ryan felt his phone buzz in his pocket, not really expecting to hear anything from Mila as he knew she had gym, he slipped it out and read the message. While trying hard not to smile too much he send a response back Is it that bad today huh? I bet you look cute right now in your gym kit though x 
International star

Henry grabbed him bt his collar rather tightly, and snarled. "We'll tell that little dumbass to leave me, and my girlfriend alone, because I have many many things that I could spread about her but right now I'm choosing to be the bigger person, got it?" He let go of him and shoved him, before walking awa and back to his team, and he was one of the very last ones left. And then it was him and Zack. And then.. YES! He knocked Zack out. "Thank god for that." He kaughed, going over to where Charlotte was, he sat down next to her. "Are you sure your heads okay honey?" He reached his hand over and rubbed the side of her head gently.

Mila smiled when he replied, rather glad that he wasn't too bored with class. Yessss I'm no good st this whole running around thing. Hmm, I'll let you be the judge of that :-) xx she replied, before loading up what's app and taking a cute little selfie, pulling her vest top down just a little bit to reveal her cleavage, managing to take the picture before everyone came flooding back into the locker room, she stood up and got changed back into the clothes she had been wearing before.

Zack just laughed in Henry's face, "alright mate I'll let her know but you are making a massive mistake." After some aggressive ball throwing he ended up getting knocked out and slumped off in a huff. 

Charlotte cheered along with the rest of their team at Henry's victory, "thanks for standing up for me there, that has to be the most tense stand off I've ever seen during a game of dodgeball." she laughed a little and nodded, "I'll be alright, might be seeing stars for a few hours but I'm sure it'll pass." she said before standing up, "It's weird hearing you call me that, but a good kind of weird, you know?" she said as they headed back out the corridor and towards the changing rooms, where she knew she would end up seeing Heidi once more.

Ryan read the text and was about to respond when he got a message on WhatsApp, his heart racing, wow I'm clearly teaching the wrong subject right now, you look incredible x he hit send, shoving his phone back into his pocket as the ball rang. "alright class pack up, books at the back of the class and I will see you all on Thursday" he said, watching some people toss the books to the back of the room rather than taking care of them. He sighed a bit and then got up to neatly rearrange the stack of books. 
International star

Henry pushed her hair behind her ear and smiled, standing up he gave her a gentle kiss. "Well you tell me if you're not feeling good okay, cos he hit you hard." He waved her off and went back into the changing room, feelin rather happy Anita himself, even if everyone was gossiping about him, he was gonna take it in his stride. Getting changed back into his clothes he had been wearing earlier, he pulled his hoody on. Turning, seeing th lads still gossiping. "You want to gossip about something?" He pulled his phone out and sent them all a mass text, of Heidi, the bit of the picture she had cropped out. He knew it was a low blow but he was so fed up.

Mila giggled to herself, pulling her leather jacket on she pushed some stray strands of hair from her face and walked out of the changing room, heading to the lunch room, she picked up some pizza and a juice and sat down by herself. It wasn't that she was a loner, she was just very introverted and preferred her own company to anyone else's. shush you, you can talk in trousers showing me your cute tushy every day. X she smiled down st her phone, munching on her pizza.

Charlotte pulled him closer to her again, giving him a kiss before vanishing into the girls changing rooms. She kept her head down in the corner of the changing room, pulling on her skinny jeans and Henry's graphic shirt again, tying it up to make it look like a crop top once again. She slipped her feet back into her trusted converse and hurried out of the changing room, lingering in the corridor waiting for Henry. As guys hurried out of their changing room most of them were discussing something that was on their phones, at first she assumed it was more about Henry until she overheard someone go, "she's fit in this right?" 

Since Ryan didn't have time to grab lunch from home he headed to the canteen, which staff regularly used, and was able to skip the line to get some pizza and a Diet Coke for himself. He texted Mila back, hmm that's true. you have no idea how badly I want to sit next to you and kiss you x. After hitting send he headed back out the canteen with his lunch and into the staff room to join the group of teachers. He over heard the gym teacher mention Charlotte behind practically knocked out with a dodgeball and his head lifted a bit, "why was that?" he asked, curiously. Most of the staff knew they were related, it was just one of those commonly known things.
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