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the government are lizards 2.0 | rp
International star

(quite hectic schedule right now but I think I will be able to write tomorrow!)
Youtube star

(probably wont be able to until next week since i'm going away..)
International star

When Monty's eyes fluttered open they were greeted by a harsh, white light. He immediately thought of a hospital. Despite the blurriness through his squinting eyes, a bright and sterile-smelling room was hard to mistake for anything else. This would be the second time this week that he'd been admitted... Only this time it felt like he was lying in a dentist's chair, not a hospital bed. And as he lifted a hand to touch his neck, he felt resistance. Something straining against his skin. Like... straps?
There was a metallic rattle further away. A tall figure moved around the room, slowly but purposefully, becoming less and less like a faceless blob with every second of Monty's eyes adjusting. A woman, clad to match the room.
"Nurse..?," he called out. "Hey?"
If she reacted at all to his attempt at making contact, it was extremely subtle. He persisted.
"Why'd you get me tied up? I mean... Right?" He strained slightly against his bounds. " I'm not a biter or anything. Honest."
International star

( aa, ok!
I just concocted a situation so I hope it's ok-ish haha, standard )
Youtube star

Rowan was abruptly woken up by the feel of someone puncturing her skin with a needle. The heat flowing through her veins as the substance made its way through her vessels made but one thing clear. Something had went terribly wrong. 
"Please don't do that!", She tried pushing the needle that was forced onto her arm away, but there was no use. She was stuck, tied down by something. She opened her eyes, but quickly closed them again. The lights, directly directed at her face was too much. The drugs were kicking in, and reality faded. 
"Please don't--", She passed out. 

"Fucking shit! Let me out!", Dean cried out and kicked the doorless wall. There was no door to bang on in the little cell he had been locked inside of, leading him to wonder how the hell he was able to get in. 
"I swear, I didn't do anything wrong!", He screamed yet again. He had been screaming for about fifteen minutes, and while he could go on for hours, his voice was getting weaker and weaker by the minute. 
International star

As dazed as Monty was, it quickly dawned on him that the lady in white might not be a nurse. He had never seen one wear that much winged eyeliner before... Which was oddly enough the first thing that tipped him off. He tried calling out to her again but her reaction remained the same. She scribbled things down on a paper, favoring the occasional glance at the countertop over looking at him. After what felt like hours but was only a few minutes he could not lie still beneath his restraints for another moment and began trashing around. That's when a dull, aching pain in his right arm became apparent. Looking down, there was several injection wounds.
"Seriously, lady! What's going on!?"

(@alwin just in case you don't know we've started again)
National star

(thanks for tagging me!)

Samuel woke up to find himself in a smaller space, kind of like a cell. Being slightly claustrophobic, panic started to kick in from being trapped in this small space.
"Hello?" he whisper-screamed, carefully knocking on the door. "Anyone out there? Please let me out!"
When nobody seemed to hear him or just care, he let out a slow sigh and sat down against the wall opposite of the door.
Youtube star

Rowan woke up on concrete floor in a dark room, all alone. She instantly sat up, checking her arm where they had stuck a needle. There was a huge bandaid covering the wound, and while she did want to rip it off to find out just how bad it looked she lacked the energy to bother. 
Instead, she focused on getting to the door. It was open, which surprised her since she assumed, being kidnapped to wherever the hell she was, they wouldn't let her just walk out of her cell like that. 
"Anyone there?", She asked. 

Dean could hear someone through a wall. He instantly walked over to it. 
"I'm here! Who is it?!", He yelled. 
"Rowan! Dean, are you okay?", She said. He leaned against the wall she was behind. 
"I don't know. I don't think they did anything to me, did they do anything to you?", He asked. 
"They injected something, I'm not sure what it was", Rowan replied. Dean nodded.
"Do you have any clue on where we are?" He asked her. 
"No. Have you talked to any of the others?", Rowan asked. Dean paused. 
"Not that I know of. I did hear something, I think it was Monty."
International star

Monty continued to cause a ruckus until the woman's eyebrows twitched ever so slightly. She looked up from her paper, right past his face.
"Lie still," she said firmly. He did as he was told.
"Was starting to think you were a robot," he joked, trying to take away the seriousness of the situation. "You're not going to keep me here forever, right?" She looked back down again. "Right?"
Thinking that he could annoy her to the point where she would continue talking, he raised his voice. "Right? ...Hey, where are the others? Hey? Hello?"
With a heavy sigh from the woman, she put down the papers and stuck her arm inside a cabinet. When she retrieved it, it held a small bottle, soon joined by a syringe.
"I said it wouldn't be necessary but it would appear that I... miscalculated."

(I have a character ready for the lady by the way. Thinking of maybe bringing her into the story at times if that is ok, as one of the liz. Prob not much from her pov alone though)
Youtube star

Since I wanna keep Dean's brother a mystery kinda, I don't really have a character for him. If anyone wants a short one though, I'll write one. And a mad scientist if anyone would like that lol


Rowan felt relieved, being able to finally talk to someone. 
"Do you see any door on your end?", Dean asked.
"I do", She said, beginning to walk towards one. 
"Don't leave! I mean, just, please come back if you do", Dean said, trying not to sound to desperate. 
"I'll come back." Rowan said and left. 

Dean felt down about Rowan leaving. What if she never came back? What if they killed her? What if they killed him?
"If there are any cameras recording this, and I bet there are, I mean, I bet you're all looking at me whilst scribbling in whatever you guys use as notepads, just know, I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't ask for this so please, just please don't hurt us just because we made a mistake", He said and sat down on the floor, feeling tired after having been screaming for so long. 
International star

"Wait wait wait! Lady! We can talk this through!" With a surprisingly strong grip, the woman grabbed Monty's struggling arm. The pain accompanying the needle was much sharper than he had anticipated. He swore loudly, worsening it by tensing up even more. As the syringe pulled back and she wiped off his arm, a feverish feeling ran through him. He opened his mouth to speak but felt his consciousness faltering.
Youtube star

Rowan walked into an empty hall. She just now realized she was dressed in a rich red dress, similar to the one she wore in the hospital except the color, of course. It was kind of pretty, although she wasn't too sure why they had picked red. 
Was she in a hospital? Had they been kidnapped? Rowan didn't understand much, except for the fact that she was pretty high and eager to find out. 
And then she heard him. Monty, she was sure of it. Behind that metal door. Numbers and letters that made no sense to her were written on the door. She started banging on it. 
"Monty? Is that you?"

Dean was singing just about every song he could think of to keep his mind off of the fact that he was probably never gonna see the sun again and everything because of a stupid, stupid plan by stupid, stupid people. 
International star

(Ok I have something written but just wondering, are they meant to be wandering or is it just an accident?)

(also @alwin , do you want me to tag you now and then of you gucci?)
National star

Selby wrote:
(Ok I have something written but just wondering, are they meant to be wandering or is it just an accident?)

(also @alwin , do you want me to tag you now and then of you gucci?)
(that'd be lovely!)
Youtube star

Selby wrote:
(Ok I have something written but just wondering, are they meant to be wandering or is it just an accident?)

(also @alwin , do you want me to tag you now and then of you gucci?)
(Well, Rowan is high out of her mind, and so she won't be clever enough to actually even think about leaving (especially alone, she cares about the others too much). My idea was that they need someone to persuade the others that the scientists are good, and who is better than the one person they can literally mind-control into doing pretty much anything?
So, she's free to roam around, she's basically working for the scientists as she calms down the others by explaining that the scientists intention was never to lock them up and hold them prisoners -- but to help them. 

Dean on the other hand is locked inside, they want to trigger his powers and run a few more tests on him, I think. He's a bigger part of the scientists master-plan than Rowan is (she's just there to comfort their lab-rats and act sorta like a translator)).
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