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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Henry wasn't proud of himself but he couldn't think of anyway to get backcourt at her at that point. It's not like it was her whole body, anyway. Just a little nip slip, maybe. He walked out and smiled down at her, shrugging. "Looks like Heidi leaked a nude if she own, as well, dumb cow." He took her hand and walked to the lunch room picking himself up a pasta pot and a bottle of fizzy pop, he got hers too and paid for it all, going and sitting down. The message was soon filling everyone's phones, but he kept his head down.

Mila crunched in her pizza happily, getting two red lines around she mouth from where the edges kept rubbing, something that always seemed to happen. She took a sip of her drink, before replying. You'll just have to wait until later, won't you :* xxx Jim, the gym teacher, shrugged. "Dunno really, some lsd in the class wanted to use her as a chew toy or something, he kept aiming for her. I didn't really catch much of the conversation, I think she said okay now though." He rubbed his moustache, picking up his tuna sandwich.

Charlotte picked out the pizza for herself as it was of course her favourite food, as well as a can of irn bru, "Oh right, that's pretty silly of her then," she laughed a little, not questioning him any further on it. As they searched for a seat she saw everyone on their phones and muttering either Henry or Heidi's name under their breath. Today was most definitely not like any other. She picked a quiet seat near Mila, where they plopped themselves down and she got to tuck into her pizza. 

but I don't like waiting : ( x Ryan hit send before tucking in to his own lunch, feeling absolutely starved to death as he had skipped out on breakfast and any sort of snack on his break. "damn, that's ridiculous. Makes me feel kind of bad about giving her detention as well, sounds like she's having a bad time of it but if she's alright I'm sure she will cope." he said simply before finishing off the remainder of his lunch.
International star

Henry had never felt more glad that she wasn't a particularly digging person and simply let the matter fall, and he didn't have to explain himself. "I think she was trying to send another one, you know like she threatened you? It jus backfired a bit." He tucked into his pasta, glancing at the girl they'd sat next to, he smiled. Henhadnt really seen her around that often but she seemed like someone who kept out of everyone's business. Looking back at Charlotte, he shrugged. "Was that the girl who burst in on your cousin earlier?" he kept his voice down.

Jim nodded. "one more centimetre to the left and she might not have had her eyeball in her head, now that's an incident report I'd love to fill out." He laughed and patted his belly, walking off tonwhere the rest of the teachers were sat. Mila felt her cheeks go a little pink. The longer you wait the better it will be, I promise ; ) x knowing she was pushing the boundaries a little, she put her phone on her lap and looked up, a little surprised to see the two of them sat by her. Raising an eyebrow when Henry spoke. "Inam right here you know, I'm not deaf and you're not quiet. I can hear you."

"That's some serious backfire right there, hopefully it teachers her to stop this nonsense." Charlotte cringed slightly, knowing that Henry had in no way been quiet and seeing Mila call him out just made her laugh a little, "Yeah Henry you really need to work on your whispering." she shook her head slightly, looking back over to Mila, "He's having a rough day so just ignore him. It sounds like you and my cousin get on well though, it's nice to see other students realising his potential." Charlotte was trying to save this very awkward position Henry had landed them in.

Ryan laughed along with Jim, teacher banter was a rare type of humour that you really had to adapt too. "don't envy the amount of those you have to fill out as it is." he chuckled, sipping on his can of Diet Coke and scrolling through his social media. now that's just cruel and you know it! x he sent. He went back to scrolling on social media, ignoring the texts he had received from his wife about how much of an arsehole he was and how she would happily go and live with Markus until he figured his shit out.. as if all of this was his fault!
International star

Henry was about to answer Mila back but Charlotte interrupted him, and for good, too. He was not in the mood to be messed with and his answer may have been a little more ruder than it needed to be, which was not like him at all. "Yeah sorry.. infunno if you've hard or whatever but yeah.. a,l that gossip going round, it's me. Please if you get it can you please just delete it." He laughed, wiping his mouth clean, he finished off his bottle of pop. 

Mila had a frown set firm on her face, ready to get a little protective of herself, but itnturned outnchsrlotte was a little nicer than her weirdo companion. "Yeah he's a really lovely teacher. Never had someone understand the way I learn like he does, it's refreshing." Finishing off her bottle off pop, she glanced down at her phone, smirking slightly. It's what I'm best at, if only your cousin who was sat with me knew who I was talking to ; ) x she glanced over the room at him.

~ * after school #Charlotte got out of detention so she could pick up Robbie but Henry had to suffer * ~

Charlotte had asked Henry to stop by at her house to help taking some of Robbies things over to her cousins later that day. She had been allowed out of detention so she could make sure her brother got home safe. Once arriving home it was evident her mum hadn't been back in the time she had been away. "Alright little man, we are gonna pack up some of your stuff and you are going to stay with Ryan, remember him?" she said with a small smile as she dragged a suitcase into his bedroom and began filling it with his essentials. 

Ryan was thankful the school day was over and that he could go home and just breath for a little while. He had told Mila to give him a text when she was going to be coming round since she needed to touch base with her parents for a bit. In the meantime he was going to have a nice warm shower and then get changed into some comfortable clothes. Once that was all done he made is way into the guest bedroom and started cleaning it up so it was all ready for Robbie to be living in for a while. 
International star

Henry stuck his middle finger up behind Ryan's back before running out and getting into his car, driving to charlottes house in record time so that he could be there for them both. He parked up softly after and got out, taking a deep breath to calm his heart, he walked up and knocked on the door, before letting himself in and going upstairs, ignoring the state that the house was in. "Guess so finally escaped the hell of school?" Grinning. He gave Robbie a little fist bmp before sitting on the floor, helping him decide what he favourite toys were that he could take.

Mila had just gotten home, taking the longer walk that she enjoyed sometimes, her mom was in the kitchen and smiled once she was through the door. "Emiliana, how lovely that you're home so soon. I'm making soup for dinner, and then you can do your homework. Your dad should be back shortly." She added, only her parents ever used her full real name and it made her cringe. "Actually I just have this really big project to get done, so I'll have some soul now but then I don't want to be disturbed." She went and sat at the kitchen table. Won't be long, gotten have something to eat x

Charlotte had already said that Henry could just head straight in, he had been doing it for years now regardless. As he came bounding into the bedroom she smiled, "Did he make you suffer?" she chuckled before continuing to empty out Robbie's wardrobe and neatly fold the majority of his clothes into the suitcase that was on the bed. 

Robbie didn't entirely understand what was going on, but he knew that he had to make wise decisions about his toys so was grateful that Henry was helping him. "I made this for you," he finally said, shuffling over to his school bag and handing Henry a medal shaped piece of paper that read Henry has couties, "I don't know how to spell it " he giggled.

Ryan made sure the wardrobe was emptied of all of his wife's excess of clothes, bundling them up into a black bin bag and sticking it in the cupboard in the hallway before going back in and opening the window to let some fresh air into the room. He pulled out his phone and grinned when he saw the text, hurry I miss you! : ( also my cousin will be popping round at some point but she won't be here for long, will explain when I see you x 
International star

Henry shook his head, "it wasn't so bad, just had to catch up with some of the work while we wasn't there but nothing to brag about, he's not that bad, just felt like a waste of my time." He was trying his best to be positive with Robbie, make it an exciting adventure for him instead of something to be scared of. "Oh wow that's just amazing, I mean I'm gonna wear this everywhere I go that's for sure, thank you dude." He smirked at Charlotte. "Better watch out cos I've got the cooties." He waggled his eyebrow,a helping him put a couple of boxes of lego together that he could take with him.

Mila quickly ate her soup, dipping her crusty bread into it and eating it as fast as humanly possible. Trying to work out the best path out of her room and how to get out without her dad knowing. Missing me already? ; ) okay, I'll be there in a bit, gotta try and escape from my room first x she smiled when her dad came through the door. Making sure they understood she was gonna be busy, she headed up to her room, locking the door behind her, she grabbed her backpack and packet a couple of things, just enough so that she would be prepared for the morning. Sliding the window, she jumped onto the roof that was below, and then shimmied down the drainpipe, and legged it to Ryan's house.

Charlotte nodded her head as Henry spoke, "great that means I can steal your notes" she said with a little laugh. Robbies wardrobe was now pretty empty and it felt really haunting to see. This is what she had feared would happen some time or another. She turned to see the ridiculous medal and she couldnt help but laugh, "ewww cooties" she squealed childishly. 

Ryan had gotten changed into a pair of blue denim skinny jeans and a casual white v neck top, nothing too dressy but still wanted to look put together. As he waited for Mila to come round he made his way back downstairs to check out the status of the fridge. There was still a decent amount of food which would hopefully be enough for the next few days. Finally he heard a knock on the door and waltzed over to answer, " why good evening," he said with a grin, letting Mila inside.
International star

Henry nodded her head. "You can do that tomorrow, there's a party going on tonight and I believed everyone in our year is invited. It'll be nice to let your hair down a little bit and just chill out, and it's better than me going to Heidi's birthday which was supposed to be tonight." He stood up and helped put his main toys into a couple of big refuse sacks and carried them down the stairs. "Come on then robster, sleepover time at a new house, how exciting." He felt so sad for them both, he could only imagine how heart breaking it was to be treated by their only parent like that.

Mila was out of breath by the time she had got to his house, she had run far too fast and now had the biggest pain in her side, as she leaned there for a second, rubbing at the pain. Lifting her head when he opened the door, she stood straight, smiling slightly. "Remind me never to run again, I am so not made to be an athlete." She laughed, slipping past him and into the house, it felt so bizarre. This big house, all to himself. He was so grown up and it made the reality of her being a teenager a little more obvious. "You look lovely, by the way." She took her converse off, placing them down by the front door.

Charlotte raised her brow slightly, "a party you say? That sounds like the medicine we both need after today. Would it be alright if I got ready at yours then? Instead of hanging around here for too long." this time her laugh was sadder. Grabbing the suitcase from the bed she ruffled her little brothers hair, "let's get going champ," and they made their way downstairs and outt it Henry's car. 

Ryan chuckled, stepping aside and letting her in then shutting the door behind her. "I'll do my best to remind you, but I think you were just eager to see me again." He smiled, pulling her close to him once she had taken her shoes off, "and you look incredible, but you always do" he said before pulling her in for a kiss.
International star

Henry nodded. "Of course you can, my house is your house, you know that." He carried the stuff down, putting it in the back of his car, he helped Robbie in and did his seat be,t, before closing the door, standing up straight. "You know I love you, right?" He looked over at her. It hurt him, seeing her so broken, it was sad. But he was gonna do he very best to make sure things stayed as normal as they could be. He got into the driver seat and turned the radio on, waiting for her to get in before driving to Ryan's house, once Charlotte had given him the directions.

Mila nodded her head. "I hope you know I shimmied down a drain pipe and jumped off a roof to get here, that's dedication. Cos I love you the most." She crinkled her nose up and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning in to kiss him, going up onto her tip toes so that she reach him a little better. It's what she had been waiting for all day, and to have this amount of privacy and to be free, it made it even better. Her thumb stroked the nape of his neck gently, as she pulled away for a breath, her cheeks a little flushed.

"I know but its polite to ask first," Charlotte said as they filled the boot with all of robbies belongings. At his words she could feel her eyes fill with tears but she refused to let them fall, wrapping her arms around her tightly she hugged him, whispering into his ear "and I love you." After taking a moment to pull herself back to reality she bundled into the car and gave directions on how to get to Ryan's house. As they were making their way she made a list of all of Robbies allergies, favourite meals and favourite shows.

Ryan shook his head, laughing, "you are practically Lara Croft just without the guns at this point." He her close, his arms wrapped around her waist as they kissed. He could feel his heart rate speeding up the longer it went on and when they finally pulled away he let his eyes lock with hers, noting the change in the colour of her cheeks, "what did I do to deserve someone like you in my life"
International star

Henry held onto her tightly, pressing his lips to the top of her head. "It's gonna be okay. Whatever this is, whatever the fuck this rubbish is, it's all gonna work itself out no matter what. I'm gonna do whatever I can to help you." He drove along, his hand resting on her thigh, stroking her with his thumb gently he pulled up. Turning the engine off, he took a deep breath. "Robbie will be in the best hands, with a proper adult, who can keep him warm and safe. Someone who can have his undivided attention." This felt weird, going to a teachers house.

Mila grinned slightly. "I just need the little leather shorts and badass boots and I think I could pull it off. Maybe that's what I'll wear for Halloween this year, that could be interesting." She gazed into his eyes for a second, leaning up just to give him a gentle kiss. "Hmm, you're a very kind, charming man so I think you deserve something a bit better than me in all honesty. When is your cousin coming round by the way? I should probably go hide in your pantry or something." She joked, letting her hands drop to his sides.
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