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a work in progress {rp}

Charlotte nodded in agreement, "we can pull through this shite, I know it." As they approached Ryan's house she could feel butterflies filling her tummy from the nerves. Turning to look back at Robbie she smiled, "You have my number on your phone so you can text or call me if you need anything, I'll probably pick you up from class some days when Ryan has to work a little bit later as well. but you are going to be in good hands I promise." She turned to Henry, and gave him a small nod and then got out of the car, getting Robbie out from the back and heading up to Ryan's front door, deciding she could come back. "you ring the bell," she said to Robbie as she lifted him up so he could reach the buzzer.

Ryan felt a smirk form on his lips, "well that's an even bigger reason for me to hold a halloween party, isn't it?" he pressed another kiss on her lips, feeling like he couldn't get enough of her. "mm that's utter rubbish Mila and you know it." He shrugged his shoulders, "no clue, I did ask her to drop me a text but " and before he could finish the door went, "well that's probably them, just.. hide somewhere." he said quietly, waving his hand at the stairs before heading to the door and opening it up. "Hey tiger," he beamed down at Robbie, "You've grown at least another foot since I last saw you," he lifted his head back up to meet Charlottes eyes, "Come in, come in and your trouble maker of a friend can come in as well if he wants to take Robbie's stuff in."
International star

Henry gave her thigh a little squeeze. "Hell yeah we will, this is just temporary, until things get a little better." He got out of the car once they were ready and pulled the suitcase, as well as the bag of toys, out of the boot, locking the car he went up to the door, standing slightly behind them. This wasn't his turn to be an asshole to the one teacher that seemed to take a disliking to him. Lifting his head. "Cheers. And don't worry, I've got this." He nodded his head to all the bags in his hand and walked in after them, dropping them down on the floor, letting out a sigh. "Me and Charlotte are really grateful that you're doing this."

Mila gasped quietly when she eased the doorbell ring, praying they wouldn't look through the little window to see her, she panicked, he rhands flapping slightly. "Oh my god this is a distaste she can't see me here!" She whisper yelled, panicking, she simply legged it down the hallway and into the kitchen Adam hiding behind the door, holding her breath. There was no way she was about to be found out right now. Although Charlotte seemed lovdlg, her weirdo friend seemed to be a blabbermouth and spread everyone's gossip. It seemed that way.

Charlotte entered the house with Robbie by her side, he was acting a bit shy but brightened up when Ryan used his little nickname. "Yeah, we appreciate you helping out with this. Theres still no sign up mum for now," she said in a lower tone, hoping Robbie wouldn't be able to hear. 

Ryan nodded his head, understanding how difficult this situation must be for her, "well if you don't hear from your mum in say the next day or so just let me know and you can stay here as well. I'd rather that than knowing you are alone in that house." Robbie piped up with, "I' m thirsty.. " Ryan chuckled, pointing over to the kitchen, grab yourself something from the kitchen, it's just over there. He then turned to Henry, "Robbie's room is upstairs, I'll show you where." he said, grabbing one of the bags to give him a hand so that he wasn't struggling.

Robbie ran towards the kitchen, pulling the fridge door open in search of milk. Once he found the carton he struggled with it over to the countertop before realising he couldn't reach the cupboard that contained all of the glasses, "Charlieeeeee." he called, turning around and his jaw falling opening as he saw a girl hiding in the kitchen, "uh.. who are you?"
International star

Henry place does his hand on the small of her back and followed her up the stairs and into what would be robbies room. He put the toys and his suitcase down, smiling. "This is gonna be perfect for him, plenty of room for his toys and the big window for him to stare out of, he'll be right at home." He turned his head to ryan, smiling slightly. "Just make sure you plug his little might light in before he goes to sleep cos otherwise he'll wake up in the night crying." He looked st charlottes, grinning, "looks like he needs you."

Mila let out a sigh of relief when they all headed upstairs, glad the were gone and she could relax. She moved, only to freeze on the spot when a little boy appeared in the kitchen, her eyes like a deer in front of headlights. She put her finger to her lips and shook her head. What the hell was she supposed to do now? She could go into the garden but there was no point, she'd already been seen. "I'm.. I'm just the cleaning lady, I was looking to see if there was any dust behind here,"

Ryan wasn't entirely sure where Mila had hidden, he just hoped it was a good hiding spot. "yeah there's plenty of space in this spare room, I've made sure the cupboards are all emptied out so there's space for all of his things, and there is a desk that he can do his homework at as well if he doesn't want to work on it downstairs." he nodded his head when Henry told him about the night light, "Roger that." he said before watching as Charlotte went away, turning his head back to Henry and lowering his voice, "Listen, I know you've always looked out for Charlie and Robbie and I just wanted to thank you for that. Their mother is .. a character to say the least and I think this is the start of a bumpy road. So just keep an eye on her and let me know if things get harder, I'll try my best to be there for her as well as Robbie."

Charlotte checked around the room, making sure there was nothing ridiculous that Robbie could somehow get hurt on, "thank you this is perfect," she said with a grin, feeling a wave of relief come over her. This room was so much better than the one he had at home. Hearing her name being called she laughed, "I'll be back in a sec," she said before darting down the stairs, "what's up with you?" she said as she entered the kitchen, quickly turning her head to see who Robbie was pointing at and she was stunned. For a moment they all stood in silence, before Charlotte turned to Robbie and helped fill a glass with milk, "go upstairs and check out your new room," she said playful to him, watching him dart out of the room before she turned back to Mila, "so.. care to explain why you are hiding in the kitchen?"
International star

Henry watched as she went downstairs smiling at her, before looking a Ryan. "She's been my bed friend ever since I can remember, and I love her. She can't seem to see that it's not normal, the way she's been living." He kept his voice down, smiling when Robbie came up the stairs. "Look bud, you've got this his team bed all to yourself, and all this room to put your toys in. You're gonna have such a good long sleepover here." He went back to Ryan, nodding slowly. "Tell me about it. I've only met her twice, but god, that was enough. Charlotte is the complete opposite of her." 

Mila watched the little boy just tilting his head and pointing at her, God why were kids so annoying? She wished he'd just go away the little weirdo. Cursing under her breath when she heard footsteps. "Now look what you've done!" She stood up straighter oushing her hair from her eyes, she felt her ehart beating fast, her eyes meeting with Charlotte. Whathe hellnwas she supposed to do now! Think, Mila, think. "I uhm.. I've come for some private tutoring lessons. I just got a bit panicky when I heard you guys, I dunno why.." tutoring, sonthats what they called hardcore make out sessions.

Charlotte was practically stunned into silence, and the lies that came out of Mila's mouth just made her frustrated. "Do you think I'm dumb enough to believe that?" she said simply, shaking her head and leaving the kitchen and heading right back upstairs. Here she was, trusting her cousin to care for the most important boy in her life and he is hiding an affair with a student from her year. She could feel her blood boil as she got to the room, "I need a word with you Ryan," she said, her tone clearly reflecting the frustration she was currently had. 

"She hasn't known any other way, it's such a shame," Ryan admitted, and he leaned against the doorframe, watching as Henry interacted with Robbie for a little while before his attention turned to Charlotte. The moment he saw her face he knew what had happened. She had seen Mila. "Yeah of course, we can talk in here," he said, nodding towards his bedroom which was away from Robbie, "Whats u-" he started but was swiftly interrupted.

Charlotte couldn't contain her frustration, the moment they were out of earshot she let it all tumble out, "Care to explain why one of your students is hiding in your kitchen Ryan? Because if you come up with the same bullshit lie she just tried to feed me I swear to god I'm going to lose my shit." the anger on her face was evident and she could see Henry standing in the hallway listening to every word she was saying.
International star

Mila felt like the biggest idiot in the world, putting a hand to her forehead. How could she have been so stupid! Coming up with the worst lie possible, she was hiding behind the kitchen door, of course she wasn't going to believe her. Taking a couple of deep breaths, she rolled her shoulders back before tip toeing up the stairs, hesitating. Not quite ready to face the confrontation. She sat in one of the steps and simply listened to their conversation, hoping she hadn't ruined their family. Ryan was a good guy, he didn't deserve to be spoken to like trash.

Henry pulled some of robbies toys out of the bag and laid them out for him, picking up his etch a sketch and drew pictures with him. Charlotte was red in the face and he could hear the temper in her voice, something Henry liked to steer clear from. That didn't mean he didn't wanna hear the drama, however, and soon voices were being raised. Didnhe just hear correctly? Standing up, he followed to where Charlotte and Ryan were, the look of disbelief across his face. "What? What the fuck am I hearing right now, you're with a student? Isn't that shit illegal?!"

Ryan knew how bad it all sounded, and his mind was scrambling for a way to make it sound better, "Listen Charlie it's not entirely what you think," he broke off as Henry came through, displaying the same disbelief his cousin was, "yes but listen we aren't doing anything like that we just.. we just care for each other a lot," it was evident he was now in full panic mode, trying to find the best way to rationalise all of this to the pair of them, "we just fell for each other okay, and we know it's not right but it just happened." 

Charlotte was glad to see Henry share in her absolute dismay at this whole situation, "oh that's amazing you FELL for each other huh?! Here I am coming to you, putting a fuck load of trust in you to care for that kid and you are hiding another kid downstairs. You are married Ryan! You are her TEACHER. This is just so fucked up, regardless if you've been sleeping together. none of this should even be an issue that we need to discuss."
International star

Mila could feel the frown forming on her face. He didn't deserve to be spoken to like that, it was just wrong. Standing up she jogged up the rest of the stairs and pushed her way between Henry and Charlotte, standing in front of Ryan, she stared up at them both. "He didn't just fall for me.. we are in love, I love him with my whole heart, I don't know what I'd do if anyone else found out and we got split apart. Please Charlotte, please just believe him. He's a good man just trying to do his bes in the world." She was pleading now, desperate for her to understand, and also desperate not to get into trouble, either.

Henry couldn't believe this mans words, he was having it off with a minor and he didn't even see the issue?! Was Robbie even safe here? "Maybe Robbie should just come back to mine, at least we know he'll be safe there and not with some creep who goes after his own students." He went and closed robbies bedroom door, to make sure he couldn't hear any of the conversation. "we should report you both, we should tell everyone how disgusting both of you are.." he sighed, looking at Charlotte. This was her call, it was the only close family she had to look after Robbie.

Charlotte could hear everything Mila was saying but also couldn't take it all in. The reality was that Ryan was the only relative in her life that could care for her brother. If she reported him, he wouldn't be eligible to care for him and Robbie would be put into the care system. "fuck" she said, lowering herself onto the edge of the bed in the main bedroom. "clearly bullshit just runs in this fucking family," she finally said, lifting her head to look at Ryan, "I'll keep this secret as long as you look after my little brother. You are the only relative that can give him a proper life. But that doesn't mean I'm okay with... this." she said.

Ryan shifted his gaze to Mila when she came up, his heart warming as she defended him but he still felt like an arsehole. He knew he had just left his cousin down, as the only responsible adult left in her world he had just royally messed that up. "I swear on my life Charlotte, I'll care for him as if he were my own son." he moved over to her on the bed and put his hand in hers, lowering his voice, "I'm so sorry I didn't say anything sooner.. but please trust me when I say I would never do anything to mess this up." he gave his cousin a hug before stepping away again.
International star

Henry watched it all unfolds, and he could hear the genuine guilt in Ryan's voice. Itnwas much like his own and he could see the honesty. Though the situation was so wrong, maybe it was deeper than him or Charlotte would ever understand. They were just best friends who happened to be the same age and be in lov,e it was simple for them. "He will, won't you? No one would ever put Robbie in dangerous, Charlie, not if they had any sense at all, which clearly he has some." Once she'd calms,d he reached his hand out for her and pulled her close. "Come in, let's say bye man and then we can get some pizza." He kissed her in the top of the head.

Mila could feel the guilt ripple through Hernandez like an infectious disease. What the hell was she doing, playing around like this? It was so wrong, it was so evil. His marriage had been split up because of this, her grades were in the line, and so was his job, if anyone else ever found out. "Thank you so much Charlotte." She nodded once, at her, letting her hand reach next to her and grasp on to Ryan's, closing her eyes. Their relationship was never going to be simple.

Charlotte nodded her head a little, "I left a list of allergies and what not for Robbie downstairs, call me if anything happens." she said faintly, moving away from the two of them, barely able to even look. She popped in to give Robbie a big cuddle and kiss before leaving with Henry. The moment they were in the car she just rested her head back against the seat and felt the tears roll down her face. "why can't my life just be easy for once." she finally said.

"Of course I'll take care of him, he's safe." Ryan said, watching as she went to go and say goodbye to her little brother. He held onto Mila's hand, giving it a small squeeze to say thank you for the support. "Goodbye," he called, as the pair left and he let out a large sigh. "well that... was what I like to call an absolute train wreck." he finally said to Mila as they stood in the living room. His whole body felt tense and he just tried to pull his shit together, flopping down onto the sofa. "at least they won't say anything about us"
International star

Henry waved to Robbie but didn't want to make it harder for him, so quickly followed Charlotte out and climbed into his car, sitting there. He leaned over and opened the little compartment and pulled out a tissue, turning to face her, he dried her eyes gently. "Pizza to go it is. I can't be sat opposite you like that, they'll think I've been bullying you." He joked, trying to lighten the mood. "We just,l well, need to ignore that, that's nothing to do with us at the end of the day, no matter how disgusting it may be, he's still someone who can look after Robbie." He put his seat belt in, tapping his fingers in the steering wheel.

Mila watched them go, and then frowned. Following him into the living room, she sat in his leg, using her toes to balance herself, pulling on the hem of her shirt to distract herself more than anything. "This is just a shit show, weherever I go I just seem to bring trouble along with me. All I seem to do is apologise to your that isn't even enough, I just wreck things." Her hands balled into little fists and she took a few deep breaths, counting to ten. "I trust charlottes I do. That stupid boyfriend of hers.. he's a different kettle of fish, rumour has it he's spread a picture of his ex girlfriend cos she spread one of him."

Charlotte rubbed her eyes quickly, trying to not let the tears turn into full-blown water works, "can it be a big pizza to go?" she said with a little laugh, looking over at him. Henry was now the only person she trusted and she didn't think he would ever break that bond.  "I mean they wouldn't be wrong, you do bully me regularly y'know." she laughed, letting out a small sigh. "I know. It was just a huge shock to the system, that's all." she pulled her own seatbelt in and nibbled on her lip a little. "So this party better have plenty of alcohol at it, because I need it more than ever."

Ryan watched as Mila balled her fists up and he ran his hand along them, "It's not just you the trouble is following, it's our relationship. Trouble just surrounds us because we are forbidden but it won't stop our love from growing stronger. We can fight through all this bullshit, together, I promise." he said, holding her hand in his. "Jesus.. that's mad. Wonder if that had anything to do with someone practically knocking Charlotte out earlier today. The gym teacher was having a right laugh about it earlier." he let his mind wonder off for a moment before shaking his end, "No, I don't think Henry would say anything, he cares about that kid a lot."
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