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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Henry nodded his head as he began to drive to the Hut, humming quietly to the song that was on the radio. "Honestly the bigger the better because I dunno about you but I'm absolutely starved babe." He parked up and turned the car off, turning to her. "Hang on a minute, I'm pretty sure you're the one that bullies me, you are the meanest one in this relationship. Right, what pizza do you want? And any sides?" He took her hand, letting his thumb rub along her fingers gently, bringing her hand up to his mouth, pressing a kiss to it.

Mila let her hands unfold gently as he rubbed them, sighing again, she finally looked up to meet his eyes, lacing theirnfingers together and giving his hand a little squeeze. "I just can't wait for when the school year is over and I can finally just have younall to myself, without anyone else getting involved. That's all I want." She used her tip toes to bounce herself slightly, falling from one butt cheek to sit her on his leg. "Yeah him and Heidi broke up finally and Heidi tricked to get back at him by posting his peen everywhere." She giggled.

"SAME" Charlotte said, feeling her tummy rumble a little as he asked her what she wanted. "just go for a bbq chicken one with some sort of wings as a side pleaseeee." she said with a big grin on her lips, thankful that he was going into the place on his own so she could hide in the car. She sat on her phone, noticing that on their years Facebook group page that both pictures had been uploaded and people had left loads of comments under both. Her eyes lingered over the one of Heidi, she was much better looking than Charlotte, at least in her opinion, maybe Henry would find her ugly or less attractive if they got as far as Heidi and him clearly had.

Ryan nodded his head in agreement, "we will finally just have each other, no one else to bother us. I honestly can't wait for that beautiful." he said, pressing another kiss against her lips, letting his hand move from hers to play with her hair. "Damnnn that is pretty embarrassing" he said with a laugh as he let his hand run through her hair and against the side of her face. "what would you like to do this evening princess? The kid is gonna be up in his room unpacking so he won't bother us at all." he said with a small smile on his lips.
International star

Henry nodded. "Okay I'll be back in a second, keep me updated on the goss." He kissed her cheek and then got out and walked in to Pizza Hut where he placed his to go order, an extra large BBQ chicken and an extra large pepperoni, with BBQ wings and garlic bread, and a large Pepsi too. He paid and then sat down and waited, scrolling through his phone, he sighed slightly as the pictures were now everywhere and they were all slagging Henry off, and of course Charlotte was the hero. He locked his phone and went and picked up the boxes. Legging it back to the car he jumped in and dumped them on her lap. "Mhmm I cannot wait to eat these." He started the car up and drove back to his.

Mila slid herself a little closer to him on his lap, her hands on his shoulders, she ketntheirnlips linger for just a bit longer, keeping their faces together. "We should run away so no one can ever find us and we could just live together forever." She laughed quietly, , restingnher forehead in his shoulder, she just relaxed there for a while, letting him play with her hair. Thinking about it for a while, she turned her head in his shoulder and kissed his neck ever so gently. If they were basically alone all night, maybe now he might have changed his mind. "We could just chill.. watch some Netflix.. get comfy.." she whispered, kissing his jawline.

Charlotte lifted her head up when he arrived back at the car, opening his door for him so he could get in. The heat from the pizzas warmed her lap and the aroma of fresh dough filled her nostrils. "nor can I," she said, lifting the lid of the pizza box enough to sneak a slice out and take a few bites of it. "oh it's gooooood" she said mockingly as he had to focus on the road. Finishing off the slice she licked her fingers clean. "hopefully people aren't gonna be arseholes to you tonight." 

Ryan loved the sound of getting away and starting a new life with Mila, it would be a dream considering the current mess that was going on with his wife. "that sounds divine," he said in a soft voice, stroking her cheek soothingly. "mmm," he mumbled as she kissed along his neck, "Netflix is always good," he said, turning his head so that she was now kissing his lips instead of his jawline. His hand sliding to the back of her head to support it as they kissed for a rather long period of time before he finally pulled away, "I'm sore I have some movie watching snacks somewhere.."
International star

Henry glanced over st her while they were stopped at traffic lights, gasping rather dramatically. "I can't believe you just ate a slice without even offering me a bite, that's like the ultimate betrayal, I get an extra wing for that." He teased, pulling up he grabbed a couple of the boxes from her and got out, grabivng his school bag too and went insidem flopping into the sofa and kicking his converse off. He hadn't really thought about it until now. "I justdont see how I'm the bad guy in all of this.. she started it all.. and yet she gets no shit at all." He pulled off a slice of pepperoni and chomped on it.

Mila leaned against his chest, just slightly, so that he was leaning back and it was a little more comfortable for them both while she carried on kissing him, her hand sneaking up the hem of his top. "Just imagine it.. we could go to some magical Caribbean island and just stay there and sunbathe forever." She indulged in their kiss, her heart beat racing slightly pulling at his bottom lip with her teeth, she eventually pulled away, laughing quietly. "Snacks are always good. I love a good snack." She winked, kissing his cheek, she sat back up straight. 

Charlotte grabbed her bag from the backseat which she had packed with an outfit for tonight as well as some makeup and followed behind Henry as they headed inside. She kicked her shoes off and dropped herself onto the sofa, flinging the box open and having another slice. "she's just popular, the popular girls always come out on top. Haven't you ever watched a movie?" she said with a small laugh before taking another bite of her pizza. "Lets just hope she doesn't try and most more photos or anything." 

Ryan closed his eyes for a moment or two, imagining this incredible island they could live on. "with the sand between our toes and unlimited refills of drink that's held in a coconut. Sounds like a dream." he chuckled, opening his eyes back up and smiling at her. "well I'll see what I've got, you can pick something to watch." he said as he got to his feet and vanished into the kitchen. About five minutes later he came out with popcorn and a box of maltesers.
International star

Henry put his feet up on the coffee table, slinging his arm shoulder and scratching the top of her head with his fingertips. "If only they knew what a nasty piece of shit she was, they'd soon have a different opinion of her. But me spreading those kinds of texts would just make me stoop to her level." He wasn't about to admit to sending the photo of her, he dreaded what Charlotte would say if she knew. "Do you know what, all I got from the lads were asking if it was real and if they could see it when I was changing, which was really weird." He laughed, picking up a wing and munching on it. "I hope she didn't hurt you too much when she pulled your hair."

Mila sighed happily. That's all the wanted, a romantic holiday where they could lie on the beach together and sunbathe and get drunk and fool around, and there was no one else to bother them. Maybe one day. "Hey, we'll have to do something like that for my 18th, celebrate in style or something. We could go once school is done." She sat in the sofa once he'd got up, sat on her knees, clapping her hands together when she saw the popcorn. "Oooo my favourite snake of all time." She crossed her legs beneath her and sat down properly, pushing her hair from her shoulders. "Can I just's so weird being in your house right now."

Charlotte chuckled a little, shaking her head, "so what you are telling me is that she didn't shrink the image?" she smirked cheekily at him, taking another bite of her pizza before saying, "I'm only joking of course" she shrugged a little, looking away from him and down at her food. "it sounds so childish when you say it like that, like something out of the kindergarten playground its ridiculous. Thankfully I'll survive." she finished off another slice of pizza before having some of the side that she ordered. After a few wings she packaged both back up and set them aside, "and I'll eat the rest when we get back." 

Ryan gazed into her eyes, celebrating with her in style sounded like a pretty good idea. "you know what, why don't we go that? Get away for a bit, out of this rainy country and somewhere warm to celebrate. We could get our own room with a pool on the balcony area. Cocktails brought to us whenever we wanted." He had returned with snacks and spread them out on the coffee table. "Yeah I get that, but it's nice having you here." he paused, gazing around the living room, "it'll be great once this place starts feeling like mine again rather than tainted with the past. And what better way to start that than with having you here?" 
International star

Henry gasped at her, shoving her in the arm gently. "I can't believe you've just said that Charlie, first of all why re you sneaking looks and secondly, you can't have looked that well." He laughed softly, finishing off his pizza in record time, the boy was hungry, he just didn't realise how bad until the food finally touched his lips and he had devoured it within seconds. Patting his stomach softly, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, he pulled her in to him. "Good, now you've finished that, I can do this." He let his hand graze along her cheek gently, pulling her into him and kissing her properly, with meaning, and intensity. He hadn't had the pleasure so far but it was what he'd been yearning for all day, and now he finally could, without any consequences.

Mila grinned slightly, she didn't think he'd actually agree to the idea, but the more she thought about it, the happier it made her. "That actually sounds amazing.. I can't remember the last time I went in, it's gotta be months." She sighed, shaking her head. Okay so maybe her parents were strict, but good grades meant great rewards, and Mila loved the holidays she got to go on. She kicked her shoes off to get comfortable, leaning into the nook of the sofa, picking up a bag of maltesers she stuck ancojple in her mouth and chomped on them, looking around the room. "I guess I just need to get over the fact you're my teacher and just accept that you're my boyfriend, too. I still find it weird.. but I love it." She took hisnhand and pulled him down so he was sat on the sofa with her.

Charlotte gasped, "sneaking looks? sweetie the whole school has seen your friend now, makes it pretty difficult to avert my gaze from the image." she couldn't help teasing him, she had done it all her life. When he pulled her in for a long deep kiss she felt her stomach turn into a mess of butterflies as she held him close to her. Taking in every single second of it before pulling away and blushing. It was still odd, kissing her best friend, but it was so damn good. "think I'll pop in the shower, I didn't have time for a proper one this morning." she said with a small smile before vanishing upstairs and into the bathroom.

"Well that's something we can look into," Ryan said with a happy smile on his face before being pulled down to sit beside her, he put his arm around her shoulders and used his other to sneak some Maltesers out of the packet, "I know it's a little weird but first and foremost you are my girlfriend and I will do my best to protect you from anything that may come your way" he pressed a kiss to her cheek, using his other hand to scroll through their movie options on the tv in front of them. He loved being able to be this intimate and normal with her, most of the time they had to be so sneaky and careful and now look at them.
International star

Henry smirked just a little when she pulled away, it had left him slightly breathless but it was one of the best feelings he'd had, it wasn't like when he was with Heidi, and everything was false. Kissing his best friend felt like the best thing in the world, and he never wanted to stop, it had come to an end far too soon for him. he stretched his arms above his head and nodded. "okay, I'm gonna try and choose something to wear, I'm still not feeling too confident about going so I just pray there's a tonne of alcohol." He got up after her and went and put the leftovers in the fridge for later, and then headed into his room and flopped down on hos bed, pulling his phone out his pocket.

Mila was enjoying the freedom she had gained with him, it was one more place they were able to hang without anyone or anything interfering, and they didn't have to sleep in a dodgy little hotel, either. "well thats good then because I'd be awfully sad if I loved you and I wasn't your girlfriend." she smirked slightly, leaning into his side as she watched whatever was on the tv, but that was the last thing on her mind. she turned so that she was facing and reached her hand up to rest against the side of his neck and kissed him softly, leaning up on her knees so that she could reach him a little better without either of them being strained.

Charlotte called back to him as she ascended the stairs, "there bloody better be plenty of alcohol there otherwise I'll be disappointed." she closed the door behind her and stripped out of her clothes, turning the shower on and getting in. She always had quick showers so it didn't take long for her to wash both her hair and body. Most of her usual products had been hidden she guessed as she had settled for using what she could only assume to have been what Heidi had left behind. Once she was done she clambered out the shower, drying herself off and wrapping the towel around her before heading into Henry's room.

Ryan knew that this is what he wanted his life to be, simply with Mila be his side through thick and thin. It was crazy how five years with his wife had never made him feel this way yet a few months with Mila and he felt the best he ever had. He pulled her into him, kissing her passionately but as he felt things getting too heated he pulled away, but keeping their faces close, he spoke softly, in almost a whisper, "I know you want too Mila... but I'm just not ready yet." he said, his eyes locked on hers hoping not to have upset her at all.
International star

Henry looked at all the messages that were being sent in the years group chat and sighed, Heidi's nudes were being spread like wildfire and he was starting to feel just a little bit guilty about it. He really shouldn't have retaliated but she had just made him so mad, he didn't know what else to do. he put his phone down when charotte came back into the room, a big smile on his face. "you always look so beautiful when you're all fresh faced out the shower. it always amazes me." he sat up, scraping his fingers through his hair. "I'm just gonna nip for a quick shower myself." he grabbed his towel off the radiator and headed into the bathroom.

Mila swore under her breath when he pulled away, she glared at him but she couldn't be too mad, she had to respect his wishes but damn, she couldn't keep her hands off him for much longer. "I thought you'd want to.. now hat you and her are over, now it's not cheating.." she sighed and let her hands drop from him chest and she sat back down on the sofa, crossing her arms, embarrassed. "is there something wrong with me, ryan? because i just don't get it.. what you aren't ready for." she was trying her best to stay calm but it was proving very difficult when all she wanted to do was jump his bones.

Charlotte couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head at him, "you are full of shit sometimes Hen," she said playfully, watching as he headed out the room before drying her hair and then dropped the towel and changing into the little red strappy silk dress she had chosen to wear tonight. Plopping down on the stool infront of his desk she pulled her backpack over and fished out her makeup. Her phone sat next to her and she began listening to some music on Spotify to get her in the mood to party.

Ryan couldn't help but grown ever so slightly, why did not wanting to sleep with her always lead to some sort of argument. It generally highlighted the age gap in their relationship, "it wasn't just about not wanting to cheat.. I just feel like we should wait a bit." he sighed, resting back against the sofa and ruffling his hair up as she spoke, "there is nothing wrong with you, if there was I wouldn't be dating you Mila." he looked over at her, seeing how frustrated she was about this whole situation, "why does it frustrate you so much that I'm just not ready?"
International star

Henry shook his head at her comment but let it go, he knew she didn't have the best self esteem but that didn't stop him from thinking she was possibly one of the most beautiful girls he'd ever seen in his life. he washed his hair and body, shaving the tiny bit of stubble that he had. it felt good that he could finally start growing a beard but it was also one of the itchiest things ever. he got out and wrapped the towel round his waist and went back into his room, going and standing behind her. "usually I would keep these comments to myself but.. damn. you in that dress.." he smirked, sitting on the end of his bed. she'd only just started her make up so he had a good half an hour before he needed to get dressed.

Mila listened to him, staying quiet while he spoke, but she was finding it real hard to bite her tongue. "it frustrates me because i've never done that, and I have never felt ready and now I really do feel ready and I can't get it off my mind.." she admitted, her cheeks beginning to burn up. "I just don't get it.. I thought it would be what you want. and now I feel real dumb and unsexy."she sat up on the edge of the sofa, digging her nails into her palms. "I might just go.. I'm feeling real silly right now."
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