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a work in progress {rp}
International star

Henry grinned at her. "I feel like a new man I swear, it's so liberating to just be.. me, and not have to bother with anyone or anything. Just me and you babe." He rested his forehead against herself, gazing into her eyes. God he felt so lucky, not only was fantastically in love with his best friend, which he hadn't quite admitted yet, but her feelings were the same and now they could spend possibly, well, forever together. "I'll never get over kissing you.. it's great." He smirked, pressing his lips to hers gently.

Mila stood next to him, her eyes glancing across all the different bottles, she hardly recognised any of them. Of course she knew the names of them but she'd never really experimented with drinking. "Noooo I think the most I've done is a jelly shot at my cousins birthday or something.." he let him show her how to do it and then smiled, following in his steps she licked the salt and then downed the shot, gagging slightly, she bit down on the lime, shaking her head and now laughing. "That is awful."

Charlotte loved seeing him so confident, it somehow transferred to herself. Though she was still a little nervous about the fact they were now dating with only a day having passed since he broke up with his ex. Perhaps it was the booze talking but what if he was using her as a rebound? shut up she thought to herself, snapping away from her worried thoughts. "lucky for you this lipstick doesn't transfer," she said with a laugh as they kissed again.

Zack couldn't help but laugh at the adorable face she made as she bit into the lime. "yeah it's not great yet somehow it is? madness I say." he chuckled, handing her the rum and coke once she has discarded her lime. "apparently the salt is meant to mask the taste of cheap tequila but I don't believe it." he moved a little closer to her again, taking a sip of his own drink. "I know I've said it already but you seriously look stunning tonight Mila"
International star

Henry nodded his head. "That's very true but I think it's the red lipstick that's doing something for me.. maybe that's my aphrodisiac or something." He ran his thumb along her bottom lip gently, winking at her, he looked down at her cup, raising an eyebrow. "Come on slowness coach you need to keep up with me tonight, I'm not having you remembering everything and being able to take the mickey." He teased her, tucking some of her hair behind her ear, letting his hand linger against her shoulder. "How am I so lucky,." He whispered.

Mila took a sip of the rum and Coke and although it was still a little strong, it was much better than the shot he'd just got down her throat. "Hmm I think whoever told you that as lying to you Zack." She let herself lean into him a little more, their bodies now leaning together, she had one hand on his chest to balance herself while she stood with him. "Well I have to say you're looking kind of good tonight, too.." she said quietly. She felt horrible, she did. It was wrong, she had a boyfriend. But god it felt nice to be wanted, for someone to want her body.

Charlotte kissed his thumb as he rubbed it against her lips, "well I shall have to remember that for the future won't I?" she smiled, looking down at her cup and shaking her head, "fine! the race is on." she said as she lifted the cup to her lips and downed the contents in one. "but we both know I have a good memory and will be able to mock you for everything regardless of how much I drink tonight." she said with a small giggle, watching as his hand moved some of her hair out of her face.

Zack shrugged his shoulders, "it was the internet which holds many secrets, but a lot of bullshit." he laughed, looking down at her as they stood closer together. He laughed light heartedly, "well I'm glad I kind of impress you, I think that has to be the best job I've ever done." he lifted his cup to his mouth and took another drink. "You are such a mystery you know that Mila," he said as he put his cup down and moved his hand to touch hers on his chest. His other reaching out to move some of her hair behind her ear but his hand lingered against her cheek for a few seconds afterwards.
International star

Henry was trying his very best to behave himself. But he vowed to take it slow, and whatever Charlotte was happy with he was happy with. He was just happy to call her his. "I mean I think that's borderline bullying me, and I might have to telly my mommy in you, Charlie." He smirked, prodding her nose gently with his thumb, before finishing off the beer in his hand and waiting for her to finish she drink. He mainly wanted to get out the living room, it was getting a little too sweaty for his liking and he needed a little fresh air before he got too clammy.

Mila grinned wider. "Well that explains everything then, doesn't it. Didn't you listen when you got told not to believe everything you read, Zackary?" Her fingertips gently tapping on his chest, and she was really enjoying his company, she was. Having attention on her she felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Maybe the alcohol had something to do with it too, but she didn't care. Her hand nuzzling into his hand gently, she locked eyes on him, Zack was danger and she knew she shoukdnhsve run at that point but her legs felt like concrete. "A mystery?" She asked.

Charlotte smirked at him, "your mum loves me she would just tell you to stop being a silly little boy." she giggled playfully, "can we get some air?" she said, nodding towards the back door and slipping outside. Zack's garden was huge but her eyes instantly noticed the seat swing and she hurried off to it and plopped herself down. She opened up her handbag and pulled out a cigarette, placing it between her lips and lighting it. This was a new habit, probably been going on for the last few months and it was one way she relaxed from stress. "thank fuck everyones being nice tonight,"

Zack rubbed his thumb across her soft cheek, letting his fingers get lost in her hair afterwards. His eyes were looking deep into hers, exploring her soul with his own, "If I listened to everything I was told I would have stopped trying a lot of things a long time ago.." he said distractedly, pulling her closer to him so they were closely against each other, "a beautiful mystery," he said softly before pressing his lips against hers, holding her head in his hand as he did so. The taste on her lips was mixed with tequila and cherries? he wasn't sure but it was intoxicating.
International star

Henry frowned, pretending to look very hurt. "That's really unfair.. she says you're the child she wished she always had, like, as if I'm not good enough, I think I might run away forever." He stuck his bottom lip out before following her into the kitchen, squeezing through all the bodies and out to the garden. Taking in a deep breath and sitting down on the grass, he rested his hands behind him and leaned down on them, watching her. She made a filthy habit look luxurious, but he'd always vowed to himself he wouldn't do it. "I know.. but have you noticed, Heidi and her little clan aren't even here. Maybe they took the hint."

Mila felt a shudder down her spine, and it wasn't a particularly good feeling. This was all wrong, it wasn't Zacks hands rhatbshe wanted on her, it wasn't his lips she wanted against her. But there was just something about him that was making her unable to leave. Their lips collided and her eyes closed for a second, but her body wasn't pulling away and she didn't know why. She let her hand drop from his chest and onto his waist instead, pulling away eventually, her cheeks a little pink, she was embarrassed. "We should t have done that.." she admitted. She'd just be another number of his endless list of girls.

Charlotte smiled brightly, "your mum adores me and it's a fact sweetie,". As Henry spoke she let this thought about Heidi linger in her mind as she took a few drags on her cigarette, "unless they are planning something big? I mean she did threaten to release some sort of .. degrading video of you." she finished the sentence in a bit more of an awkward tone, not sure of the best way to really repeat what Heidi had said earlier in the day. "or maybe her releasing that photo of herself has scared her incase she messes up again?"

Zack felt like it was only the pair of them in the room and the longer their lips were locked the more he yearned for her. But she finally pulled away and he respected that, looking into her eyes with a smile which faded slightly, "did you not want too..?" he said, hoping he hadn't pushed her into anything but she had been giving him all the signs of being interested. "I'm sorry if I've upset you" he said, stepping away a little to give her some space. 
International star

Henry pushed his finger in and out of the mouth of his beer bottle. Laughing to himself, the popping noise it made amusing him slightly. "I just think she's realised not everyone will lick the floor she walks on.. and spreading her own nude, well, that was stupid wasn't it." He said, ruffling his hair around, not quite making eye contact with her. He felt awfully guilty about it but she deserved it. "If she uploads the videos she'll only be shaming herself again." He looked back at her, a small smile on his lips. "I just don't want her upsetting you, that's all." He looked down at his empty bottle. "It's your turn to get the drinks ain't it?" 

Mila sighed, the sad thing was she had quiet enjoyed it, and she knew Zack was up for more, which is what she was craving the most. "No I just.. I kind of have a boyfriend but.. things between us are tricky right now." She admitted. Her hand running down until it was against his be,t and she hooked her fingers in his belt loops. Zacks next moves would determine everything and Mila could feel her heart racing a bit more. "I just don't really know what I want." She frowned,d staring up into his eyes. Feeling a little bit hopeless.

Charlotte listened to him speak but let her head rest back and allowed herself to enjoy the cigarette. Once it was done she stubbed it out and leaned forward to slip it into his empty bottle of beer. "she's hurt from the breakup and seeing you with someone else so soon is probably killing her ego." she shrugged a little, "it makes sense for her to be annoyed at me but doesn't justify her behaviour at all." she nodded, getting to her feet. "I'll mix you up a special brew," she smirked, giving him a kiss before heading back into the kitchen to get some drinks.

Zack was pretty shocked to hear she was actually dating someone, "oh I'm sorry I had no idea you were with someone," he said a little awkwardly, but his voice fell silent as he felt her fingers which made him move closer to her again. His hand against her cheek and then along her neck, moving her hair behind her. "I want you.. " he whispered to her, getting closer to her again so that they were inches away now. "and I think you want me too..." he said as he pressed his lips against hers again.
International star

Henry looked over at her, listening to her as she spoke. "Good, I hope she's really fucking heart broken and she's crying over me, but I doubt it. I bet she's got someone in her bed right now.." he hadn't even noticed his hands clenched into fists as he spoke but he soon released them and instead rolled the bottle between his palms. He really hoped Heidi was suffering, after the emotional torture she'd put him though, it was what she deserved. "I don't know if I'm excited for that or not. Please don't poison me." He laughed, patting her bum gently when she walked away.

Mila didn't even really know what her and Ryan were any modem yes they loved each other but it was so complicated and she didn't know how much longer she could wait around, he rbjrthday was still months away and the hiding was getting to her. "You want me?" She whispered, her hands fumbling in the hem of his shirt, her fingertips now against his bare skin, she lifted her eyes, kissing him back gently. "I think I want you too.." she said quietly, finishing off her rum and Coke, wincing slightly at how damn strong it was.

The way Henry was talking about Heidi had Charlotte a little concerned, clearly he was hoping the worst for her but could she blame him? Heidi had pulled the ultimate dick move.. literally. But even so what if Charlotte was just a pawn for Henry to use... Charlotte shut the fuck up he cares about you she forced herself to think as she entered the kitchen. Noticing Mila and Zack locking lips before scurrying off up a set of stairs she just laughed coldly and shook her head. People were so fucked up these days. Going over to the arrangement of drinks she filled Henry's glass with a little bit of everything, and I mean everything. While doing so she heard someone say her name and lifting her head saw one of the nerdy guys she was talking to earlier, "hey you having fun?" she said with a smile.

"I want you," Zack repeated again, locking lips and kissing her passionately. Once she downed the remainder of the drink he lead her away from the kitchen, deciding that this was the perfect time for a lot more privacy than they currently had. He lead her up the stairs where it was much quieter and into the third door along the corridor which just so happened to be his room. Once the door was shut behind them he pulled her in to him again, kissing her passionately and quickly.
International star

Henry could see there was something playing on her mind but he ignored it, waving her off before lying back on the grass, his eyes on the night sky. David smirked when he saw Charlotte come back into the kitchen. He'd had his eyes on her for a while but she'd never noticed him, not like that, and who could blame her? He was a lanky pale dude with acne you could play dot to dot with and glasses so thick they almost touched his eyeballs. "Hello, Charlie." He snorted, drinking from his drink, some sort of fruity cocktail he'd made himself. "Having fun with your lover boy? Oooo he's a naughty naughty man." He tutted.

Mila followed him up the stairs, stumbling slightly on her own feet and into the room, her heart was racing. This was gonna be her first time, her first time a boy was going to touch her. Was this how she really wanted it to happen? Their clothes came off faster than they could even think about it and Mila was underneath Zack suddenly, and his lips were in her body. But all she wanted was for it to be Ryan against her skin. She wanted to know how he would love her, how he would take her. She tried to push Zack off, shaking her head. "I can't do this."

Charlotte had accepted how quirky David was but they got on well enough and they had worked on several science projects together. She laughed, a little confused by his comment, "yeah we are having fun," she said pausing for a moment, "what do you mean he's been naughty? or are you referring to the ridiculous photo going around?" she said with a small laugh as she made up her own drink of vodka and Diet Coke once more. This time putting an ice cube into the cup before taking a sip of the liquid.

Zack was getting carried away, finally he was going to have her. He had had his eyes on Mila for weeks now but she had played so hard to get but now here they were. But almost as fast as it had started she was saying she couldn't, "what..?" he said, slowing down his kissing before getting off of her entirely, "but I thought you were up for it?" he said, now mildly irritated as well as confused. He sat on the edge of his bed, looking at her for some sort of clarity. 
International star

David shrugged. He needed to ruin Henry, Charlotte was going to be his and no one was going to get in his way. She deserved a smart boy, someone who would have a mortgage by the time he was 21. "You coukdnsayhat, I mean I know Heidi started it but he didn't need to retaliate with that photo did HE? he's just a very bad boy is that Henry, a good girl like you shouldn't be with him." His hand rested on her hip. Wow, finally seeing what a woman felt like, it was magical.

Mila putnhed hands over her chest, covering herself up, feeling all of a sudden very vulnerable. Ryan hadn't even seen her like this, Zack didn't deserve the opportunity. She sat up and scrambled for her underwear, pulling it back on to give herself some dignity, not being able to meet his eyes. "I thought I was ready.. but I'm not. Sorry.. it's just not right.." she slipped her tights back on and then her clothes, redoing her hair, making it eat again. "i think I should go home."
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